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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. This is severely off topic but just to note that Napoleon being short is likely a myth borne of the fact that French and English inches at the time were different lengths. Napoleon most likely was of average height. I do agree that a Napoleon Lenny would be funny, though!
  2. You can cheat but that is costly - especially if you need to do it often. Incorporeal is always on (except when it's not, natch) even when you aren't willing/able to cheat from your hand.
  3. To be fair, that particular 4 Stone model is more durable than most 6 Stone models.
  4. Oh aye, I worded it a bit too harshly - didn't mean that the suggested sequence was worthless or anything - far from it! Just that it is quite costly in AP and therefore probably not suitable for all situations. Of course nothing forces you to do it six times.
  5. Note that Useless Junk says "when this model discards another Upgrade" (emphasis mine) so if in that sequence you'd need to discard the Stilts/Liquid Bravery. The sequence is also 12 AP which is rather a lot even if it is from cheap models.
  6. Oh wow, serves me right for not checking the book. It is 2 in the PDF cards that were released before the book (the ones with the "final official" stamp on them). Didn't know that it had changed from those cards to the book (the only change I knew of was the Mech Rider one).
  7. Dreamer's Cache is 2. But really, it looks like the Caches of the first book were made for fluff reasons while in the latter books they were used for balance. Von Schill's Cache is IMO the one in most dire need of revision.
  8. My Threatening Gun is superb for Sammy as the (0)Action lets her order Ophelia (even to shoot since Ophelia's positive twist cancels out the negative). An extra AP for Master is always welcome!
  9. These forums have been open for minis from all manufacturers since the beginning of Wyrd (2005 or something like that). Great stuff as usual, odinsgrandson - love the cats!
  10. I'll just note that I find this really quite condescending and insulting. The fact that you correctly guessed that Tara and Karina were apparently romantically involved (which I still find a bit weird because of the vast gulf between their mental capabilities) doesn't mean that all the rest of us are dumb-as-bricks as you keep insinuating (with bonus cutesy phrasing to boot). The writers could've just as easily said that no, they are just good friends and have a sort of a niece and her favourite aunt type of thing going on it would've still fit the stories just fine.
  11. There's a crazy amount of recycled art with even the same art pieces being used multiple times! That's pretty crazy. It's doubly a shame since the new art features some of the very best Malifaux art we've seen so far.
  12. used to be fun with Stuffed Piglets (didn't work when they sacced but much of the time they were killed). It might also see some use when employing Wrastlers if you're careful with the positioning (Diving Charge helps with that).
  13. The original wording already allowed for it but it was a bit weird. Now it's clear but I wouldn't call that a boost as such.
  14. I really don't think that you can call the Brewmaster errata a "significant boost". They have adjusted some models multiple times, though. Tara and her crew have gotten all sorts of adjustments in the form of erratas and 0-cost Upgrades.
  15. Have you tried the current Ophelia? I think that she is pretty comfortably T2. She still has access to 2SS models and her two new Upgrades are both good (and free for her if she does take those 2SS models). I think that she is pretty good.
  16. I think that it is worth noting that Collodi got quite lackluster new Upgrades while other Neverborn Masters got some really sweet ones. I think that it can be pretty confidently said that Collodi got the worst of the Neverborn lot. There's a lot of flux going on currently so I, too, would wait until the dust settles until calling for further n€rfs. That said, I do think that Collodi could be toned down and still remain very viable.
  17. @DogmantraI love the texture of the rope and you've got pretty good proportions going on! Also variable line width - good stuff!
  18. You are correct. I think that they are meant to be shooters. And they aren't half bad at it when they Focus. Their range is also very respectable. In fact, the only thing making them non-shooters is their weak damage of 1, basically.
  19. I think that Wave 5 models are already sorta plumbing the depths of the design space. Models from Waves 1-3 were IMO mostly such that you could make a pretty good guess about their performance by just reading the rules or by having your opponent explain before the game what the model is about in a couple of sentences. But Waves 4 and especially 5 have such really weird designs and complex interactions going on that I need to play a few games with a model before I can say anything about it's worth. I mean, look at the Tanuki or the Bayou Smuggler or Serena Bowman. They are really weird desings, IMO. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing but it makes the game more complex and more difficult to understand and keep pace with and if there's too many such really weird models, the game becomes really difficult to master.
  20. I think that Somer is a bit better as a hand advantage Master As @Nukemousenoted, you'll need to drop down to five cards in order to really use the Crier. You could do that pretty handily by using Lil Lass's Get Off My Land.
  21. Aye, that's why I noted "really low defense and no HtW or similar" - those are sorta rare, though. Oh, and no Armor +2, either. Outside of Neverborn I can't think of many such models, off hand. Have you had good experiences using Boost Their Confidence?
  22. I suppose so but I've never been very impressed by Bushwhackers' non-Focus shooting and loading up on a Focus hoping for someone else to miss and getting a shot off at the cost of two wounds is a bit stiff. I've done it by Obeying with Zoraida but I wouldn't really recommend it normally. I think that Boost Their Confidence kinda sucks, really, unless you're shooting at something that has a really low defense and no HtW or similar. Or putting the final wound on a HtK model or some such edge case. Because most of the time it's two wounds off of a somewhat fragile 6SS model in order to have a chance to hit and then do one point of damage on the enemy most of the time. It isn't a great trade. They are better for having the ability than they would be if they didn't have it but it is really quite marginal in actual play in my experience.
  23. Haha, yeah! I actually meant to write about him but forgot. His problem is that the Bushwhacker is likely to be operating on the fringes of the fight while the Crier is likely more central to the scrap but he can still increase card draw for other stuff (like Lil Lass) so should be considered.
  24. I've taken them a couple of times in friendly games and they have always been pretty adequate. They don't suck or anything but of course always when using one, there's a nagging question somewhere in the lizard brain going "what if this had been a Lightning Bug? What if Harry Potter was a cube? How would he hold his wand?" (My lizard brain tends to work on a couple of questions simultaneously).
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