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New to Malifaux, new to the hobby


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Oh! I also forgot to post pictures of my awesome Christmas present from a friend of mine. I've made myself a swamp "board" to play my Gremlins on:


I need a mat to go under it, but for now that is what I play on. So my friend decided I needed a big centrepiece for my swamp:


He's left it to me to choose a paint scheme so that'll need some thinking about.

Some details:





Any suggestions for painting it up are gratefully received!

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Like the others, it definitely shows that you're improving greatly with each miniature painted. It's true that all you really need to paint well are are few tricks and some well-placed paint, and you're on your way!


I've been into miniature collecting and painting for many years and still love it. I hope you love it for a long, long, time, too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks again for the kind words! :D

So next on the painting table, while I was still in the right mindset, were Ophelia and crew:

The lady herself

Rami and his ballast piglet

Francois, the coolest gremlin to ever wear a hat

Raphael, the Bayou's Most Wanted

And finally Pere Ravage and his amazing explosding piggies

I did some Young LaCroix as well but I need to re-do the pics on them!

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So I'm bumping this for a bit of advice. I'm currently working on Vanessa and I wanted to get some ideas on how to paint her magic effect. In the artwork it looks like it's white where it's emerging from the staff and then getting darker. My thought was to paint the whole thing white, and then paint it the same way you paint fire; white and then work outwards getting darker as I go. But any suggestions are welcome!

A few more pics:








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Not got a lot of Malifaux stuff done recently, but I have begun my descent into the dark side and painted a couple of my Neverborns!

Baby Kade:




Technically these (along with my Iggy) will be mostly used for my Hamelin crew, but I'm basing them to match the rest of my Neverborn.


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I really like your work. You a really good painter that is very accurate. I'm a little interested in some of your contrast detail between fingers and toes, and on the muscles. You don't use stains do you? I think you should look into it (if you don't) to help give more character to your models. It's really apparent when your look at models like Wongs hands.



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Thanks! :)

I tend to use washes - either brown/black for general shadows or for something like Wong's hands I used a green wash, highlighted back over with the base colour, then highlighted with a lighter green and then on the raised bits a few very thin layers of yellow glaze.

And on Coppelius, he was a basecoat of blue, wash of dark blue, then a pale blue-grey drybrush to pick up the wrinkles and bumps in his hands.

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So I've been keeping myself amused recently by painting a crew for a friend of mine who doesn't have a lot of spare time at the moment. The only problem with this is that he plays Guild, and my Gremlin-playing self is not down with that. I'll never get the smell off my hands.....

First on the table to be done - 3 Latigo Pistoleros.









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