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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Yes! This is an important point that I never articulated - case by case. It's very different if it is an honest mistake and the player doesn't make a habit of it than if someone is trying to somehow game the system.
  2. You're thinking of Cassandra, Angelica is the Enforcer who mostly pushes. But pushes are good! Aye, I actually thought about them, but since people really seem to love the Duet as opposed to individual Coryphee, I decided to omit them. Coryphee Duet does rule the 14SS bracket, though
  3. Huh? She pushes stuff around like a pro. For moving your own models, she is on par with a Belle, I think.
  4. Haha! In my defense, I wrote that in a seminar while a colleague was telling about a project that I'm really familiar with. Of course I could've written work emails with that time...(Incidentally, this is also why I have been somewhat active on the forums today)
  5. I have no idea what you meant by this, then: Especially the last sentence is really weird if you meant something more nuanced. But I am happy to drop this since the OP has been answered quite thoroughly (and then some!) by now.
  6. Agreed! "I have the Sonnia starter - what should I buy next?" "Witchling Handler is good and she comes with the Exorcist who is useful, especially against the Ressers." "OK, bought it, what next?" "Well, since you already have the Exorcist, you might as well branch out to the Lady Justice box in order to get The Judge and the Death Marshalls for Sonnia and a second Master to play with. Also remember to try Lady Justice with the Witchling Handler and three Witchlings!"
  7. First of all, your claim was that tournaments never allow for any deviations from any of the rules, which I disputed. As for this specific example, howabout "Mr. Tournament Organizer sir, I'm a noob and accidentally put this model on the wrong-sized base. Can I still play?" If I were the tournament organizer, I would say "go for it" and I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be the only one. It's more the fact that the game balance isn't swayed noticeably anywhere if you make a singular exception based on an honest mistake. And this particular issue is something that Wyrd itself has done on several occasions with their official rules just issuing errata without changing the models in any other way. I'm not advocating that someone would be free to mount their Yin or Jaakuna Ubume on a 120mm base to get maximal gaming advantage from it. I'm talking about this specific case of an honest mistake of putting McCabe on foot on a 40mm base. I would allow it. If someone else wouldn't, that's their right, naturally. It is up to the tournament organizer (or the opponent in a friendly game).
  8. Plenty of tournaments allow for all sorts of things. The tournament organizer is the final arbiter. It really is that simple.
  9. I do agree with the observation that generally Resser lists aren't as killy as, say, Guild lists. The support pieces such as Belles and Nurses are tremendously good but if Ressers had access to, say, Witchling Stalkers, you would see them a lot in lists.
  10. There's also Tengu from Zenit Miniatures' Kensei line: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=195 (Though the Hell Dorado Corvus Harriers are completely amazing minis)
  11. I did some analysis on the top five lists for various and I included the SS costs in my little spreadsheet. Based on this but also on general opinion, I would like to discuss which faction has the edge at a given SS price point. Since 1SS is non-existent and 2SS is mostly totem territory, I think we can skip those. Stuffed Piglets and Rats are, I think, the only non-totems (and Stuffed Piglets probably win against Rats outside of crews that make use of the Blight mechanic). If we go by Totems, Puke Worm probably wins hands down but all in all I would like to discount Totems from this discussion since they are kind of their own special case. For three stones the selection is still very limited. Guild Hounds, Night Terrors, Malifaux Raptors, and Bayou Gremlins are some of the stand outs. Out of those, I think that the Bayou Gremlin is the most versatile and therefore I would say that Gremlins take the top place at 3SS though Guild certainly give them a run for their money. What do you think? Four stones gets a lot more variety with things like Depleted, Terror Tots, Canine Remains, Crooligans, various Effigies, Tengus, Guild Guard and so on but I think that the Arcanists steal the show here. They have the amazing little tanks in Metal Gamin, the great Scheme runners in Molemen, a combo of the previous roles in Mannequins, arguably the best Effigy, and nice shooty support in Fire Gamin. Oh, and Spiders as well. Five gets interesting in that Witchling Stalkers and Rotten Belles were the most voted for models in the polls. And then there's TT Brothers and Slop Haulers as well. And Performers are also very nice. Still, since there's also Nurses and Necropunks (the top three of Ressers was all five-pointers) I think I have to award the 5SS to Ressers. Guild isn't far behind with Latigo Pistoleros and Guild Riflemen supplementing the awesome Witchling Stalkers, though. Six is also strong Guild territory with Pathfinders and Death Marshalls while Neverborn boast the mighty Waldgeists and Stitched Togethers and Ressers counter with Flesh Constructs, Dead Doxies and Chiaki. But once more Arcanists have a strong claim here with Soulstone Miner, Large Steampunk Arachnid, Angelica, and, most importantly, the amazing Silent One. So I would be inclined to give this one to Arcanists as well, though Guild should get an honorary mention here. What do you think? Seven is very wide. Guild have Abuela Ortega and Hunter, TT have Katanaka Sniper and Illuminated, and Arcanists have Gunsmiths and December Acolytes. However, I think that this challenge is between the original inhabitants of Malifaux with Illuminated, Silurid, Doppelganger, and Beckoner going against Francois, Raphael and Sammy LaCroix, as well as Burth Jebsen. I think that the Neverborn inch out a win here, especially considering Kade and Tuco and such as well. Eight is deep into Henchman territory and features such powerhouses as Francisco Ortega, Cassandra, Myranda, Madame Sybelle, Trixiebelle, and Widow Weaver. On the non-Soulstone user front, TT have Yin, Samurai, Lone Swordsman, and Mr. Graves while Gremlins have the Pigapult. And don't forget the Outcasts with Sue, Hans, Vanessa, and Freikorps Specialist (as well as Rat King). This is a seriously tough bracket and I don't know who should get the honors. Any suggestions? Nine is next. Mortimer, Toshiro, and the Hanged or Sidir and the Judge? Or, wait, howabout, Sidir, Toshiro, Kang, Ama No Zako, and Sensei Yu? The best of nine comes from TT. Ten also has strong TT presence in Fuhatsu, Dawn Serpent, and Izamu. Gremlins are also very strong with Gracie, Mancha Roja, McTavish, and Fingers. Arcanists have Joss and The Captain who are no sloughs, either. But really, here now is the part where Outcasts get to shine. Hannah, Taelor, Bishop, Rusty Alice, Lazarus, Strongarm Suit, the hits just keep on coming! Eleven is strangely sparse with stuff like Peacekeeper, Rail Golem and Snow Storm but really, only one faction had an 11-stone giant in their top five: Teddy. Oh, and Mature Nephilim isn't bad, either. Twelve has the various Riders as well as Killjoy but really, Mechanical Rider is where it's at - especially when riding with Howard Langston. So yeah, I feel comfortable giving this one to the Arcanists. Finally, 13, Nekima vs Ashes and Dust. I think that this match-up is pretty clear, all hail entropy! So, this is my version: 3: Gremlins 4: Arcanists 5: Resurrectionists 6: Arcanists 7: Neverborn 8: ??? 9: Ten Thunders 10: Outcasts 11: Neverborn 12: Arcanists 13: Outcasts What's yours?
  12. What about some more random pairings like, say, Exorcist and Witchling Handler? Or Jaakuna Ubume and Rafkin? Essentially those models from a given faction that can be used by several different Masters and that you aren't very likely to take in multiples.
  13. All of the things that you mentioned have both good and bad things attached to them based on base size. Eh, this is a slippery slope argument. I'm saying that if you do this for one model in a force, it really won't impact the game in a meaningful way. Controversial because people think that the balance of the game somehow tilts because of it, not because it actually does tilt. Maybe Hanged were a bit better - so? They still weren't autoinclude nor were they silly good. And the point about the Guilty stands. Also, Cojo and Barbaros both got bigger bases on release. All in all it seems to me that Wyrd is more pragmatic about this than the player base. But, like I said, minis gaming is serious business! If we allow something like a different base size in a one-off case, next thing we know house rules will be introduced and cats and dogs are getting married and apocalypse happens
  14. I can't believe I forgot Lucius. Still, PM is a bit marginal for Zoraida while Illuminated are really good with, e.g., Collodi. All in all, I would say that Illuminated work really nicely with everyone besides Dreamer and maybe Pandy (though they ain't bad for either).
  15. I would as well, but they probably lost to the Tots. Personally I would drop the Primordial Magic (I really don't think that it is a model that all NB players should own) as good though it is, it isn't in any way necessary.
  16. I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received): 1. Freikorps Librarian (9) 1. Johan (9) 3. Ashes and Dust (6) 4. Hodgepodge Effigy (5) 4. Killjoy (5) In total, 18 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis. There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles): http://wyrd-games.ne...-five/?p=768658 Outcast players were by far the most divided in their votes out of all the factions. Only the Librarian and Johan were clearly at the top with the playerbase very divided when it came to other models.
  17. I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received): 1. Chiaki the Niece 11 2. Tengu 9 2. Kang 9 4. Ten Thunders Brother 8 4. Illuminated 8 4. Toshiro 8 In total, 21 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis. There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles): http://wyrd-games.ne...-five/?p=768658 It's interesting that Chiaki the Niece didn't make top five in the Resser side and neither did Toshiro. On the flip side, TT appreciates the Illuminated less than the Neverborn do and, epecially, Izamu far less than the Ressers (it got only two votes on the TT side).
  18. I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received): 1. Bayou Gremlin (10) 1. Trixie Belle (10) 3. Francois LaCroix (8) 3. Gracie (8) 5. Slop Hauler (6) In total, 15 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis. There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles): http://wyrd-games.ne...-five/?p=768658 Personally I'm flabbergasted that the Slop Haulers are so low. But it is quite fitting that the lowly Bayou Gremlin is at the top, I think. Gremlin list was likely especially hard hit by the lack of models - I know that not many people have tried, e.g., Rooster Riders so that skews the list quite a bit. Still, that's not a bad top "five" to go with - actually I consider it one of the best covering nicely many different roles with no real duplicates. Well done!
  19. I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received): 1. The Illuminated (16) 2. Doppelganger (15) 3. Teddy (13) 4. Primordial Magic (11) 4. Terror Tot (11) 4. Waldgeist (11) In total, 26 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis. There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles): http://wyrd-games.ne...-five/?p=768658 Silurids received 10 votes just getting cut off the top "five" with Widow Weaver and Beckoner both at 8. After that the set is all over the place. It's interesting that Primordial Magic got so many votes even though it is of use mainly only to Lilith and Pandora and Lilith's own totem isn't horrible. Also, Neverborn like the Illuminated quite a bit more than the Ten Thunders. There seemed to be quite a few full on Lynch players voting with his core models getting a whole lot of votes. Interesting is that Lilitu got no votes while Beckoners got 8! But yeah, not a bad top "five" at all.
  20. I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received): Witchling Stalker (11) Guild Austringer (10) Francisco (8) Death Marshall (7) Guild Hound (4) In total, 12 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis. There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles): http://wyrd-games.ne...-five/?p=768658 The Guild received the lowest total number of votes in all the polls. Even Gremlins did better. Which was very surprising. Because of this, Guild Hounds got to the top five with just four votes. The top four was quite decisive but then it opened up into all directions. Witchling Stalkers were the most consistently voted for model in the whole poll with only Godlyness keeping them off his top five. Interestingly Francisco was the most favoured Henchman by a huge margin with Sidir and The Judge being the other Henchies getting any votes. Personally I've always considered the high quality Henchmen as one of the strong points of the Guild.
  21. I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received): 1. Metal Gamin (14) 1. Mechanical Rider (14) 3. Joss (12) 4. Cassandra (9) 4. Howard Langston (9) 4. December Acolyte (9) In total, 25 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis. There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles): http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103295-name-your-five/?p=768658 It's interesting how expensive the most favoured Arcanist models are. There were three models with SS cost in the double digits in the top "five". Arcanist vote was also extremely divided with only the Ressers being more divided in their votes.
  22. I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received): 1. Rotten Belle (23) 2. Nurse (15) 3. Necropunk (11) 4. Izamu (8) 5. Flesh Construct (7) 5. Punk Zombie (7) 5. Canine Remains (7) In total, 26 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis. Out of all the polls, Rotten Belle was the second most consistently voted for model with 88% of the voters voting for the Belle. Nurse and Necropunk were also above the the curve but then it was more even and in fact three models got to fifth place. One thing to note is that people obviously forgot some options and when someone came up with a specific model it started gaining votes from the people afterwards. For example, Canine Remains was a late addition but it still gathered quite a few votes. If it had been mentioned in the original post, it likely would've gathered more votes. Another thing to consider is that some people like Crooligans while others like Necropunks. A given person is likely to vote for their favourite support model, scheme runner and beatstick so it probably could've gone either way in many places. Another thing worth considering is that if a model doesn't have a plastic release (or no release at all), then it won't be voted for as much. So with all those disclaimers, take it for what it's worth. Still, it's not a bad top "five".
  23. Rogue Necromancy is super good with Tara. You can taxi it (it's sorta slow normally apart from Stalk) and give it Fast. It has Ml7 with to attack and damage with an auto trigger to give Poison to get around that pesky Hard to Kill and another trigger to get an extra to damage (against Hard to Wound stuff). Oh, and a damage track of 3/5/6. Three attacks from it kills almost anything.
  24. From the starter-only Henchman threads we have learned that Wyrd pays a lot of attention to the number of SKUs they offer. Malifaux however contains lots and lots of models that appear as singles in lists most of the time. Wyrd has released a lot of single model boxes lately (stuff like the generic Totems, Doppelganger, Hoarcat Pride, Hans, Bishop, and so on and so forth). Now, sometimes they surprise by including two models in a box like Executioners but that doesn't really solve the problem of SKUs, though it allows for a more expensive box which is likely good for Wyrd. With Wave 2 there's quite a bit of single model releases that are forthcoming like Effigies, Merris, Sammy, various robots, mercs, Tuco, and so on. Do you think that Wyrd should combine some models into one box? Like Merris and Sammy for example. Also, what is your opinion on selling all the boxed set Minions as separate boxes as well? I think that it is very justified for some models like Witchling Stalkers or Belles (Bayou Gremlins!) that you are somewhat likely to need more than three of but for some it is of kinda dubious benefit. I mean, no one is likely to use more than three Ronin or more than three Silurids, right? With many of the Ten Thunders boxes, they don't sell the Minions individually. If you want to get The Illuminated for your Zoraida crew, you'll be buying the Lynch box. Or if you want Torakage for you McCabe, you'll be buying the Misaki box. Should Wyrd automatically release the crew box Minions separately or should they do so only when players are likely to need more than what's included in the crew box?
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