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Candy Questions (getting the plastic model in a base and using her im M2E)


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I have some questions concerning Candy (I bot some trouble seeing her potential):

1. How to pin her on a base? Her legs are tiny and I wont get a pin through without utterly destroying the leg. Any ideas or hints?

2. I can't see the real use of here upgrade.. I see some denial potential, but 3AP are 3AP, meaning that I have to do extremely carefull positioning and maybe I'm not good enough for this.. Do you use her 'bat eyelashes'? How?

3. General Candy uses.. What is it she excells at? What do you do with her in games you use her together with Pandora?

Thank you

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havnt had too much play time with little candy so i will not comment on that...

as to pinning her... depends on the base you have her on... i ended up taking a small piece of sprue( one of the small stems that connect a part to the larger outside sprue frame) and plastic cemented that to her feet...and used it as a "pin" had to get a larger bit of course to make the hole for it to go into... and had to add just a dab of liquid greenstuff to tidy up just a hair...otherwise working just fine..

Also did the same thing for my girlfriends copycat killer...


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Candy is a very tricksy model to use. I won the see through green crew and used the whole pack (along with a doppelganger) in a 50SS game. I didn't use her specific upgrade (I used her with depression), but mid-game I realised how potent it could be.

I was against Seamus, and my plan was to keep him burning cards stopping me from getting off self-harm, and snuck Candy up to within the 3" that she becomes useful. Having the doppelganger to cheat in the initiative flip, and then casting incite on Seamus to force him to activate first to keep paraylsing him is a terrific ability.

While this will keep Seamus pinned, it still means that you then have to spend the rest of the turn making sure Candy is not dragged away/disposed. Firstly manipulative will help to reduce your opponents hand, and then knowing that really only 1 card in 52 will be able to hit Candy (unless your opponent is very fortunate in flipping 13,13,13) then you will basically be able to keep your opponents master paralysed for the remainder of the game.

It is very crew dependant, as if if you were to face guild, I wouldn't be using that ability as all thier shooting would have to randomise, and anything that wants to come and tank Candy/Pandy/Poltergeist/Kade in a big combat will have to have a good set up.

I'd only be looking to use it against crews with lure, and casting abilities without the gun symbol. But as a 3AP action, it has its uses, but I think in most cases going defensive +! and having 2 free AP would probably be the more likely choice, in order to give you a mix of 2 self loathing's or heals.

But please note that without a doppelganger, I would be very unlikely to take Candy, as you need to guarantee that someone is casting incite early in order for it to work, otherwise she becomes an expensive model for a CA5 self loathing and a heal flip.

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Candy with (0) Run away home! acted like a goalie during my last game. I played against pandora with Colettes themed crew. It was mainly because of our schemes she was so great.

The second turn candy survived with 1 wound thanks to it.

During turn 3-6 she was placed close enough to my models in her deployment zone to either paralyze them if they want to do something early or kill them if they didn't. Our schemes needed scheme markers in the corners and something I can't remember. Even though I had advanced on two flanks, it didn't help at all. She moved between those without problems. Those were the points that tipped the game in my opponents favor.

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I was against Seamus, and my plan was to keep him burning cards stopping me from getting off self-harm, and snuck Candy up to within the 3" that she becomes useful. Having the doppelganger to cheat in the initiative flip, and then casting incite on Seamus to force him to activate first to keep paraylsing him is a terrific ability.

While this will keep Seamus pinned, it still means that you then have to spend the rest of the turn making sure Candy is not dragged away/disposed. Firstly manipulative will help to reduce your opponents hand, and then knowing that really only 1 card in 52 will be able to hit Candy (unless your opponent is very fortunate in flipping 13,13,13) then you will basically be able to keep your opponents master paralysed for the remainder of the game.

But please note that without a doppelganger, I would be very unlikely to take Candy, as you need to guarantee that someone is casting incite early in order for it to work, otherwise she becomes an expensive model for a CA5 self loathing and a heal flip.

One note that can improve this strategy a bit is that the condition Incite gives lasts till the Targets's next activation, meaning if you hit a model that has already activated you can effect its activation next turn. Meaning in the case here, if Seamus activated and did his thing, then you Incited him and got Candy in there before the end of turn, then next turn you can force Seamus to activate first with out needing to worry about winning Initiative. Having the Doppelganger might not be a bad idea, but it also helps prevent the worse case Scenerios; First they flip something like a 13 for Initiative so even with Ill Omen you cannot go first and help should you fail to cast Incite on them as if you win Initiative the follow turn you can try again before they get an activation *assuming you won initiative*.

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mood swing (incite) will last until the model next activates, so you can set this up the turn before without needing to win initiative. i usually do this with pandora's 0 action. i like running candy with depression to be able to get multiple heals through most of the time if needed or to guarantee mood swings. sometimes i will run her with fears given forms because her melee range is so large (along with pandora, giving two large bubbles).

if you give FGF to both and the box opens to pandora, then the opponent will burn most of their hand in order to keep from taking 3 damage all over and to keep from failing the wp duels on pandora and teddy. with pandora and FGF i try to get her into as much as possible in order to maximize card advantage. she can get out of a jam by passing a wp/def duel. with candy, i really only try to engage 1-2 enemies and play games with mood swing and self loathing in order to kill stuff and make it paralyzed.

sorrows round out the crew (i usually take 3) by being fast and able to cause more misery damage and damage just from activating first. if you set it up right, you can cause 3 from FGF, 2-3 from sorrows and 3-4 if they fail a wp duel. you often end up spreading damage around liberally if you don't focus, so use candy/kade/pandora/teddy in order to be able to focus down priority targets to take them out. the sorrows just fill in the extra damage here and there as needed.

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mood swing (incite) will last until the model next activates, so you can set this up the turn before without needing to win initiative. i usually do this with pandora's 0 action. i like running candy with depression to be able to get multiple heals through most of the time if needed or to guarantee mood swings. sometimes i will run her with fears given forms because her melee range is so large (along with pandora, giving two large bubbles).

if you give FGF to both and the box opens to pandora, then the opponent will burn most of their hand in order to keep from taking 3 damage all over and to keep from failing the wp duels on pandora and teddy. with pandora and FGF i try to get her into as much as possible in order to maximize card advantage. she can get out of a jam by passing a wp/def duel. with candy, i really only try to engage 1-2 enemies and play games with mood swing and self loathing in order to kill stuff and make it paralyzed.

sorrows round out the crew (i usually take 3) by being fast and able to cause more misery damage and damage just from activating first. if you set it up right, you can cause 3 from FGF, 2-3 from sorrows and 3-4 if they fail a wp duel. you often end up spreading damage around liberally if you don't focus, so use candy/kade/pandora/teddy in order to be able to focus down priority targets to take them out. the sorrows just fill in the extra damage here and there as needed.

That almost sounds like too much of a perfect plan. Do you activate candy and pandora first in order to stop your own models taking FGF tests, as I can't see a way to get so many models into one enemy models face without causing a few tests on your own models (FGF is nearly killing a sorrow a turn unless your burning your own cards to save them). Thats the only reason I have not been running it myself.

I can see that you are trying to force the opponent to activate first to get all the damage from the upgrades + sorrows through, and am assuming you are forcing thier activation, following it by moving pandora/candy on to the next target and then moving the rest of the crew on afterwards. Its a nice tactic, but very fragile with the inclusion of FGF. I like to keep Pandora at a distance and counting on the sorrows/candy/Poltergeist to do the work.

I just don't want to get to that stage of the game with a wounded Sorrow, knowing you need to activate him before moving Candy/Pandora with FGF away, and killign your own model and miss losing points on strategies. Don't get me wrong, I love FGF on the likes of teddy, huggy, lilith, barbaros etc. I just feel that with Pandora you need your own models to be closely knit, and FGF causes too many headaches when trying to go for schemes. Especially when shes got upgrades that suit her better (cry for me, fugue state, voices).

I agree with you regarding using incite the previous turn, it just kind of came up that I had already used Pandora in killing copycat killer + a punk zombie, and that I had to rush Candy up to stop Seamus shooting and incite the following turn was the best thing for me to do.

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I run Pandora with Fears Given Form all the time and haven't really had any problems with it. Yes, it effects your manoeuvering, or at least it can do, but I don't really want to climb up that much anyway. It haven't been a problem keeping all/most models out of her engagement zone so far. Its just something you needs to think about, but the slight awkwardness ia more than outweighed buy the problems it creates for the enemy, IMO. Especially when Pandora likes to get into the face of people.

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i never burn cards to keep the sorrows alive. usually i use misery needs company and move them into base on the far side of candy/pandora. their second action is usually a doldrums. kade can pretty much handle it if needed and usually sits outside till it's time to charge later anyway. if teddy isn't low on wounds, then he gets to regen 2 of the 3 anyway.

depending on the battlefield layout, i would activate pandora or candy first. it all depends on what i need to happen at any given time and whether i get first activation or not.

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I don't have anything to contribute to using Candy, but I might be able to help with the pinning situation. It's a little wasteful, but I ordered some tiny pin vise bits online that are small enough to drill into her legs without damaging them. You do have to be careful to stay inside her limb, (and not to break the pin!) but just go slowly. When you have the hole drilled, just use the bit as your pin. I used this same method with the Rotten Belles.

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Thank you for your advice. Where have you bought the small pin? I've fixed her with afore mentioned plastic pin method, so it depends how stable the plastic 2 plastic connection with the plastic glue is if she will stay in her base... Might be Handy to have the tiny drill if not...

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Run her into melee late in the turn. Activate her first next turn, chuck up the spell a models are really going to struggle to hit her. Have fears given form on her and models are taking dmg and burning cards. While she ties up and grinds down multiple models you are accruing your objectives...!

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I have some questions concerning Candy (I bot some trouble seeing her potential):

1. How to pin her on a base? Her legs are tiny and I wont get a pin through without utterly destroying the leg. Any ideas or hints?

2. I can't see the real use of here upgrade.. I see some denial potential, but 3AP are 3AP, meaning that I have to do extremely carefull positioning and maybe I'm not good enough for this.. Do you use her 'bat eyelashes'? How?

3. General Candy uses.. What is it she excells at? What do you do with her in games you use her together with Pandora?

Thank you



1. I think you must will be very careful in her transportation, because her  "point of contact" is very thin. Onestly, I don't recommend you to pin her legs; a bad broken is behind the corner. 


2. In my opinion her upgrade is made to ensure her survival; but...since she is an henchman, she can use SS to prevent damage or to gain positive flips to defense duels (and negative flips on adversary damage), and she has also "goody basket"  for heal someone else or herself. In the end, even without her personal upgrade she have high chance of survival, so, maybe is better to use her to drop damage on enemy models via "fear given form" and "depression" upgrade (melancholy=>place Candy within 3" of the target).


3. I think she make her best at 50SS, where you can "help" her with sorrows, insidious madness and Pandora. Another strong Candy's ally is the Widow wever with her web and her multiple way to apply damage to a target.

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I haven't used Candy's Best Behavior upgrade so I can't speak to how useful it is or how to use it best. I can speak to how to use Candy on her own however. I agree with most of what everyone else has already contributed. I'll add that she really appreciates models that distract the enemies' from her, either by being even more dangerous or through shenanigans. Candy loves hanging out with Barbaros makes a good baby-sitter with his (0)Challenge. If you stack up some enemies in his :aura8, but not engaged by him, with Candy engaging them in her pile of auras and 3" engagement range.

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