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Everything posted by waghorn41

  1. Great idea, in specialised areas would be best I think. General terrain, buildings, bridges, woods etc. I'd offer to proof read (part of my last job) but don't speak the American version of English.
  2. I wondered where I'd lost it! Now if only my D100 would turn up...
  3. That's a beautiful piece! OK, one small almost inconsequential suggestion. Shading and highlights on the upper body to give more 'shape'. The lower half, skirt/cloak, is much better.
  4. Yep kids are great - I got some minis! My eldest daughter went into the local store run by a friend of mine and asked him to pick something. He sold her a Fenryll blister of Amazons. Don't think she looked at them too closely... Did somebody mention nipples?
  5. I'll second that. Happy father's day to all, just waiting to see if my brood have taken the hint and bought me some more minis...
  6. Happy Birthday - just realised I'm not the oldest here! Hope you have a good day.
  7. Have to agree with this, especially the vision thing, but then I've left 50 far behind... Welcome to a damn good site.
  8. Can't work out how to insert an image here but my first GW mini, when I started in this scale in 1998, is in my gallery, Bretonnian Sorceress in pink dress. Of course being incredibily ancient I'd been painting figures for many years prior to this [ATTACH]94[/ATTACH] hey just worked it out!
  9. New York for 4 days, overnight in Niagara then Toronto for 3 days. So it's find somewhere to admire/buy miniatures which we don't see easily this side of the pond or find a friendly bar...
  10. I have to go stateside in August then into Canada. can anybody tell me of a good place to go for miniatures (I'll say it's therapy) while my wife and daughter are hitting the shops?
  11. So what does that make me ! :weirdo: Happy birthday Morf, have a good one.
  12. Just a child's natural imagination, don't worry about it. My 5 kids are all fine. But if the friend is still there when they reach adulthood watch out - especially if its' a 6ft bunny!:eek:
  13. LOve the paint job on Lilith but not too sure about the coat, seems a bit flat to me, more highlight/shading needed, but it might just be the photo.
  14. Go see it, Harrison is on form and great to watch again. It's funny, got a continuous twist with one character and has a dig at the 1950's McCarthy regime, Roswell etc. Sit back and enjoy, it'll be worth it.
  15. If I could but paint Success would surely be mine I try, fail again Wyrd miniatures A true cornucopia Figures of delight
  16. waghorn41


    Welcome kate, nioce to see another Brit in Wyrd. Don't be afraid to put up work, it can't be worse than mine. They're a friendly bunch here and fuill of good advice and helpful tips. Have fun.
  17. Well Skya I've just looked at your website and I'm glad I only entered IP5 for the fun of it. Your work is awesome.I don't have enough years left to get to that level! Made me think about deleting my galleery here on Wyrd but then thought, what the hell give everybody a laugh... How about a bit of advice as to the best paints to use? Ian
  18. Just added a few more for you all to laugh at and wonder what the hell I'm doing in IP5!
  19. A very nice gift and very well painted. I'm not much of a painter but my only criticism ios the base. To my eyes yje pale veins in the marble look too wide in compasionto the figure especially at the front and side. At the back the marble effect looks much more realistic.
  20. OK I'm not much of a painter and so far have only used GW colours. For silver I use boltgun metal then a wash followed by highlighting first with mithril silver then mithril mixed with white or another colour for the required effect. Gold I used to like the old GW colour as I find the new ones poor quality. Now trying out a base of tin bitz highlighted with other golds which are then mixed with silver, white etc for effect. It's really a matter of what works best for you, and which method you prefer to spend the time on.
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