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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Good catch! Also, now I understand why I was so confused about the length of the Tome version - every time I checked it seemed clear as day but the answer seemed to change between checkings (and now I understand that it depended on what I read (and stopped reading afterwards))! :D
  2. Luckily Wolsung offers a perfect proxy (besides a mechanical horse, it also has a harpoon equivalent):https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/277/367/4fdfa5c97298d6af2f977299c4a1b779_large.jpg?1405337453
  3. Hmm, the renders might mean that we'll see Levi, Kirai, and Ophelia boxes at Gencon.
  4. Urgh, I always miss the pinned topics for some reason.
  5. Terrain can make a huge difference. Yet it's very "loose". In fact, the only game that "properly" accounts for terrain IME is Hell Dorado, where you begin each game with a Terraformation Phase where both players buy well-defined terrain pieces of varying points cost onto the battle field and different models have skills that affect this. But in Malifaux as in almost all other minis games you place and adjust terrain until both players are happy with the result. Usually in tournaments the organizer puts down the terrain and you aren't supposed to move it. Our playgroup played with too little terrain and the games were improved immensely when we added quite a lot of it. But lately there has been talk amongst us about what is too much terrain. We all know that the official line in the amount is that terrain should cover 25%-50% of the table. However, there's still the placement of it and also not all terrain was created equal. To pick two extreme examples: If you use only Ht 3 fences/walls (half-an inch thick, for example) that 25% coverage is way too much terrain. If you use one giant inaccessible mountain, that 50% coverage is way too little. A big lake can make life too easy for shooty crews while lots of walls can make life too hard for them. There are models with 36" ranges and they pay the points for them so they should be able to use that range every once in a while. Or is it merely there to allow them to control the board in that the enemy can't position themselves in some places because they're afraid of the sniper? A couple of pics from Argentbadger's excellent tournament report of the Scottish GT (seriously, go read it, it's really well written and informative - then come back here, as there will be spoilers): https://thebovineoverlord.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/0011.jpg https://thebovineoverlord.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/007.jpg https://thebovineoverlord.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/012.jpg https://thebovineoverlord.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/015.jpg Argentbadger also comments on these, especially on the third one that it's quite silly. But the second one is also a bit strange, though Argentbadger wins against Perdita there, so it's not always about shooty winning when the table features a giant, barren killing ground. But both of those tables seem to fulfill that 25% rule. So yeah, what are your thoughts on terrain? How do you rate the four examples from the Scottish GT? Have you ever had too much terrain? Also, if anyone has pics of tables that they feel are excellent examples of just the right amount of terrain for Malifaux I would be super interested in seeing those.
  6. I may be dense, but where are the pics on these?
  7. OK, now that is a sexualized male sculpt.
  8. It's rather bizarre that you think it's utterly intuitive that all models' special rules have an implied "in play" in them while all other rules don't when this hasn't been spelled out anywhere except in that one edited post by Justin...
  9. Applied to the release of an RPG, the word choice is pretty funny I mean, I usually call them players, but certainly opponents gives an interesting view of play
  10. That's my interpretation as well, based on that ruling. So no, they wouldn't count.
  11. I agree that they still definitely have the condition, it's just that, as per Tara bomb thread, I believe that the text on Distract implies: "At the end of every Turn, this Crew earns 1 VP if at least two enemy models in play have the Distracted Condition."
  12. It's important to note the difference between Wrath and Wraith. Wrath is small, Wraith is big.
  13. Those are very nice The conversion on the Dreamer is great! And Chompy looks amazing - it looks like she really put an effort into him and it paid off extremely well. Very nice shading and highlighting.
  14. It looks like bicycle shorts and a strapless sports top, whatever it is.
  15. A male-Sybelle! Or maybe a man-Beckoner!
  16. There is a slight "problem" in Gmort's excellent unboxing reports in that he has done so very many that he has become extremely skilled at putting Wyrd plastic together. So I usually take all of his difficulty approximations with this in mind.
  17. Unfortunately there is apparently an invisible "in play" everywhere in the rules unless otherwise noted:http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/101932-tara-bomb-doesnt-work/?p=739405
  18. The horse looks kinda small and the legs look weird. Also not sure about the clothing of the rider (why??). I was really looking forward to this one but not a fan. Maybe the render will turn out better.
  19. Sybelle's backside looks super realistic. Very nicely done!
  20. I would add Hog Whisperer to the expected list since I believe he was mentioned in one of the release schedules. Also, Mah and Ironsides are sorta kinda possible since we have seen all their artwork.
  21. This could also work: http://www.bushido-thegame.com/catalog/wraith Or this: https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=36_44&products_id=680&zenid=0c4eflhqkiorthmfos94ebs266 (He is of suitable size, btw) Or this: https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=36_40&products_id=651&zenid=0c4eflhqkiorthmfos94ebs266 Oh, or Rackham's Elemental of Darkness. OOP but can be found on ebay.
  22. Viks are squishy melee models while Lynch is a squishy ranged model and Huggy is immortal and only squishy against Ca stuff. They aren't easy to compare, really.
  23. Skeeters cannot use Family Tree, they can only cast Somer's (0) Actions.
  24. Jacob does have a free, somewhat powerful Henchman, too.
  25. We seem to be moving towards the bad old days of damage != Damage != wounds != Wounds
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