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Why don't the wave 2 cards have art?


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Hello all. This is my first post here. I'm just getting into this game and I have a few older models, so I've been anxiously waiting for all the cards to be released.


How come the new wave 2 cards for download don't have any art on them though? Seems like a fairly easy thing to add, I mean it's all done, just slap it on.


Has anybody started this project?

It will be way easier for my wife if the cards matched the models.


- Game ON!

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Yeah, not sure why you'd assume the art team is finished. Its probably the main reason its not coming out for another few months. Art takes time


I assumed he assumed they'd be reusing the M1E art for these.  There are also several things in Wave 2 that almost certainly won't be getting new art that could probably go with finished cards, but I'm sure whoever updates the files doesn't really want to do that until they can do them all in one sitting.

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Some models, like the 10T, probably aren't getting new art, some art, we know, is done, probably more than we've seen. I suspect, and this is pure conjecture, that the hi res cards have no art (except for Levi, who was really Wave 1) is for consistency, and to motivate us to (gasp) buy the finished Arsenal decks.

Edit: ninja'd

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