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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I mostly agree but OTOH Sammy has Bayou Two-Card so is pretty good at cheating and she was his Bodyguard target so I can see the logic behind the decision. Still, like I said, I mostly agree.
  2. I think that it is also worth noting that Levi, played in the killy mode, is extraordinarily good at getting three points from the Scheme himself so much of the time it just means that both of you will be getting the three points.
  3. Aye, don't sweat it. Malifaux is a really complex game and it takes quite a while until one is intimately familiar even with one's own models. And then there's the opponent's crew to consider as well But mostly it's a matter of getting games and experience.
  4. SS on defense on the Focus Action are, in my experience, the things that new players most often forget to use to their full effect and often, when people gain more experience, they start using both quite a bit more. A Focusing Young LaCroix is a scary, scary thing (I have killed, among other things, Lynch with one from almost full wounds). You can Lure a model affected by Twisted Legs just fine as it isn't declaring a Walk or Charge Action. Similarly you can Lure Paralyzed models. And Dirty Cheater on Raphael is indeed absolutely golden. And Sammy is really nice - Jynx is amazing! Even the Horror Duel version is good fun against low Wp Ressers. Just imagine if she had had Threatening Gun to order other Kin around with!
  5. The hat is a letdown (no texture, no features of any kind) and he seems to have an awful lot of hair. Still, a nice model.
  6. Nice report. Thank you for posting! On crew selection: I would give Sammy My Threatening Gun so she can order Ophelia around. Also, I always love Liquid Bravery against Ressers. First turn, I suggest doing less important stuff first. For example, I don't think that Ophelia was in any hurry to activate when she did. You could've gone with the other Young and loaded her with a third gun. Similarly, you could've held Francois back and done stuff with the less important guys first. Also, movement is king on the first round so Ophelia's Ooh a Girl or Threatening Gun are usually better (0)Actions than With My Eyes Closed. When Francois was shot by Seamus, you could've used SS on defense. That forces a negative twist to the damage flip as well meaning that it'll be more difficult to cheat thus usually "preventing" four damage from Seamus' gun. Also, Francois has Companion and Ophelia has Accomplice so you could've activated him right after Ophelia on the second turn when he was about to die? When Raphael was engaged and Fueled by Panic, why didn't you use Where'd He Go to get out of combat? His melee is really bad and you really shouldn't use it except in very special circumstances. Seamus is really difficult to kill but Ophelia+Francois tag team can bring him down during the span of one chain-activation. He heals really easy if you let him but his low Df means that he will die if properly concentrated on. Bete is nice against Gremlins but she does demand resources and, essentially, forces the opponent to play with one smaller hand. And not only that, but one smaller hand with the "missing" card being a 10+. That's huge. I still like Bete, but she can feel better than she is if you don't quite take the tax into account (since it's "invisible"). I'm not sure why you were wondering whether Bete could walk after Twisted Legs. She can't declare Walk or Charge Actions. That's pretty cut and dry Oh, and Plink can indeed reduce damage to zero (if the original damage was one).
  7. I think I have always succeeded in it when I have needed to get Wong away from combat but it is true that it likely costs resources to do so. Still, getting Wong out of combat is generally a lot easier than getting, e.g., Sonnia out of it.
  8. Huh? His Melee weapon has a Trigger for a Place effect? That's a pretty good way of getting away? Gremlins also have access to quite a few Push effects and finally things like a counterattack by Burt or Francois really ruins even a Blessed's day. I wouldn't try to kill Wong since he is one of the most durable Masters in the game. Marcus and his beasts can kill all of Wong's support easily, however.
  9. Not a big fan. It's ok, but one of the weaker Emissaries, I think. Then again, I really didn't like the concept and I still don't like how everything is big except the captive. But it isn't the worst Wyrd mini ever or anything like that. The boots go all the way up? I also don't understand the head. Is it really a bandaged guy wearing an enormous goat skull? But the sword is really bad. PP bad.
  10. True, but the effect is pretty easy to break with just a couple of things that align orthogonally. So maybe three pieces per mini as a happy medium?
  11. But those are horribly static and boring poses and the models look like lumps of featureless molten plastic. Or do they?
  12. Those are all solid choices for expansion. And you can most certainly get to playing with your original selection of models. Slop Haulers are great but not mandatory (and mine tend to die due to Trappers or Austringers in the first two rounds).
  13. I agree that going crazy about the bubble is a one-trick pony and Swilling is better but bubble can still be very useful and especially Ressers with their typically low Wp values don't appreciate it at all. But I agree that if your choices are between swilling or walking into a better bubble position, then swilling is often the better option. I think that Whiskey Golem is generally better with Mah than with Brewie. And I'm really looking forward to using Sparks with them. Trixie next to Lenny is a scary melee force
  14. She can tackle any Strategy/Scheme. She is fast and extremely killy at range. If there's a problem, killing opposing models usually gets things done. I would really suggest adding Slop Haulers into the mix of additions, though. They give good healing and are relatively cheap. And their debuff is amazing with Ophelia's crew. Lenny is pretty great as well: he makes Young LaCroix fearsome and can toss Ophelia but he is a bit more difficult to get since he is only available in the Somer box unless you can find the old metal one or someone is selling him as a single (which is possible due to the existence of the metal model). But yeah, other than those two, I think you'd be set for life.
  15. http://giveusyourmoneypleasethankyou-wyrd.com/collections/m2e-books-accessories/products/wyr20010
  16. The main difference is that Sammy, unlike Wesley has other awesome things to do with her AP than just Binge. I mean, Jynx is an utterly amazing Action. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't, just noting the trade-off if you do Sammy is, all in all, really good with Brewie.
  17. What do you base this on? I think that Rathnard has a lot of interesting things to say. Heck, he is interesting enough to have his own article series in the chronicles. I would actually love him to post more (I feel that his posting has gotten a bit more seldom lately). And his theme crews, though a bit hit and miss, are interesting and when they hit they hit hard (the Gremlin McMourning was absolutely amazing). Also, it doesn't reflect nicely on your opinion of me to think that I'm just randomly trying to start a ruckus. Not very nice and I'm not sure what I have done to earn your ire. Oh, and I do agree that reading quoted text on light theme is annoying. Luckily I tend to read every post even in long threads so quotes don't include new information so aren't all that crucial to read in detail. But if someone could look into the theme contrast bit more, I would be delighted.
  18. Sure. Andrea does these paint sets that are meant for painting a specific colour. I have their white and black paint sets but I've also used the red and blue ones that a friend had. You'll get a base colour and then darker and lighter shades. But there are some twists like the black base leaning towards purple while the highlights go more in the direction of pure grey. Good coverage and if there's a particular colour you find difficult, give them a try. Coat'd'Arms then. How long have you been painting? Do you remember the GW flip top hexagonal bottles from the nineties? They were really loved but then GW changed the paints and the pots and the pots got these horrible twisty caps that were really difficult to work with. Well, Coat'd'Arms are those classic, lovely paints that GW used to sell before that change. They were designed by Mike McVey and they are really nice.
  19. Stainless steel can still corrode. It is a lot more resistant to corrosion but not completely immune. And there are different degrees of corrosion-resistance. As for paints, aside from the usual suspects, I really like Andrea and Coat'd'Arms.
  20. I probably should've explained the site I linked to a bit better. It shows the contrast you get between background and text. Rathnard's text gets a contrast ratio of 1.1 when 1 is the lowest you can get. W3C (the organization that guides the development of the web) has guidelines about contrast ratios. For text this size, the contrast ratio should be 4.5 at a minimum. Doesn't mean that I don't need glasses or a better monitor or whatever, but that still a really lousy contrast by an objective measure. Not going to change my preferred theme due to one user's choice of a vanity font color.
  21. If Sammy has Binge, then Wesley can't cast it (and naturally the main use of Binge is to cast it on Brewmaster and discarding a Masks to get an extra AP for Brewie). But Sammy is really good and works nicely with Brewster. Now, as for what to add, Trixiebelle is the best model that Brewie can hire. Unfortunately you can't buy her alone but rather need the whole Mah box. But Trix - damn she makes Brewie sing. Aside from her, Slop Haulers are always good as are basic Bayou Gremlins. I'm also fond of Piglets and Hog Whisperer but it isn't a universally shared sentiment. Burt is great. He can deal real damage and also bunch up enemies for the Brew bubble. Merris LaCroix is always nice if you need a Schemer and feel that Fingers is too expensive.
  22. Finally listened to this one as there's been so much high praise for the podcast. I normally don't listen to podcasts as I find them tedious and a ridiculously slow way of conveying information though I understand that they are good stuff while driving. I was rather disappointed, to tell the truth. There wasn't much in the way of deep analysis, I thought. Got to disagree with the Bushwhacker analysis as their big problem is that, like Mah herself, they need to discard cards to do their thing. Also, their melee really isn't very special for a 6SS model at all. In fact, I would argue that it is downright lackluster. The Triggers are good but if you want to really use them, you need to control which one you get. The big thing they have is Wp6 which is quite handy but that's still probably not enough to really compete with Rooster Riders. All in all, there was a lot of theorying about all this various stuff that needs you to discard cards. A lot! And both speakers seemed to be super excited about these and sure, on paper, they look amazing. But once you really try to do them, you quickly note that things don't really work out that way. All in all I felt that a lot of the stuff that was said was about things I was excited when I read Mah. But once I put Mah on the table - those things just don't happen. Because you aren't discarding/cheating ten or so cards a turn. For example, Mah's Conflux. Great, superb, two chores! But you need to discard a card for it. As well as for all the other amazing things that Mah does. And Bayou Gators. Discard a card and they are pretty fast. *sigh* You did touch on this a tiny bit at the very end but didn't really analyze it much at all or discuss on how you should deal with it. And really, saying that her box crew is solid is... not very true at all. It has the most anti-synergy of any crew box available by a large margin. But really, there was very little deeper analysis or less obvious tricks. I did like how there was very little random chatter. And the sound quality was quite ok. And the basics of Mah were solid enough. I felt that there was enough emphasis on her Pushes as often beginners only look at that "there's a possibility to get six minimum damage with Ml8 with positive twists - hooray! I'm going to spend the whole game trying to set it up". And I liked the comparison to other Gremlin Masters part.
  23. Ah yeah, it depends a bit on which background you use. I use the black with the blah-blah imp. But this really is besides the point. Unless someone is actually arguing that pink on light grey has a fine contrast ratio.
  24. I used Paint since I don't have anything fancier on this machine. But interesting that the numbers are that different. OTOH, that screenshot looks quite different from what I see, so there's that as well.
  25. OK, checked the values: http://leaverou.github.io/contrast-ratio/#RGB%28225%2C170%2C225%29-on-RGB%28198%2C198%2C198%29 Still awful, surprise surprise.
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