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it finally came...Po Boys Terrain crowdfunding live!


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At this point, when this has gone as far as it has, with the lowest amount of information as possible and no guarantees of it actually pulling through, in fact everything indicating that it has been a hoax, I think it's human nature to get agitated and start questioning this whole ordeal. 

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It's not just questioning. It's name-calling and berating.

Berating is warranted. They failed on numerous occasions to ease the concerns of people who's money has been spent already.

They most certainly should expect to be berated.

Name calling is not acceptable, but I don't think there was much of that..

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So does anyone with facebook want to post to Tre and suggest that to ease peoples concerns that some photos or sending out the latex mats might be a good start!


Aye. Those shouldn't be a problem at all if this was already in the shipping out stage.

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Two new bits of information. First, Tre posted an update to Facebook:




Picked up the contract from post office today. I have read over it and things look ok to me but to be safe I made an appointment for Friday afternoon with an attorney familiar with Chinese contacts to read over and make sure there is no clause that can be damaging.




When asked for a time estimate, this reply was given:




If gave estimate I would say 2 months. I do not think will take quite that long but rather overshoot then under how long it will take. From what people have told me, the shipping from China to here can take about a month. Staining and boxing up the orders should not take that long.
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Had a question.  If I go through my credit card company and somehow get my money back and then this turns out to be a legitimate set of circumstances and the terrain actually is real, do you think I'd still get my order?  Does anyone know if the person is notified in these instances where you're getting your money back?


I've been trying to give this whole situation the benefit of the doubt, maybe I'm a little too naive but I'd like to think this will all work out.  That being said, the reality is slowly eating away at my happy thoughts so it might be getting to that time where I try to recoup my losses.

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