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The Torch and the Blade (kinda spoiler alert?)


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I just picked up the new Sonnia crew box and I love the new Sam Hopkins model. I WANT TO USE DA HAMMAH! Seriously, we need an upgrade or something that lets him use that giant mallet strapped to his back. Like yesterday. That is all for now, thank you.

Oh and I am so not looking forward to assembling that totem.

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I just finished assembly on this box myself. Love it! Samael was moderately frustrating with all the loops and straps and what-nots.

The Purifying Flame actually wasn't that bad; I started with gluing the legs to the base, then one hip at a time to the legs (I didn't want to chance trying to glue both points at once, and the pieces are flexible enough to glue the second after the first has set).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone found out where the small strap is supposed to go? The renderers show it somewhere on the back of the left leg and on the assembly instruction it is already attached to the torso from the start. So I left mine out as I can't really find a place for it to go

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Oh and I am so not looking forward to assembling that totem.

I feel your pain, mine gave up the ghost while I was clipping a different part of the sprue sadly, now he is a little shorter than he should be lol.

The Strap on mine is on his left side waist, pretty much where your belt would be.on his left leg around his thigh he has a little strap moulded on, a little way up from there, perhaps 1 cm, is where I have my strap attached. Attached it reaches up to his left arm at the shoulder.

Edited by tinfish
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As far as I know (remembering Justin's post on beta waves), wave 3 will be avatars and a new faction generic upgrade, without any wave 1 model specific upgrades.

That's not to say he can't ever get one, but I wouldn't expect one to appear. Certainly not soon, anyway.

Maybe he just likes croquet?

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As far as I know (remembering Justin's post on beta waves), wave 3 will be avatars and a new faction generic upgrade, without any wave 1 model specific upgrades.

That's not to say he can't ever get one, but I wouldn't expect one to appear. Certainly not soon, anyway.

Maybe he just likes croquet?

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