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Everything posted by LavronYor

  1. Any word on when Iron Painter 9 will start? LavronYor
  2. Man, I want to stay up, but work was the nightmare that I predicted.

  3. In Contradiction? This seems to support my advice. Little known fact, I too use a well pallete. I rarely use a wet pallete. I was just suggesting it as another area to try. One of the best painters I know, says that the most important part of miniature painting is paint consistency or proper paint mixing, so don't think it is some easy thing that should be quick to learn. The Jeremie Bonamant Teboul video is one of the best in my opinion. Another source of painting articles that is hard to find, is the painting sections in Cry Havoc Magazine which were put out by Rackham several years ago. Good luck and keep on happy painting, as another great painter advises. ps Wren, and after all those gems I gave you in DragonVale, et tu Wren....
  4. Okay, I have commented on your mini, very nice, btw and I will add some to this thread. First, kudos to the linky. Being helpful to those trying to be helpful is great. 1. ditto to what Sue said. What do you mean by socket bases? 2.3. this is imho the best single tutorial that I have ever read, and Vincent Hudon is also a nice person, and Canadien. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=105449 let me know what you think. Also, have you tried playing with a wet pallete? This can help immensely with blending. LavronYor
  5. Hey, Happy Birthday Katie Michael Stubbs

  6. IF it is just for gaming quality and you need a lot, and the surface is already flat, then just paint it and give it a coat of gloss or two. If it is contoured, then I agree, with the Envirotex light. LavronYor
  7. Just don't tell us that they expire the week before GenCon.. LavronYor
  8. Jess, Zach and I will be there, and he is doing a half shift in the Demon Lounge. We usually go over to Inner Harbor for lunch to miss all of the WAAAGh shouting. LavronYor
  9. hey, sending a friend request and maybe more.... LavronYor

  10. You are quite welcome. for the judging that is. LavronYor

  11. I would be in .... could we call it Ass of Bass since Basswood is an excellent light multipurpose wood, and things do sit on the terrain? Lavron
  12. bring out your dead, bring out your dead, and we will fling them at your opponent.. LY
  13. wow, this is great. thanks much for sharing all the hard work. Lavron
  14. Just don't mix that with Cuban Coffee. I hear the results come without warning.
  15. How about paint in two weeks, Judge in two days?
  16. Well, I am glad that the consensus is for after the Holidays. Nothing ruins Festivus like having to kick some non family members a$$ with painting feats of iron. As for the questions, y y n y y n m m . We had the Vikey day parade here in New Jersey, but some little fat guy in red and white seemed to have taken the SuperV's spot. The only thing I can say about the themes is that maybe instead of all music which seemed to keep repeating the music idea even marginally, would be to maybe rotate the sources, as in maybe a Movie title, then music, then TV, or Historic Quote, or a Cartoon misquote of a famous quote or some pop culture reference..( They killed Kenny, In the morning we can make waffles, Those weren't pillows, There's the first chink in the Armor, These aren't the Droids your looking for, When you came in, I smelled insanity, but I didn't think it was you Lemon) etc. LavronYor is gone no more....
  17. Hey, happy birthday vencegomer.... hello... hello... can you hear me?
  18. A most happy birthday to both of you! Good luck with the 40s Jim and Bryan enjoy your last of the 30s. I hope things are drying out for one of you and work is slowing down for the other.. Michael ps now where were those boobies that someone promised?
  19. INdeed, have a happy birthday, forget about IP, your opponent probably won't even finish.... Man, I wish I was thirty and know what I know now.... Cheers...
  20. Is there any chance that you can get any of the Ravage special editions from 6 up?

  21. Michelle, I know that I missed it, but I hope it was happy.. Michael
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