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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Defining what "best" means in this case is naturally difficult but Wizz-Bang has what, three excellent profiles, and then the rest are between really bad and kinda good? I dunno, I have to agree with @ShinChanthat Tricksy is massively better (as is Kin) and I'd rate Swampfiend at least on par and even Tri-Chi is kinda in the running there.
  2. I hate 0"Ml since it basically often gives the opponent an irresistable Slow Aura in a way which is crazy. But if anyone should have a 0" Ml in this game, I would argue that Wrastlers are kinda the perfect fit for it. So I would actually keep them at 0" but give them a boost to their mobility and survivability. I doubt it would be amazing but I'm willing to be surprised. That said, I would never pick Wong in his current form against ES in a tournament since I feel that there are several very bad match-ups for Wong in there.
  3. Haha, I originally had Smugglers there but remembered that they are 6SS and then for some reason substituted Bushwhackers But my point still was that even by the low standards of 5SS Minions, Wrastlers, Lightning Bugs, Banjos and Raiders are in the low end of the spectrum.
  4. If you are handy with kitbashing you could turn one Wild Boar into a Mechanized Porkchop. It would be more of a cyber pig rather than robot pig but it is a solid versatile choice - not a must-have by any stretch but certainly fine.
  5. Well, all of those four are way below Survivors, Bushwhackers, Squealers, Slop Haulers and Gators (and I'm not a big fan of Gators) so I'd say that they definitely are below the curve even for 5SS Minions.
  6. Wrastlers is a great shout-out - definitely one of the units most in need of help along with Lightning Bugs! As for Akaname, they also have a 2" melee range and give out Slow and Poison on a successful hit - they are pretty amazing for the points IMO with the only weakness being super squishy. As for Tri-Chi - I could see them getting some way of limiting Condition Removal in general. Like an Aura for someone in which Conditions couldn't removed or something like that. Naturally care should be taken to not enable unending Focus
  7. I agree with @trikk - I think that if we wanted everything to be on level with Dreamer, we would need to buff like 80-90% of the keywords in the game which probably isn't a good idea.
  8. That's a good suggestion I feel. Sammy, Bokors, and Alphonse are solid! Burt and Lightning Bugs aren't very solid at all, Flying and Stuffed Piglets are kinda fine but not very meaty, and Pigapult is very specialized. The problem with Wizz-Bang IMO is that the sort of "meaty" models, Swine-cursed and Taxidermists are very expensive compared to their durability in a keyword that likes to hurt themselves. So you have all of these excellent support and sorta peripheral models but then the models that are supposed to be supported kinda fall flat. Or at least that's how I feel about them.
  9. We don't (AFAIK) know whether there is going to be errata in the near future but let's skip that for a moment. Also, the new versatiles coming out somewhere down the line will also shake things up for sure - especially as Bayou's current versatile offerings aren't all that superb (they aren't horrid, either, mind). But let's forget that as well for the time being. What models or entire keywords (or Upgrages, I suppose!) do you think need some looking into? Feel free to list as many as you want and both ends of the power scale. My number one pick would be Wizz-Bang and Tri-Chi on the whole. Both require you to jump through a ton of hoops that can be disrupted by the oppnent and the pay-off isn't all that different from what many other crews kinda start with. And with Wizz-Bang, many of the models are quite so-so in general and being squishy while requiring self-damaging - not a recipe for success. Both crews are also quite counterable if the opponent knows what they are doing when they learn that they're up against Wong or Brewmaster. Wizz-Bang is probably more acutely in need of a boost and probably easier to address since I think that Tri-chi profiles are pretty fine in a vacuum but they don't really come together all that well once on the table. IME and all that, naturally. As for other profiles that could use some looking into, I would start with McTavish. He has low stats and is generally squishy. I kinda like that he is more melee focused rather than the sniper he used to be but he does need something. Maybe simply Hard to Wound to make him more durable. Finally, quite a few of the less expensive profiles need something but that's kinda true for the whole game, currently, so I dunno. Hopefully a new GG would somehow help cheap Minions but I'm not sure how.
  10. We all know the situation and it has affected our hobby quite a bit. Add to that the arrival of the Society which is currently being released and will shake up the metagame. So I could see the reasoning for there not being an errata or a new GG coming. OTOH there have been a couple of tournaments and Vassal is quite lively and there certainly are some models and Upgrades which could be looked into. So what do you think? Is errata needed? Is a new GG needed? Or should they skip this year? Or maybe postpone it until summer when things might (fingers crossed!) start to normalize? Any thoughts? (And naturally Wyrd can weigh in as well )
  11. Ngeri says "Enemy models ignore any to their opposed duels or damage flips against this model." If you have both and does it remove the if any are left after them cancelling out the or does it remove beforehand? In other words, if you have and are you left with a) no modifier; or b)
  12. Very interesting! That doesn't look all that "unfair" on the face of it! Heck - out of the stuff talked about in this thread, the only thing there is the LLC. No Pale, no Lawyer, no Phiona, for example. And certainly no Executioner So either I'm missing something or alternatively he won through superior skill
  13. Do you know roughly what sorts of lists he was running with LJ?
  14. Oh man! I called him Joss! Haha, thank you for the correction, Johan indeed!
  15. Bad Juju. This was surprisingly difficult in some ways and weirdly effortless in others. I'm not 100% sure I nailed the colour scheme and I probably should've been more daring in adding in all sorts of purples and reddish browns but it's fine for what it is, I think.
  16. I would just put a long pin through the body and straight into the base. I've done this for quite a few models and when you paint the pin black it really doesn't make it aesthetically unpleasing. I mean, you can hide inside a tall grass tuft or something if you feel like it but I really feel that the pin isn't a problem even when visible. Here's an example (the paintjob is very WIP as is evident but should still show my point):
  17. I dunno - IMO it seems kinda standard. GW yeah, but they are sorta anomalous. Other than GW I can't think of many minis games that have obsoleted minis completely. The bug aliens from Infinity (not actually sure whether they count as something in official tournaments)? Is there anything else? I'm hard pressed to think of any and I have forces for a stupid number of minis games. But maybe I'm overlooking something obvious? Disclaimer: I'm not intimately familiar with PP stuff. As an aside, outside of GW I have never had anywhere even remotely close to the number of minis getting obsoleted by an edition change as M2e->M3e did for me. Because even though I can still technically play them, I would need to buy and paint double the amount of stuff to make them even semi-competitive in friendly games (let alone tournaments).
  18. Bayou Smuggler. For some reason I'm not super happy with this one. The sculpt is great but it seems to have turned out a bit meh. I was trying to use the muted colours to tone down how busy the sculpt is but it may have ended up a bit bland where nothing really stands out. Still, it's not like it's horrible or anything and I'm perfectly happy putting her on the table so don't get me wrong. It's just that lately I've been mostly very happy with what I've painted so this one kinda stands out in being sorta mediocre. Edit: I really need to take another picture from a different angle for this one...
  19. Amazing work! The crispness is just out of this world! And the colour choices are also pretty inspired with the super vibrant colours and more muted tones. As for this particular questions - one possibility is to make a plastic pin. In other words, cut a piece of plastic and glue it to her toes using plastic glue and then use that piece as a pin.
  20. Thank you so much for the kind words! Much appreciated! Orange is definitely one of my favourite colours to paint. Along with white and yellow, I guess. Here's Brewski and his apprentice. All decked out in orange. I was really happy with the greenish tint I got to the bamboo stick.
  21. There aren't many other AoE effects that do a similar amount of damage on an area of even remotely similar size and without any resist. These nuances are what makes the effect extraordinary and why it's being discussed here. No one is asking for a nerf for Wong's shockwaves. You can just ignore this conversation if it bothers you, you know.
  22. If its considered a misplay to let the Rider pulse hit more than three models, then the effect of the Rider is absolutely massive. Forcing the opponent to spread out when they don't want to is huge. Positioning is one of the most fundamental aspects of Malifaux and I'm not sure that everyone here accurately appreciates the impact of a single model that can, merely by existing, force the opponent to compromise massively in that department. There are multiple crews that rely on Auras and other such buffs that require clumping up and if you can stop that by keeping your Rider safe and ready, then that's 11 SS well spent alone - not to mention the other utility that the Rider brings.
  23. Just take all the cards for the minis that the participants brought and deal them out randomly "Looks like I'm playing mostly Guild Masters and Resser Minions today..."
  24. Seems like McTavish doesn't generate much in the way of discussion I dunno how much there is to really say about him as he is quite "what you see it what you get" type of model. But let's move on - Gautraeux Bokor! Now that's a quality model if I ever saw one. Maybe the most hired OOK model in the whole faction, I think. Are there situations where you don't hire one for Zoraida? Do you ever take more than one? The heal is naturally amazing and it's probably the most used Action for the model but do you do other things with them? Obey is of course powerful and a Zoraida crew will have prime targets for Obeys (duh!) but needing the Mask is naturally a bit of a bummer (though of course Glowy helps). Worth noting that having prime targets for obeys often means having prime targets for heals as well. How do you damage the Bokor? Voodoo Doll? Anyone else? Do you make much use of Shielded? Anything else?
  25. Ponygate? Wyrd has been having issues with their scaling ever since they switched to plastic. Ramos' totem is too big for its base, Young Lacroix are the biggest Gremlins around, the differences between two of the Rooster Riders are downright comical, the female multipart TtB minis are enormous amazons, half of the kneeling models are gigantic compared to their non-kneeling counterparts, and so on and so forth.
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