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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. There were blogs, now there aren't. Are other people still seeing them? Did other people ever see them? Is there an announcement that I've missed? Did the content disappear forever or can it be accessed somehow? Am I going bonkers?
  2. How on earth did you make out the faces in those pics?? =-O =-o
  3. It's a fun idea, but in practice I believe it would suck quite immensely (Hoarcat Prides usually pop into threads about the the worst minions and Sabertooth really isn't much better). I really, really suggest proxying it at least two or three times before committing to getting it!
  4. I like the limited palette with the orange drawing the eye to the most important features (eyes and the noose). On that note, maybe the wrist ties could've been a different colour, since they aren't as central to the character as the noose and the eyes? But yeah, again great work! I like the base as well and tying the end of the noose to the post is a fun idea.
  5. Square bases would, in some situations result in a miniscule advantage and in others a miniscule disadvantage. I would't have any problem playing against someone with square bases in a non-tournament environment. Most likely I wouldn't have a problem in a tournament environment either, but there I could see someone not liking them.
  6. Back in the day the news of new releases tended to be posted about half way during the previous month. But now there have been no news on September or October. I realize that Gencon was a huge push, but does anyone know about the release plan? The book is already out, right? I'd also love to see some studio painted versions of the plastic minis.
  7. Very cool! Doesn't the box come with an extra head for the depleted? You could use that?
  8. Ah, a new Seamus tactica - now in retina-searing pink!
  9. I suggest downloading Irfanview (it's free): http://www.irfanview.com/ First of all, you can adjust color balance (shift + U is autolevels, which works usually well enough). Second, you can crop the picture (just use a mouse to choose the area and crop (Ctrl + Y is the shortcut)). Third, you can resize the pic (Ctrl + R). All of these can naturally be found in the menus, too. Finally, you can combine pics into panoramas. It won't take long per pic, but the difference is absolutely huge. Highly recommended.
  10. For first minis, these are really, really good! The most important part when beginning is to achieve neatness and you have done just that. Some minor slip-ups are visible (like the bit of brown from the haft on Johan's hammer's head) but all in all, an excellent job. I like how you have varied the skin colours nicely on the different minis. Gives them a lot of character and fits the motley theme of the mercs. I believe that the next logical step for you would be to go from drybrushing to painting on the highlights. It gives you a lot more control and makes for a tidier appearance. And taking that step after having painted half a dozen minis is extremely nice going. Just dilute the paints and paint many thin layers and highlighting is a breeze. It's actually usually my most favourite part in painting minis But yeah, keep up the good work. Extremely impressive stuff.
  11. My recipe for zombie flesh is the foundation Khemri Brown, shades with purple and devlan mud and highlights with Rotting Flesh. I feel it gives a very nice "been buried for a while"-tone. Here's some examples: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?17346-My-Resurrectionists-(Red-Chapel-mostly)
  12. Wow, she looks amazing! I especially like the black leather, which looks very authentic. And the woodgrain is indeed exquisite - how did you achieve that effect?
  13. I think it is named a bit unfortunately, but the concepts themselves seem to be less about titillation and more about fun. I mean, the nearly-naked barbarian is brandishing a severed head, which is pretty badass, I think. I guess I'm trying to say that the minis look more like they're aiming for being something that women would like to play (with) than just what men would like to see. I also feel that I'm articulating myself extremely poorly here
  14. Another Kickstarter. Yeah, there have been a lot of those lately. This one is for an assortment of beautiful female minis by Keith Patrick. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bombshellminis/bombshell-babes The newest stretch goal however made my Malifaux sense tingle: Nina Ortega?
  15. To be fair, they haven't yet been properly released.
  16. To me it looks kinda obvious that the boxed set is of lesser quality to the other minis displayed. The edges look less sharp and the detail is simply softer.
  17. Here you go: http://anakron.fr/site/news/item/le-cartomancien#page :1_Happy_Puppet1:
  18. The game really isn't balanced to such an exact level that the ability choose between two base sizes for the Hanged would adversely affect it.
  19. I think this is a good idea, but maybe still a bit weak. I mean, models under UP are no longer an immediate threat so expending resources to killing them is often not the optimal strategy so maybe killing three is a bit of a tall order? I very much like the basic idea, though.
  20. First issue is now available for download: http://www.kinetic7.com/ A new PDF magazine dealing with skirmish minis games and the hobby side of things. This issue doesn't have Wyrd or Malifaux content, but they are "on the list", so to speak, and will be featured in future issues. Still, there should be stuff that's interesting to everyone like a couple of top-notch painting guides, a terrain-making tutorial and a sculpting tutorial as well as a couple of interviews of famous minis painters. Any and all feedback would be super welcome!
  21. I noticed your avatar and had to hunt down your painting thread These look absolutely phenomenal! Very dark and moody but still extremely crisp paint jobs. Sooo good. And the Daydreams are very cute.
  22. I like your red - it looks great on a construct. All in all your Lazarus has a very "robotty" feel to the paintjob, somehow. That shade of red works extremely nicely. You also made me realize that making him an Iron Man would be very easy... The clear blue piping - it probably looks better in real life but I was wondering whether a light ink wash of blue would make it pop more? Now it looks a bit flat. But yeah, he looks definitely stompy. And somehow happy about it
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