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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Incorrect: his normal version does four points and with a different trigger can't be prevented using Soul Stones. This one can be prevented using Soul Stones. A Master with 12 Wounds would be taking six preventing, on average, two and thus netting the exact same four damage (though naturally using up an SS from the opponent). A full health Lady Justice naturally would be taking seven so there it would be a good idea dealing one extra point of damage on average. Go on, try it. Run us through the likely outcomes against various Masters. The "almost" part of the "almost any" gets mighty big mighty fast, you'll see
  2. Oh aye, but it does help a (tiny) bit against Death Touch. I really don't see Wong falling to just Unmaking - heck, to simply chew through his 12 wounds you would need to do severe three times in a row hitting the no prevention Trigger each time against Wp 7 through Counterspell. Probably nearly impossible even without Liquid Bravery and with Fast from Oath Keeper.
  3. Counterspell, Armor (or does Levi ignore Armor?), high Wp, and a high possibility of Liquid Bravery (I know I take it for him a lot of the time). I dunno, I have found Wong to be one of the most durable Masters in the game.
  4. I once vented boiler at a fancy dinner party - boy, were my cheeks burning! . . . . . . I'm so sorry :( I just couldn't help myself It was like, just there...
  5. For fun, I thought about Levi against Gremlins Masters: Somer: Very difficult unless positioned very carefully due to the Loudest Squeel. Ophelia: Similarly extremely difficult due to the Second Loudest Squeel. Also very likely to have Liquid Courage further hampering Levi. Brewmaster: Yeah, sure. Wong: Utterly impossible, basically. Zoraida: Almost impossible. Ulix: Impossible to Wound makes it difficult. Wall of Pork might also. Mah: Yeah, sure. So two are feasible, two are almost impossible and three are surely difficult. I'm guessing that other factions would yield somewhat similar results.
  6. Really? That sounds maybe a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think? I mean, if we consider a Master in full health (or even just nearly full) with access to their usual defensive measures I would be somewhat surprised if Levi could consistently kill even half of the Masters in the game with a single activation. Unless I'm missing something really strange here...
  7. Looking mighty fine! Well done!
  8. Yan Lo with nothing but Wastrels would be rather awful...
  9. I like the bottom left the most. You could also consider adding some soot to the top of the chimneys once done in copper. Oh, that is a fantastic copper (or whatever that is), btw! Really lively and a great tone and highlights.
  10. Nekima is smaller than Collodi o_O Also, Kaeris' Totem looks weird. But I guess it's just the pic.
  11. It's just such a perfect example of unorthodox crew building while doing well in a competitive environment. And impressive show of out-of-the-box thinking and highly relevant surprisingly often.
  12. Dude! Your Foundry rocks on toast! A simply superb color scheme on the Metal Gamin and Rail Golem. Really lovely. I do agree with ZFiend that the Golem could use some pizzazz to make it properly pop. Maybe simply do the bands around the smoke stacks in copper to break up the black on top in front? But yeah, really great work all in all.
  13. A lot better! Also, that is a really, really nice Yan Lo! The mini is sorta difficult to make pop without crazy freehand or something like that but your scheme makes it work. Good job!
  14. Why do you need to transport it? Do you mean that you would take it in a crew because I thought you played only optimal stuff and Whiskey Golem really doesn't fit the bill.
  15. Marcus can do well without beasts even in tournament setting: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/104866-gunsmiths-for-hire-tournement-report/?p=777006 I would argue that the Masters who absolutely need the synergies are a distinct minority. Hoffman, Ramos, Kirai, Collodi, Ulix are what comes to mind. Then there are Masters like Lucius or McCabe who need Minions but they don't need to adhere to a specific theme. But most Masters can be used, at a bit of a disadvantage, though, outside their theme.
  16. I would argue that Tara is quite a bit less synergistic.
  17. http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/img/p/25-67-thickbox.jpghttp://www.eden-the-game.com/_userfiles/articles/article/430-soeur-clara-1.jpg http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Lilith.jpg http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/sites/default/files/pub/shop/ASS016_gg_3869.jpg http://www.meeplemart.com/resize/Shared/Images/Product/Anima-Tactics-Azur-Kirsten/Kirsten.jpg?
  18. :D But seriously, if this gets a FAQ entry (or errata) I can predict somewhat accurately what the result will be.
  19. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/100352-a-silly-tip-for-slow-painters/
  20. The latter - all Sisters' Ml damage goes up by +2. Costs 2SS.
  21. Is this a rhetorical question? If not, the short version is that he is Hoffman's older brother who was a genius and super good at everything but got wrecked by their journey through the breach. Ramos saved his life by turning him into a semi-mindless cyborg and Hoffman is trying to come up with a cure for his condition. I'm not sure why they decided to turn him into a steroid monstrosity.
  22. I really, really like Ironsides' box. Ironsides herself is in a bit of a "small" pose so she won't look like the centerpiece powerhouse that she is but otherwise she looks wonderful. Mouse and The Captain look great and the Oxfordian Mages are amazing (though I'm not a fan of the sculpted magic - hopefully she won't look too daft without it). :+fate Not a fan of the regular Tara but Karina and the Nothing Beast look great. I wonder if the latter has the same bottom as the Nightmare model (and would therefore be similar size-wise). And the Void Wretches are still really, really awesome. :+fate Whiskey Golem looks good. :+fate Molly's box looks nice but not nice enough to warrant buying since I have the metal version. Necrotic Machine looks really interesting - I must see the actual mini but it might be a really good one! Luckily Philipp is so bad that I won't miss not having him :+fate Brewmaster looks awesome! The man himself looks absolutely great, Fingers looks way better than in the art, the Moon Shinobis all look great! Apprentice Wesley isn't bad but I was hoping for him to be a bit smaller than what he looks in the render. But yeah, very happy with the box. :+fate Ryle I don't like. The muscles look horrid in a bad way. Urgh. :-fate Mech Rider - not a fan. The design is not to my liking and it looks like rather boring to paint. Johan looks surprisingly nice. I really like him! Too bad I already have both the old metal Johan as well as Johanna. :+fate Collodi herself I don't like at all - too featureless and boring. The Wicked Dolls are the complete opposite and look absolutely great! Vasilisa also looks good and Marionettes are all right. Not a huge fan of the girl's dress, though. :+fate Austringers I'm disappointed in. The kneeling one's pose is utterly weird and the hawk standing on one foot likes a complete nightmare. The other one is allright though not inspiring. I was really looking forward to these but now I'm having doubts. :-fate Pale Rider I like. The horse is a bit too chunky in a weird way (and the barding interrupts the flow of the mini in a strange way. But other than that I really like the details and the pose and the rider looks sweet! :+fate Widow Weaver is all right. Not spectacular but work well enough.
  23. Here's all the new ones: http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20322-Troubleshooters.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20520-HeraldofObliteration.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20603-WhiskeyGolem.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20207-TakeBacktheNight.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20615-ClosingTime.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20119-Ryle.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20324-MechanicalRider.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20513-Johan.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20409-MasterofPuppets.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20111-GuildAustringers.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20120-PaleRider.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20422-WidowWeaver.jpg
  24. They are all in the newsletter: http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20520-HeraldofObliteration.jpg http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20111-GuildAustringers.jpg
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