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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Still, Stilts might not be a bad option for him since his Defensive Trigger means that dealing massive damage on a single attack is the best way of killing him off.
  2. Weirdly enough, I liked all of your suggestions. They are subtle enough to not upset balance and all seemed to fit the models very nicely. I would definitely add the Starter box models to the list of the ones in need of a buff, though. Especially Angel Eyes. Blood Wretches are a bit weird in that if you can give them Fast they turn quite viable but otherwise are a bit meh IMO. Here's my off the top of my head suggestions: Angel Eyes - add Nimble. Scion of Black Blood - add Hard to Wound Blood Wretch - add an ability which grants them Fast if something is killed within 2" of them (note that it won't help when they themselves kill something since Fast goes away at the end of the activation)
  3. Unless I'm mistaken, his Attack is Ml against Ht and Zipp's Ht doesn't enter it?
  4. The problem, as I see it, is that in a "normal" Gremlin list those models that you lock down could simply be killed. There are some models which are highly durable yet have bad Wp (Yan Lo being the ultimate example, I guess, though Chiaki ruins everything) but I haven't had much success unless the opponent had many such models. I did play Brewie quite a bit last spring but I don't consider myself an expert by any stretch so it is entirely possible that you simply execute the lockdown better and thus get more out of it, mind.
  5. It might not tbe the most razor-sharply optimal list for every situation but quite competitive nonetheless, I think. If I needed to go to a tournament and were allowed to buy, e.g., three things, that composition would be very high on my list.
  6. It should be just as important as anyone else's. Similar to random poster saying that they like Titania's boxed set, for example. But to be fair, others here were disputing the idea that a Master might have an effect on whether someone likes or doesn't like a given gaming experience which was the claim I was objecting to using myself as a trivial example. I do not understand that sentence. It doesn't seem to make sense. It's true that I haven't established that. I find it somewhat unlikely that I am unique with this opinion (in fact, I know at least one other person who really dislikes playing against Viks) but I suppose you can argue that if you want. Do you, Solkan? I suggest you read again what I said because that is not at all what I wrote. I said that there's two people who I enjoy playing most of the time with them playing Viks forming a notable exception. I dislike the fact that Viks games are often decided on the second or third turn. You can go to the battle reports forum and see this in action. Against most other Masters games are decided on turn three to five. I also dislike how easy the slingshot is to execute and how difficult it is to counter.
  7. It's a bit of a shame really - Akaname don't seem to be of any use to anyone in the Gremlin faction outside of Brewie (and even there I'm not quite so sure as going heavy Poison with Brewie is IMO by far the less effective way of playing him). I really hope that someone comes up with a reason for taking them in Gremlins.
  8. It is a fact that I dislike Viks' playstyle. I don't understand how you can claim otherwise. Unless you purport to know what I'm thinking and accuse me of lying (which would, you know, be nuts). Ergo, there's at least one person on this earth who likes certain playstyles while disliking others. You are free to claim that I am an absolutely unique snowflake in this sense but it seems rather dubious to say the least Fun that you took this as the most important thing to reply to and ignored my main point But you do understand that by your logic all reviews and criticisms are bad, right? For example, one should never read (or, God forbid, post) a review of a movie or an album or a book or whatever since it taints one's expectations. And discussing things that one dislikes is absolutely verboten since it might lead others to dislike the thing as well. Surely you understand how crazy that sounds? Also, I would really be interested in you spelling out examples of wrong taste. I mean, unless you mean something actively harmful like arson or meth or whatever, I'm really having a difficult time coming up with a wrong taste. Well, obviously liking Justin Bieber is wrong but other than that
  9. It's the fault of the Viks that they result in that particulat playstyle. That is happens to be a playstyle that I dislike is naturally no one's fault. And of course the word "fault" here is used in a somewhat silly way as I wasn't aware that this is such a serious topic. But if your main point of contention here is about semantics, fair enough, I guess. Mea culpa and all that. My main point wasn't semantics but rather that Master definitely has an important role in whether I end up enjoying a game or not. This is a fact. Now, it can also be that a Master doesn't have any effect in whether you (Rekthaur) end up enjoying a game or not. Not making that claim. But, and here we come to the actual gist of this conversation as far as I'm concerned, I posit that for many (maybe most!) people a Master has an effect and, furthermore, that some Masters are more likely to have a negative effect while others are more likely to have a positive effect. This is something that can be discussed as it is not an obvious fact. If someone groans at Viks because "Math Mathonwy on the Internet doesn't like their playstyle" then I must say that I don't feel bad. Sorry. Might make me a horrible person. You do realize that "subjective and wrong" implies that it's possible to have a wrong taste? That I am wrong in disliking games that I don't like. Good to know!
  10. Thank you so much, Justing, for everything you've done for Malifaux and the community. You will be extremely sorely missed! And really wishing you all the best in your new endeavours! Keep flipping those severes!
  11. I don't understand how it can not be the Viks' fault? They lead to a certain playstyle that I find unappealing. Of course that's their fault. Unless your point is that Viks can be played in a different style which, while certainly true, is kinda neither here nor there as this sort of discussion is naturally about the "normal" or expected style as opposed to some weird off-the-wall thing like a Marcus Piglet list or whatever. But that's a completely different point. I, nor anyone else here that I can see, is advocating forming opinions based on the predilections of others. But that doesn't invalidate that some people might find certain playstyles unappealing no matter how lovely an opponent is there employing that playstyle. And furthermore, there certainly exists a possibility (and I posit that this indeed is the case) that some Masters are more likely to induce this negative experience in players than others. I also think that it likely would be possible to devise a Master that would always result in a negative play experience - it would even be quite simple. A trivial example would be, I dunno, a Master like Perdita but with 100 AP. Would for sure be a bad experience every time. So if that is possible, it would be really weird if all the Masters happened to be on exactly equal footing when it comes to the likelyhood of a random person enjoying their playstyle.
  12. She does count as Neverborn, yes. (You can't take Lazarus with TT if your Master is McCabe since he is also Guild and this would be a similar case).
  13. I have played lots against this one dude. When he plays Viks, the games suck. When he plays Von Schill, it's always a fun game. And, here's the shocker, there's this other guy who I enjoy playing when he goes with Schill but dislike the games when facing Viks! And I have won and lost against both using both.
  14. Colette should also get a kick out of Hostile Work Environment
  15. It gives the target a Condition that adds a blast to any moderate and severe damage it suffers.
  16. Math Mathonwy


    So what plans do you have for our mechanic? Wong with Sparks and a Glowy Lazarus seems like a pretty potent combo. Sparks can give Laz Fast, can turn your other models into Costructs for Laz to Assimilate whatever, and he can Pack enemies with explosives to make an even bigger boom. Plus he has Accomplice to you can chain activate the pair. You could also add Trixie to Push Laz around and to win Ini for you. Anything else?
  17. Take a vacuum cleaner but use a pantyhose (or similar) to cover the nozzle - great for finding small parts lost in the carpet!
  18. It's also worth noting that the official Wyrd Webshop gets the stuff after the retailers do so he should be available in October from normal shops. I could see Hayredding as being pretty good with Molly since her Revelations becomes very good with that positive to Damage Flip. And Hayredding has Black Blood so Molly's won't be a problem for him.
  19. That's a great starting point! Welcome to the Bayou!
  20. So time it right, then! Note also that Lenny can lower the damage as can Armor (Mech Pork takes all of one damage for Reactivate if next to Lenny). Or, and this is most obvious solution, heal the Pig! There's lots of options on how to do it. Also, they are no slouches outside of the Pig synergy. In my last game with one I killed a full-wound Wrath with a Focused Charge from a Hog Whisperer.
  21. So making the game better is unnecessary? What is this I don't even
  22. So, just to make sure I understood what you're saying - are you saying that all the errata that was made was for the good of the game but unnecessary or that all the errata that was made was good but that now the balance is pitch perfect? Oh, and I have also played Malifaux 2e since it was out. In fact, I played Malifaux 1e since it was out as well. And I never once lost to the Nico Dog spam list which must mean that it was OK (if you don't know what I'm talking about, it was a list that summoned 50+ models to the table and was errataed away quite quickly).
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