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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Who do you consider low tier, then? I, naturally, understand if you don't wish to answer the question but I would be very interested in hearing your opinion
  2. I think that these FAQ entries are sort of relevant: Q: Can Pandora take the Self Harm Action against a model without a zAttack? (Same question for Self Loathing and yAttacks). A: Yes. The Attack would simply be unable to deal damage. Self Harm selects a zAttack on the target and applies the damage, but does not require the target to have a zAttack. Attacks that require the target have a certain trait in order to target are generally worded, “Target model with a zAttack…” Self Harm is not worded in this way. Q: Can Tara use her Temporal Shift Action when she has zero cards in hand? A: Yes. The discard portion of the Action is an effect, not a cost. In other words, you can do "impossible" things (discarding cards that you don't have), they just don't do anything yet the other parts of the effect go off as normal.
  3. Not really, unfortunately. You'll be paying like a dollar per useful card which isn't a very good deal. I really wish that Wyrd would release all the cards that don't come in minis boxes as one deck (containing all Factions). The current system, though very nice for us old timers who are drowning in metal models, really kinda sucks for newbies. I always sorta grimace when someone new asks about this
  4. There's also the defenses of the defender to take into account. For example if missing or hitting the Defender is somehow detrimental (like against Black Blood, Barbaros, Squeeling Gremlins, or Mei Feng, for example) or, perhaps even more commonly, if they have, e.g., Armor +1 and your damage track is 2/4/5 or something. If you aren't willing to cheat for whatever reason, OTOH, Focusing often becomes less attractive.
  5. He is Ht 2, though, so you'd need to Paralyze him first. Also note that if he has his Aura up, then Flesh Constructs can't really do anything at all with their Wp 2. The only Ht 1 Gremlin Master is Ophelia.
  6. For some unknown reason, our Mei Feng vs Von Schill games have been filled to the brim with utter incompetence from our models. It's seriously weird. Mei Feng needed three turns of full on assault to kill a Trapper while a Strongarm Suit missed Joss for three turns on the other side of the battlefield. In the game on Tuesday I got Von Schill into one wound. ZFiend wins Initiative, Von Schill jumps into the middle of my crew and Rips off his shirt forcing Horror Duels on seven of my models (the range on that Pulse is utterly bonkers). I flip, and I kid you not, 13, 12, 13, 11, 12, 12, 10. Not good! For the rest of the turn I manage to win a grand total of two duels (one by cheating the only good card I had in my hand)... It's a 100% price increase...
  7. I have been using it a lot on Mei Feng. She likes to be in the thick of things and isn't really all that durable without it. At least not in our meta.
  8. He looks great! And the basing looks seriously top-notch. Really like the sort of grim and realistic style. For light box: http://privateerpressforums.com/showthread.php?104495-Milk-Jug-Lightbox
  9. To expand on this just a bit, Wyrd are doing a podcast where they read the stories from old books. Pretty damn groovy, if you ask me. Head here: http://breachsidebroadcast.podbean.com/
  10. There is also the fact that at a first glance you should buy a starter and then stuff that works with that Master and then somewhere down the road buy a second Master. Or that's how it would intuitively work. But due to how crew building in Malifaux works, you are actually better off buying a couple of Masters and expanding like that. But this isn't easy to communicate to new players.
  11. I'm sorry but I can't see the difference, either. Discarding cards that you don't have in your hands is to me just as silly as pushing into base contact with yourself. Both are perfectly valid actions but due to circumstances (having no cards in hand/targeting yourself) they become impossible.
  12. If I think back to my latest game it basically happened in a 2' x 2' area. We both exited our deployment zones post haste so that's one foot out and then one side had my Performer doing Protect Territory while the other side had a big forest, so that's another foot out. It was Extraction and we both had Cursed Object and Protect Territory but other than Reconnoiter and Interference it seems that the games seldom happen all that much at the very sidelines aside from a potential Scheme runner or two doing something. So yeah, it will likely change the experience but I would just play it normally. Should work fine though would alter the power curves slightly.
  13. Did someone say rap? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRQU3LOQgAM
  14. Brewmaster's Obey is unsuited - that's a seriously huge difference. Also, Brewmaster is relatively easy to shoot away and doesn't kill stuff - Voodoo Doll kills stuff and Zoraida has nice defensive abilities (though with her own weaknesses as well). And finally, Zoraida has hand manipulation stuff that Brewmaster doesn't. Both are control Master but they go about it really differently.
  15. This is true but since forum posters seem to be way above average Malifaux players it seems (or they schedule games against noobs for the purpose of this thread or whatever) that losing a participant is a huge blow. And no one is really responsible for it since there could be any number of good reasons for not playing (ranging from simply forgetting to having no time or a medical crisis or whatever).
  16. I, as an outside observer and utterly impartial (pay no mind to my avatar) suggest that you simply average out the games played. It would be possible to game the system but I doubt anyone would.
  17. Certainly a cool concept. Will be interesting to see how it translates into a miniature. As for it not following the "historical" mythic roots of the entity - well, Wendigo is usually a bit different in "real" myth as well to pick a random example
  18. I'm not super fond of Molemen, to be honest. They aren't bad but they aren't stellar, either (though they are rather nice for Squatter's Rights). And if you wait a bit, you will have stellar options to choose from (like the SSMiner). Meanwhile I think that you can make do with what you've got - Ramos is actually really good at Scheme Marker stuff since Spiders aren't half bad at it and they are numerous and expendable. And really, only Breakthrough and Power Ritual require "true" Scheme runners - and both are doable (especially Power Ritual) with just "normal" models. Finally, I'm guessing that Kaeris will be released for Gencon, so not all that long to wait for her.
  19. Aye, it's mostly a matter of terrain. We tend to use quite a lot of fences that, if you have to climb over them, slow you down quite a bit, for example. Certainly but it is still there. It's not reliable but I wouldn't discount it wholly, either. To be fair, for Arcanists those low tomes are sorta costly as several Arcanist models like them for one reason or another. Though I do agree that Ice Dancer seems really good.
  20. I'm probably missing something obvious here, but Tarot Reading is only for Zoraida, so I don't see how McTavish changes the fact that Gremlins can't use Silurids (or Voodoo Doll or Bad Juju) unless led by Zoraida.
  21. You of all people should like them as Scheme runners since they are basically better than the Arachnids that you always defend them in the role Flight trumps Unimpeded and with the possibility of Leap - though naturally that Def 6 is very nice for Arachnids since it allows them to Disengage more easily (and makes them more durable).
  22. Zoraida has an upgrade which lets her take Swampfiend models into any crew so you can make a Zoraida-led Gremlin crew that includes Silurids, Waldgeists, Gupps and other Neverborn Swampfiends (and similarly you can use it to take Gremlin Swampfiends like Bayou Gators and Wild Boars into Zoraida Neverborn crews). The only model in the box who is of no great use in a Zoraida Gremlin ("Gremraida") crew is Bad Juju since his Eternal Fiend Upgrade is Neveborn only (and you really want that upgrade for him every time you use him). And none of the models are useful for Gremlins outside of a Gremraida crew.
  23. I would first get the Slop Haulers. They are wonderfully versatile (good for healing but also for fighting and not all that bad for Scheme running, either). After that, Somer's box is a good buy since the humble Bayou Gremlins are really good and Lenny is absolutely superb. If you want to really utilize Somer, you would do well to buy another box of Bayou Gremlins to allow for his Summoning. After that, the world is your oyster. Piglets, Hog Whisperer and a Pigapult open up all sorts of possibilities; Gracie provides a very solid tank that can haul around your other models; Merris is one of the best Scheme runners in the game; Burt gives another solid option for damage dealing; Zoraida and Brewmaster open up new ways to play - all sorts of possibilities and there are no bad choices, really (though I would get a Hog Whisperer before getting many Pigs - other than Gracie, that is). Welcome to the best Faction! We have the prettiest girls and the strongest drinks.
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