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I am just getting into Malifaux and love the Terraclips Scenery.  I noticed some in the corner of my FLGS and am considering picking some up.  I think they have all 3 and I know to get a box of clips for each kit I get.  Just to test them out I thought I would get a set but have some questions.


1. Will the streets of Malifaux cover a 3'x3' area alone?  I know this would cut down on the different levels but am just curious if I could get 1 to try it out.


2. Will the Buildings of Malifaux set lay fairly flat and not move too much when on a grass mat or specifically a Zuzzy mat?


3. If you could only get 1 set which would it be?


Thanks for the help!

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1. Naw, it covers a little more than half of a 3x3 area. 


2. No idea. 


3. In hindsight - buildings. I've got streets and I just can't get into it. It's weird that streets immediately end in whatever table you had underneath. Buildings can be made as freestanding structures which make sense in the middle of a grass area. 

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1. Nope. Least I've ever managed a full 3'x3' board with is 2 sets. If you mean "cover" as in provide 33% or more terrain for it... then maybe but I dont' know what kind of items come in the streets pack (it's the only one I've never purchased).


2. I use my Buildings of Malifaux set buildings on my zuzzy mats without issue, though I don't recall ever using them on the heavy, reocky textured mats. They absolutely work great on the blacktop mat and the cobblestone mat.  I don't think it'd be a huge issue on the more textured forest/sulpher fields mats but that my depend on how much movement is acceptable to you personally.


3. Out of Streets, Sewers and Buildings I would definitely recommend Buildings. My other favorite is Dungeon Rise: Vaults of Ruin as it has great walls and floors for quick ruined wall areas and mini-encampments and the like.


Either way, with terraclips stuff, you kinda get what you pay for. It's fairly cheap and easy but not the greatest quality (primarily in terms of durability).  I love picking it up on 50% off sales for quick terrain to fill multiple boards though and it looks decent for stuff that's easily put together and slapped on the table.


I would also recommend, at minimum, 3 connector variety packs for every 2 sets you buy (minimum).  Even that ratio will likely not provide enough of all the connector types to build a complete 3'x3' board out of JUST terraclips and get it how you want it. I find that the L connectors are the ones I constantly want more of, probably because I build lots of tiny modular pieces out of this stuff, followed by the I connectors.  The T is more useful when building larger structures so I seem to always have extra.

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I have two sets of the Buildings and I can make enough buildings to fit in a 3x3 area with a couple of multi level buildings in there.  It works great and it sits on a felt mat/table fine.  If you add in a sewer set, you should be able to cover 3x3.  I think you could definitely do it with a 1 sewer, 1 streets, and 1 building.  Remember, when you get the sets, you should have one more box of clips than the number of sets you have.  For example, if you have 1 of each (streets, buildings, sewers), you should have 4 boxes of clips.  This will ensure that you have enough clips to build the best set up you can get.   Once you get acclimated to using the clips, you will not need as many.    It also gets faster to build and break down as you get experienced with it.


Hope this helps.

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I am just getting into Malifaux and love the Terraclips Scenery.  I noticed some in the corner of my FLGS and am considering picking some up.  I think they have all 3 and I know to get a box of clips for each kit I get.  Just to test them out I thought I would get a set but have some questions.


1. Will the streets of Malifaux cover a 3'x3' area alone?  I know this would cut down on the different levels but am just curious if I could get 1 to try it out.


2. Will the Buildings of Malifaux set lay fairly flat and not move too much when on a grass mat or specifically a Zuzzy mat?


3. If you could only get 1 set which would it be?


Thanks for the help!


1) None of the sets will cover a 3' x 3' table on their own if using the terraclips for the base as well however the Buildings set provides enough structures to fill out a board if you have another media for the base (either a textured base board or zuzzymat).


2) The Zuzzy mat definitely helps hold the terraclips structures in place, grass mats do fairly well also. The flagstone Zuzzy mats are great for providing the base when purchasing only a single Buildings of Malifaux set.


3) If I could only buy 1 set then it would be the Buildings of Malifaux set followed closely buy the Vaults of Ruins set (better yet I would highly recommend both as they are great for augmenting one another).


If I were to get buildings and sewers would that be enough for a 3x3 table?


Yes it will cover the 3' x 3' board however you will have some of the sewer tiles visible (not a huge issue as it replicates polluted canals fairly well). If you want the Sewer set then the Prison of the Foresaken set augments much better than the Buildings set.


Buildings and Streets of Malifaux go together well ass does the Vaults of Ruins set. The Dungeon Essentials can be nice as augments for the other sets.


Where do you buy the buildings of Malifaux box?  Far as I can tell, they don't make them anymore?  I can't find a single place that sells them or has any in stock.


There are stores in Cleveland that have plenty in stock and I know at least one will ship.

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