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New Wyrd Army-scale Game: Ruined Planet

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I've also noticed several attempts at large scale 28mm sci-fi lately on Kickstarter. I don't know if trying to replace 40k in its current incarnation is worth it; I think a company-level game (which I am going to use from now on- sounds better than "real skirmish" or "warband") would be cool, though. Mantic's going to be doing that next year with Warpath, far as I can tell, and Warzone at its larger end is more or less this.


For larger army-scale gaming, I'm in the "make it 6mm or 10mm" camp. We don't have as much at that scale, and that size allows players to put big armies on a normal sized game table.


I remember kicking around ideas with other board members about larger-scale combat in the Malifaux setting (perhaps the Powder Wars would be a good backdrop for it). I think the idea was using some of the more common Malifaux units (Guild Guards, basic Nephilim, Desperate Mercenaries, Freikorpsmen) in squads of 3-6 and moved as a unit, with the Masters/Henchmen serving as generals and Enforcers acting as unit commanders. I remember reading some user fiction that featured a large battle with dozens of Guild Guard fighting a huge pack of Nephilim, and thought that would be a hell of a game.

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I've also noticed several attempts at large scale 28mm sci-fi lately on Kickstarter. I don't know if trying to replace 40k in its current incarnation is worth it; I think a company-level game (which I am going to use from now on- sounds better than "real skirmish" or "warband") would be cool, though. Mantic's going to be doing that next year with Warpath, far as I can tell, and Warzone at its larger end is more or less this.


For larger army-scale gaming, I'm in the "make it 6mm or 10mm" camp. We don't have as much at that scale, and that size allows players to put big armies on a normal sized game table.

Definitely agree that there are an awful lot of large scale army games around. It would be a difficult market to get into, though Wyrd was told that when they were developing and marketing Malifaux as well. I think you hit on a key to it being a successful effort though, army scale games really need to utilize smaller scale miniatures. It just makes more sense in terms of playability and realism to utilize a 6-10mm scale rather than the industry standard 28mm. The 28mm scale works well for medieval army games (where ranges were short and tactics called for massed formations) but fails horribly for future combat style games where ranges and modern tactics cant be accurately represented.

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Personally I moved away from GW games entirely because they don't support smaller numbers of models.

I'm a "perfectionist" painter and cannot afford the time to paint large volumes. While I may be an extreme personally I'd far rather paint up a skirmish level Wyrd sci-fi game than something company or army level..


GW has it's big games and they don't appear to be growing, locally at least they're losing players. The growth market seems to be to be in smaller systems, then as others have said - smaller scale does large games better.


If weird did a post-apoc game set after the events described in this thread, using warbands in a mad-max or Fallout style environment I'd be very interested, I think that's a setting they could do wonderful things in given their Malifaux roots. Also, keep to the card mechanic, it's Wyrd and wonderful and it's theirs. I like the idea that I could bring three decks of cards and a handful of models along and play a post apoc or malifaux skirmish with just a small bag full of stuff. 


I'd also like to see all existing games share some love before more games are developed, puppet wars could be much more than just the "starter".

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