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Brand Newbie's Work


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I'm brand new to miniatures and painting them, so don't tear me apart too bad :) I apologize for my photos; there's no nice background or anything... My first ones are the Death Marshals and I just finished Rasputina's Children of December set. I'll try to enclose some photos of her and Wendigo photos soon. With my Death Marshal trio, I had never heard of a wash, but I attempted it with the Rasputina set. I now know how important it is! Anyway, enjoy and feel free to comment with any tips for a newbie. Oh, and I know one of my Death Marshals isn't put together "properly". I really liked their coats and thought having a coffin cover up most of it by putting it on his back was kind of dumb... so, he's a little different.










Edited by BabyFreak6
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to be new to painting, those all look really great!! sure you could stand to add a highlight more to the marshals coats... and their coffins... but those december models look really good...nice amount of color blend which is something i still struggle to get correct.

I particularly like the december bases...what kind of stones are the larger more opaque ones? i really like them!

I'd say you are well on your way to being very good at this hobby!


also i rather like the kneeling marshal without the coffin across his back.... just sayin...

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Thanks for all the tips! Sadly, this newbie already clear coated her DMs, or I'd add some brighter highlights. These being my first, I had no idea what a wash was, or how to add proper highlights, etc. However, Lady Justice and her crew should be arriving today and I plan on doing the DMs in that one a little differently... with a tiny bit more experience.... :)

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Those are really nice. You would cringe if you saw my first minis. The bases on the children of december are really cool, they are kind of abstract and strange contributing to the illusion that they are in some fantasy environment. As for the death marshalls I really dig the blue flame you did. You should be proud of those minis.

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I particularly like the december bases...what kind of stones are the larger more opaque ones? i really like them!

I'd say you are well on your way to being very good at this hobby!


also i rather like the kneeling marshal without the coffin across his back.... just sayin...

Woe, to answer your question about the bases, the large opaque stones are frosted beach glass, found at my local craft store. :) The smaller clear and blue ones are embellishments use in vases, also found at the craft store. They had them in red, green, brown/yellow and black, too. I have a feeling those will be a common theme in my bases. All I need are purple ones for the Neverborns.

Edited by BabyFreak6
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you are able to paint and wash over the top of clear coat. in fact i highly recommend you glos varnish a model before you wash it, as this helps reduce surface tension and allows the wash to really flow into the recesses and along cracks(like the coffins). when done, just add a new clear coat to seal it again. i like to use a matte finish as the final coat, but some people go with a satin(semi gloss) because they feel a matte will dull down highlights and sometimes even "frost" the model when not done right or in poor weather conditions.

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Thanks! Lady J is by far my favorite one I've done, but it's a small pool I'm pulling from. I fell in love with the burgundy color, so much so that my other Death Marshals are getting burgundy coats as well. I did another wash on Sonnia's hair as I can see what you mean, that side of her head especially. Thanks for the tip! :)

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It's just acrylic craft paint in burgundy... Nothing fancy. I have a ton of acrylic paint so I figured I'd start with that and slowly acquire proper mini paint. I did jump in and buy the GW glazes though and a few others... It does make a difference, but damn if it doesn't cut into buying more Malifaux....

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