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it finally came...Po Boys Terrain crowdfunding live!


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Po Boys Terrain is happy to announce its first "Terrain Off Contest."

To celebrate the new retail website and terrain devoted forums, all contributors (anyone that has placed a order before then) will be given forum rank of "Founder."

Starting April 5th to May 1st, any founder can upload up to 5 pics of a finished table using PB western terrain. May 2nd to 6th any Founder (and only Founders) will be allowed one vote for table they would most like to game on.

Reward will be a complete set of Victorian terrain (enough for two separate 4x4 tables) and 2 cobblestone latex mats.

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Notes on the Terrain Off Contest

Few questions have been asked...

1.) any Founder is eligible to win no matter physical location. If winner is a international member, PB terrain will cover the shipping fee.

2.) a Founder IS anyone that contributed during the Indiegogo campaign and the open window during January (including anyone the purchases the one Town Set that is currently available to buy). In short.. if you already have a terrain order.. your a Founder.

3.) scratch built terrain pieces is encouraged and competitors pieces are welcomed, only requirements are PB buildings are used and are prominent (a judgment call will be made if any question whether the buildings are prominent but I don't foresee a issue.)

4.) that should cover it, any more questions feel free to ask in public so everyone can benefit from the answer

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Po Boys Terrain Roadmap

April 15th: Victorian Sets, latex player mats, and already debuted Western Set become available for retail purchase.

May 15th: Mining Sets and few scattered "Swamp" buildings become available.

June will see a Steampunk style airship, pylons.. landing towers.. aircars inspired by Malifaux fiction become available.

Come July Po Boys main focus will be on more Victorian/Gothic builds with a strong Steampunkish flavor to fill a under served niche. I am also looking into some suggestion to cater to a couple upcoming game releases (modern, zombie, superhero genre) as well as making terrain available in different scales. It is too far down the pipeline to give any information. Just letting everyone know direction the business will be taking.

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Po Boys Terrain Roadmap

April 15th: Victorian Sets, latex player mats, and already debuted Western Set become available for retail purchase.

May 15th: Mining Sets and few scattered "Swamp" buildings become available.

June will see a Steampunk style airship, pylons.. landing towers.. aircars inspired by Malifaux fiction become available.

Come July Po Boys main focus will be on more Victorian/Gothic builds with a strong Steampunkish flavor to fill a under served niche. I am also looking into some suggestion to cater to a couple upcoming game releases (modern, zombie, superhero genre) as well as making terrain available in different scales. It is too far down the pipeline to give any information. Just letting everyone know direction the business will be taking.


Wow. That's a LOT of releases over a 6 month period. Seems overly ambitious for such a small company. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

eagerly awaiting the store opening, and the victorian sets....  cant seem to find the retail site address though...just links to the indiegogo...and some smattering of forum posts referencing it....  hook a guy up with that info possibly?



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I sincerely hope not. My track record with crowdsourcing has left a bitter taste.


Robotech - Problematic, at best, want a refund.

Creative Gamescapes - Contacted their home state Fraud squad, awaiting response.

Kaosball - Late, and update unfriendly, but not bad.


If this thing falls over too, it'll only be Mantic's contributions that have given me any happy happy joy joys (minor issues pale in comparison to the good).

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I was talking to another backer last week who had also tried to contact him, with no result. Worried we may have funded a holiday.

If it was to fund a holiday, it seems overly complicated, why mention everything about terrain competitions and the like.

Although I guess I'm just an optimist

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This was posted on FB about an hour ago


I have just received access to the site so do apologize for not posting sooner.

It is understandable people are looking for information and it is coming. Please stay calm and I will post an update tomorrow on Damian and Po Boys Terrain. Supporters have not been forgotten.

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It's only been 3 weeks since the last post on the FB page. In reality, that's not that long for a project that involves international manufacturing and shipping. The sky is not falling. No need to freak out because you don't have your toys yet. Have some patience and cut the man some slack. 

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If there's an update on FB, could someone post it here please? I'm not on FB but I do want to know what's going on with my backing of Po Boys.

As long as they keep reaching out, that's probably good... Being late is almost de rigeur for Kickstarter... Heck, one of the other terrain projects I've backed is over a year late in delivering, but they keep on (slowly) plugging away at filling their pledges.



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For those that don't have FB

As promised-

I am about to give more personal information than Damian would approve. I consider the information owed to supporters. You should be aware of the full situation so that have a more clear understanding.

On the 13th of March Damian was hospitalized for the return of a medical issue previously considered in remission. Today he had surgery to remove part of his stomach and some surrounding lymph nodes. Reason I chose to wait an extra day to update was to see how the surgery went incase my response would differ.

I fully understand that health issues do not effect you or make having to wait for product any easier to accept. Only thing I can ask for is some understanding and patience. The project is not dead and packaging/shipment will resume as soon as recovery allows.

While I am not the one to make the decision; I personally doubt Po Boys Terrain will continue pass pledge fulfillment. It would be unlikely that health would allow the future plans to materialize. It is a shame because this venture was to be his legacy to be remembered by. 

More updates will be made when more information is available.


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