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The most killy Master in all of M2

Math Mathonwy

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If we are talking about pure damage ( Ie red joker flip with damage increasing triggers only, for crit strike etc) The winners seem to be Ophelia at 12 followed by Lady j at 11 ( remember we arent adding in SS) followed by lillith and the viks at 9, and McMourning and many others at 8 ( well levi can do 9 I believe)

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If we are talking about pure damage ( Ie red joker flip with damage increasing triggers only, for crit strike etc) The winners seem to be Ophelia at 12 followed by Lady j at 11 ( remember we arent adding in SS) followed by lillith and the viks at 9, and McMourning and many others at 8 ( well levi can do 9 I believe)

Sorry, I don't really understand. Could you define "pure damage"? I'm missing the connection between the master and the number.

How do you get the numbers?

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Red joker flip no ss for suit one attack Ie Max +min damage + any damage triggers via crit strike etc.

Oh, you meant in one attack action with a base attack action with no other buffs. I somehow thought you meant a whole activation.

But I'd still like to count the built in buffs that many masters have, which would change this completely. Not all masters have their bonus damage built in their triggers, they've got it through other buffs or upgrades.

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I guess we're going with Ml attacks only or something, otherwise Jacob Lynch jumps to the head of the class. Averages about 16-18 damage in an activation if he has to make a target Brilliant, otherwise it goes over 20 pretty easily.

I'm mainly avoiding Lynch because that set-up from him is much more situational than most of the other Masters. (In that it relies both on handing out Brilliance and preserving an enormous hand.) I've seen Viktorias crank out tons of damage as a matter of course on multiple occasions, but - despite playing him more often - I've only once seen Lynch dish out sizable damage once. And that was in a Jacob Lynch mirror match, where the enemy came with brilliance from the start.

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Well, I'm going to stick up for Mei Feng. Whilst her damage track is not nearly as impressive as Lil or Lady (I'm not including Viks as they are not just a master), with Seismic Claws, if she's surrounded she'll easily out AP all the other masters and if she's got Misdirection, what she doesn't kill in her activation she'll kill in their activation!


So I guess it depends on the definition. One on one, probably Lady then Lil, but mobbed and outnumbered, give me Mei Feng any day of the week!

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For most amount of damage, don't you have to look at the % change/ease of hitting and the difficulty of a trigger (if there is one).  


I would say a model that does 10 damage 80% of the time (with no need to trigger) is more of a bad ass than a model that does 15 damage 50% of the time with a trigger.  

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For most amount of damage, don't you have to look at the % change/ease of hitting and the difficulty of a trigger (if there is one).  


I would say a model that does 10 damage 80% of the time (with no need to trigger) is more of a bad ass than a model that does 15 damage 50% of the time with a trigger.  

Well by this logic then I'd say Lady J, Her Crit strike is built into her Ml7 and she can always stone for another ram. Flip a 3rd and shes Weak Damage 6 and Severe Damage 9. If she flips the RJ then that's a whole butt load of damage. 



if i'm not mistaken she caps out at 12. +3 for crit strike 6 on severe, 3 on weak = 12 damage cap... not saying that is a slouch.


I think you're right there. Dunno how I got too 15. Must have added +3 to both Weak and Severe  :rolleyes:

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