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Chain Activations (including Alpha) and Mood Swing



How does the Mood Swing Condition interact with Chain Activations, specifically via the Companion or Accomplice abilities.  Can a Pandora/Candy player force a player to Chain Activate a model with Mood Swing, if it is eligible to do so thanks to Companion or Accomplice?  Essentially I am asking if it counts as the model's controller having "an opportunity to Activate a model" for the purposes of using Mood Swing.



If this is legal, and you can indeed force a model to Chain Activate if it is eligible to do so, I have another question:


Marcus casts Alpha on a model.  However, he is within 6" of a different friendly model that is eligible for a Chain Activation (via Accomplice) that has the Mood Swing Condition.  What happens if the Pandora/Candy player wants them to activate the Mood Swing model?



Or am I just overthinking this, and does Mood Swing not interact with Chain Activations at all?   :huh:

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Great question!

My reading of those rules would be yes to your first question, it is an opportunity to activate so can be affected by Mood Swing.

With Marcus, because he has cast Alpha, there is already a Chain Activation "declared" as such. So once he's finished his activation, the mood swing target does not have an opportunity to activate because the Alpha'd model has already taken that opportunity.

At least that's how I'd play it :)

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