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Sybelle - comply



Hi, we've had an game yesterday and a funny situation came up. I just wanted to check if we played it right.


In the first round his Ramos moved towards the middle of the field. 

My Belles then lured him even closer to me so Sybelle yould charge him.
I got of the comply trigger and forced Ramos (by spending one of my soulstones for the suit) to sacrafice Langdon via uncontrolled explosion.

... now as i understand this is possible because sybelle is the model controling the action - so my soulstones (as sybelle can use them) and the cards flipped for the action get flipped of my deck/i can cheat cards etc.

It felt realy realy strong and my opponent was not amused to lose Langdon round one (and Ramos round two) - although it was his fault to position him so bad (or good depending on wich end of the table you sit ;-))

So was all this legal?

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The card specifies that model affected by the trigger counts "sybelle" as a friendly, I would only assume that by that definition the action used by ramos defined the rest of his crew as "enemy" and you would not be able to blow your opponents 12 ss model with 1 neat trigger.

That was only put in to deny Sybelle being able to force you to take a swing at her.....then, since she controls you, you fail the Horror duel and become Paralyzed. She can still do that to you, but a different model with Terrifying needs to be close...which makes it a bit harder to do. Only Sybelle is friendly, everyone else stays the same.


So, yes it's legal. Disgusting, but legal. It's far worse if you can Alpha Ramos with Marcus....because Marcus gets an entire Activation out of him, so could do that 3 times.


Oh, and for added disgusting-ness.........I'm pretty sure Ramos can do that to himself.

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The card specifies that model affected by the trigger counts "sybelle" as a friendly, I would only assume that by that definition the action used by ramos defined the rest of his crew as "enemy" and you would not be able to blow your opponents 12 ss model with 1 neat trigger.


Nope, you're extrapolating stuff that it doesn't say. He treats Sybelle as friendly for the duration of the action. HIs other allegiances don't change. His own crew is still friendly, the rest of Sybelle's crew is still enemy. 

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... now as i understand this is possible because sybelle is the model controling the action - so my soulstones (as sybelle can use them) and the cards flipped for the action get flipped of my deck/i can cheat cards etc.


Just thought I'd point out that Sybelle being able to use soulstones doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that the model you are controlling can use soulstones. Ramos being a master can use them (out of your pool as you did) so everything was within the rules.

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