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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. That looks a lot better than I thought it would! Based on the renders I was thinking of not getting it but it looks actually pretty great. The only weak point is the gigantic gashes on the pig which will be a pain to stuff (since the new pigs are smooth) but should be quite doable. Thank you once again for the great unboxing!
  2. Aye, sorry about that. OTOH this was quite a thorough analysis on why Levi is always one possible answer when something seems insurmountable in Malifaux
  3. Zoraida and Ophelia. Because shooting seven times per round with Ophelia sounds like a solid plan to me... Or maybe Zoraida and Brewmaster because Obeying everyone into the Brewie aura seems nice. Shenlong and Brewie could also be funny.
  4. I didn't purposefully list, e.g., Misaki since she is similarly impossible for Levi, but Colette I actually remembered wrong (I thought her Trigger would work against Levi but it won't). The same is true of Nico.
  5. Things that are unkillable for Ophelia: Riders, maybe - certainly late in the game. Levi, Tara, and sorta Molly. (OK, eternal versions of Huggy and Juju, A&D, and Bete but those don't really count and are just as unkillable to almost everything else). But fair enough.
  6. As a shameless plug, I just finished a slow grow league playing Guild McMourning where I, through a strange quirk of fate, ended up playing against Lilith three times. The reports of the games can be found here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103373-the-amazing-adventures-of-slow-growing-guild-mcmourning-in-helsinki/ As a spoiler, let's just say that Nurses can pose problems to Lilith. I do second Dirial's advice on going with Ten Thunders. I feel that their Starter sets (any of them, really) are the most beginner friendly in that they are solid but not over complicated from neither the opponent's nor the player's point of view. Any of them would make a fine match-up to Lilith so I would advice picking based on aesthetics. Lynch is the only one that might be a bit powerful since Illuminated are so mighty and Hungering Darkness is a bigger boost in smaller games. When moving to 50 SS games it isn't too bad but in 35SS starter games he is quite a beast.
  7. Don't have the book handy, but I thought that Paralyze dropped the Melee reach to 0" and thought that they could still do stuff like Pounce into base to base contact? Is this thought incorrect? Edit: OK, I was really late in sending my reply it seems... Doc "ninjaed" me by ten minutes, it seems. I'm not sure it counts as a ninjaing anymore, though.
  8. Between Trixie, Lenny, Saddle and Threatening Gun Sammy Ophelia isn't exactly difficult to move around, she gets positive flips out the wazoo and her damage track is nothing short of utterly insane. Viks are super mobile, ignore all the usual defenses, have minimum damage 5 and kill everything around the target as well. I dunno, no one around here plays Levi, so maybe he is an entirely different kettle of fish. For killing Riders turn three onwards I do agree that Levi is a better choice, though.
  9. I guess mostly just about how this is different from, e.g., Perdita or Ophelia. Or Vikkies or Lady Justice when up close. I mean, the most common examples of "the solution is to blow them away with X - just like it is the solution for any problem in Malifaux" are with McM Expunge and Levi, but I don't quite understand how they are seen as immensely more destructive than the other four I mentioned.
  10. How does this "blowing away with Leveticus" work exactly?
  11. I feel that in the early rounds I probably could've given you a run for your money but way less so in the later rounds.
  12. Irene Vioque http://www.terciocreativo.com/tienda/product_info.php/en/regime/irene-vioque-p-47 She is a bit bigger scale than general Malifaux, though, and quite voluminous. An utterly amazing miniature, though.
  13. To be fair, she isn't appreciably more crouched than the Mature Nephilim and he utterly dwarfs her.
  14. Your wish is my command. Only the McM stuff, though, since getting many more in focus in one shot is tricky with my camera.
  15. Yeah, definitely don't sweat the odd mistake. I like to think that I'm pretty experienced in this game yet it seems that every game something goes awry or I learn something new of the rules. If you look at my report thread, every single game something seems to be going wrong and I'm reporting stuff far less stridently than you are!
  16. Thank you for the kind words, everyone! I hope to start a new thread once we get our next league going in the latter half of January. Plan is to go with an Arcanist Mei Feng. Oh aye, he was too far away. I also had very few Tomes in hand the whole game. For some reason my hand was continually filled with Rams, Crows and the thirteen of Masks. Not complaining, mind!
  17. Thank you so much for taking the time to take these pics! Also, really like your crew. And the cat cracks me up!
  18. She certainly isn't standing anywhere near straight. OTOH, the pedant in me wants to point out that since they have hooves they kinda always stand of "tiptoes"
  19. She's standing on a giant rock formation?! If anything, that's the other way around that it makes her look taller. Agreed.
  20. Grand Finale Through a strange twist of fate, I ended up facing Lilith and Varhaisdementia once again. This was because we were highest ranked non-organizers since one of our top contenders (playing Viks) vanished. This, however, suited me perfectly because our last outing would’ve most likely resulted in a draw if the extra turn that we flipped would’ve been played so it was good to have proper closure. We flipped Squatter’s Rights again with Assassinate, Distract, Plant Evidence, Entourage and ALitS in the Scheme pool. I, somewhat unimaginatively, went with the exact same crew as last time. I do like the composition of this crew as it can do all sorts of things. The one thing missing from it, speed, is something that I don’t own Guild minis for so really couldn’t be helped. Brutal Effigy would also be a lovely addition but I don’t own that either. McMourning with Badge of Office, On the Clock, and Plastic Surgery Sebastian with Lead Lined Coat Francisco with Wade In The Judge Two Nurses Witchling Stalker Zombie Chihuahua 6 pool My opponent adjusted his upgrades a bit and replaced one Tot with a Young but he simply doesn’t own minis other than the Lilith starter and the Nephilim box. Lilith with Beckon Malifaux, Living Blade, and Wicked Mistress Barbaros with Nephilim Gladiatus and Rapid Growth Mature Nephilim Two Young Nephilim Two Terror Tots Cherub 5 pool I took Assassinate figuring that I would try to kill Lilith this time using my army of Henchmen and McMourning himself and announced Plant Evidence since the battlefield had a good amount of terrain that was just just beyond the central line. My opponent took Distract and announced Entourage with Lilith. Uh-oh. Assassinate against Entourage - this game would be decided on whether Lilith lives of dies, basically. I was also worried that he took Assassinate as well so I needed to play a bit conservatively with McM. Though, in hindsight, with Assassinate against Entourage nothing else really matters - unless one of use flunks the Strategy utterly but with Squatter’s that isn’t very likely. I sort of understood it at the time but not quite crystal clearly. I just got off bragging that I remember what happens without taking notes so Karma hit me back and I have to admit that I’m not 100% about everything. Especially activation order might be skewed since there were kinda two frays happening and I’m not quite sure about the order everything happened between them. I’m also not quite sure what the Tots did each round but I’m pretty sure I’m 90% accurate. The battlefield’s most notable features were a fence slowing me from getting the the leftmost Squat Marker, a forest slowing Varhaisdementia from getting to the next Squat marker, a ruins with Ht 2 walls just to the right of the center Marker with some Ht 2 boxes near it on my side. Then there were lots of buildings and boxes and forests around that didn’t play a large part. Turn 1 The usual. On my side, Nurse gave McM Poison and Francisco gave him El Mayor. McM, Sebastian, Chihuahua and Francisco advanced somewhat to the right of the center with the Nurse trailing behind a bit. Judge, Nurse and Stalker took the left of the center and advanced. The Cherub and two Tots ran to the Left, Barbaros, Young and Mature came down the center and into the edge of the woods. Lilith advanced into the ruins in the center and Varhaisdementia told how much he hated the dog and that he likely will draw a Black Joker when targeting it. Lilith throws down some forests to block the way to the central Squat Marker and then lures the doggy. Doggy is lured and hits the walls of the ruins but Lilith flips a Black Joker on damage so the Chihuahua is only Slowed. McM pushes on top of the right-most Squat Marker. Turn 2 Things get more interesting. I get Black Joker into my hand, which is nice. I don’t actually remember which one of us won Initiative but Varhaisdementia went first. He moved Cherub to the center close to the central left Squat Marker and Accompliced a Tot to sprint to the left-most Marker to Squat it. I look at my Judge and think that I need to activate him, move in to kill the Cherub and get the Squat Marker inside my 2” melee range to stop Barbaros or Young from activating it but making sure to not enter the forest so the Young can’t charge me. I decide to activate the Nurse on the right and move her behind some boxes and do nothing with her second AP. Barbaros moves in and in Cherub’s Aura Squats the Marker. o_O I’m completely dumbstruck. I saw that happening and I saw how I could counter it yet decided to do something completely irrelevant. WTH? Well, I decide to repair the situation by moving Judge into melee with the Cherub. I also move into the forest to be in BtB with the Squat Marker. I Stone for a Ram and cheat a high card so that only Red Joker can save the Cherub. Varhaisdementia cheats in a Red Joker and saves the Cherub. Young Nephilim charges The Judge since I am now just inside the forest. o_O!! I… I don’t know what to say. The Young gives The Judge some beating but luckily hits only weak damage twice and pushes him back. I paralyze the Young with my Nurse as punishment but fail to do anything meaningful to Barbaros. Lilith activates and again the dog is mentioned as an object of utter loathing. The poor Chihuahua is rooted and McM is lured twice with the second one succeeding in propelling him into the ruin wall giving him slow and minimal damage. Witchling Stalker charges the Young Nephilim but fails in doing anything. He hasn’t really been shining. Mature flaps over near to the ruin and Wing buffets the Chihuahua who dies due to rooted damage. McM Poison pushes due to Sebastian and Squats succesfully the rightmost marker. The other Young moves up and Distracts the Witchling Stalker with Cherub’s (0) Interact. Sebastian moves to the second rightmost Marker and Squats it. As a final activation, Francisco gives the Nurse El Mayor, climbs over the wall of the ruins in the center and engages Lilith. McM pushes towards the ruins to stand next to Sebastian and we both score for the Strategy. Turn 3 I win Initiative and the Nurse behind the boxes climbs on top of them and Paralyzes Lilith. Lilith’s drug habit is really her main weakness. Francisco Accomplices, El Mayors McM, and Flurries Lilith. My first attack misses and Lilith’s Df climbs. My second attack however hits and does four points of damage with Lilith preventing one. My third attack misses and then I forgot to put on the negative melee flips thingy. Oh well - I didn’t have bad cards in hand to discard anyway. Mature charges Francisco and easily mauls him down to Hard to Kill. Ouch! Those things really hurt! The other Nurse gives Meds to Barbaros giving him +2 Walk and limiting him to walking and Interacting. I’m not convinced that this is a good thing but it happens. At least he can’t challenge. She also tries to give Meds to the non-paralyzed Young but fails. The Judge charges the Cherub, I cheat a high Rams and kill the little bugger with one hit. I also tie Barbaros into combat so he can’t get away too easily. A Tot moves to engage the Nurse. Stalker decides to show everyone how it is done and butchers the non-Paralyzed Young in two hits. Rargh! Barbaros Distracts both the Judge and the Stalker and the second Tot engages Nurse and Distracts her. When charging Francisco, Mature got into melee range of both McM and Sebastian due to him being Ht 3 and the wall in between being only Ht 2. McM focuses and hits with a Severe. Black Blood splashes on McM, Sebastian, and poor Francisco who dies. Sorry, pal! I miss my second attack. Sebastian’s time to shine. He needs to hit once to get a second pip of Poison onto the Mature to doom him. Sebastian attacks, hits, and promptly gets a Red Joker splattering the Mature every which way. This means that I will get less damage from Black Blood, at least! With his second AP, Sebastian places a Scheme Marker to get started on Plant Evidence. We both score for the Strategy and Varhaisdementia also scores for Distract. Turn 4 Make or break time. I joke that I have two Soul Stones left so one for cards and one for the Initiative flip. I don’t need the cards, though, as I draw a really convincing hand featuring a twelve of Crows and a thirteen of Masks as well as eleven and twelve of Rams among other things. I threw away the Black Joker. This Initiative is super important! I flip a four and Varhaisdementia flips an eight. I spend a Stone and get a ten. After quite a bit of pondering, Varhaisdementia decides to use his last Stone but gets a seven and I go first. I activate the Nurse on the boxes and Paralyze Lilith with the twelve of Crows. Then I throw away a low Tomes and give Lilith +2 Armor and negative flips. Accomplice McM. McM climbs over the ruin wall and charges Lilith. She’s at negatives to duels but flips very well getting a nine. I end up cheating an eleven to hit and, with the negative flip, get a Red Joker. Lilith dies. I score two VP and my opponent can’t do Entourage anymore, which results in an effective five VP flip and seals the game for me. After working on this report in the evening, I woke up last night and suddenly realized that Lilith should’ve been fully healed after the paralyze meds! Now, this wouldn’t really have changed anything since McM had one more strike left from the charge (and minimum damage coupled with Catalyst Poison would’ve been enough to kill Lilith) and Sebastian was also at hand to come hit Lilith and apply his Induction Aura. With Lilith at negative flips for Defense and me still holding one high card (a twelve or Rams) she surely would’ve perished. Still, I’m rather upset at myself for missing that and my sincere apologies to Varhaisdementia On the other side of the board, Barbaros smacks Judge around and Pushes him into a Tot engaged with the Nurse. The Tot Pounces and drops Judge to his Hard to Kill. Barbaros yells out a Challenge. The Judge moves a bit so as not to die to Black Blood from the Tot and then flips well for ignoring the Challenge and kills the Tot with the twelve of Rams. The Tot fights the Nurse but doesn’t accomplish much. Stalker tries to hit the Young but Challenge foils him once and Young’s Df foils his other swing. The Young kills the Stalker who explodes and kills The Judge as well as doing damage to Barbaros and the newly grown Mature. The Nurse tries to give Barbaros some meds but doesn’t succeed. Mature flaps towards McM and Sebastian. Sebastian moves up and drops a Scheme marker. Turn 5 I win Initiative and Paralyze the Mature. Who didn’t see that one coming? Barbaros and the Tot orchestrate the killing of the Nurse on the left and the Tot grows. McM and Sebastia move further dropping Scheme markers. We flip for an extra turn but it was not to be. The game ends 9-5. McMourning is victorious And I win the league - hooray! Here’s my winning team, though Lawyer took the place of the Stalker since I had painted the Stalker before this league and this pic shows just the new stuff. Also shown is the problem of doing faction-specific basing schemes. The lighting is a bit harsh, for better pics of the Resser side, see my painting thread: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/66013-my-resurrectionists-red-chapel-mostly/
  21. That is somewhat likely, yes. So could you please hurry up for the sake of the rest of us? We're kinda waiting for you to get on it! *taps foot impatiently*
  22. There is no official release schedule. Wyrd Chronicles usually lists next month's releases and sometimes we get a rough overview from, e.g., Warstore pre-orders but no one outside of Wyrd has any idea when Kaeris (for example) is coming out.
  23. I showed Wong on a different forum asking whether they thought that it was a racist depiction (recounting his story). The overwhelming consensus was that it was horribly racist the way it invokes yellow peril propaganda posters quite clearly, is wearing a woman's kimono and all in all perpetuates the whole Chinese caricature of an evil, deformed wizard with a droopy moustache. Now, I'm 100% sure that it wasn't Wyrd's intention but, at least to that crowd, it read extremely racist.
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