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Play mats for Malifaux


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My FLGS has plenty of 4x6 tables for Warhammer, which also work well for Warmahordes's 4x4 playing area. But, as you know, they don't work so well for Malifaux.

I got really annoyed at measuring out 3x3 areas, and like any gamer with more money than sense, I found a neat thing that made my problem* go away in the keenest way possible. It wasn't too expensive, but it was a custom order, as I discuss in the video.

*And by problem, I mean minor inconvenience

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Is it always the way...

Been working on something similar for possible production for last couple days then come here and see this...

Well, harbinger, this was a non-standard size for this producer. If you market to the Malifaux community directly as being made for them, then I think your product would be a better end result. It's usually not the first person to enter a market that thrives.

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these look like good options. now I have never seem malifaux played (shocking i know, but i work nights so its hard to make it to the FLGS for a demo), but I have played other table top miniature wargaming games for years. and I just cant play on a flat mat.

I got in on the secret weapon miniatures tablescapes kickstarter(for probably way more than i need). the nice thing about his table tiles, is they are 12"x12" instead of 24"x24" like GW sells. this means i can make a 3x3 malifaux table, 4x4 deadzone/warmachine table, 4x6 or 4x8 warhammer table, or some other larget variation for an apocalypse table.

i'll post photos and a review when i get my first wave of tile sets in.

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these look like good options. now I have never seem malifaux played (shocking i know, but i work nights so its hard to make it to the FLGS for a demo), but I have played other table top miniature wargaming games for years. and I just cant play on a flat mat.

I got in on the secret weapon miniatures tablescapes kickstarter(for probably way more than i need). the nice thing about his table tiles, is they are 12"x12" instead of 24"x24" like GW sells. this means i can make a 3x3 malifaux table, 4x4 deadzone/warmachine table, 4x6 or 4x8 warhammer table, or some other larget variation for an apocalypse table.

i'll post photos and a review when i get my first wave of tile sets in.

The funny thing is, I have a 3x3 zuzzy, these two, and I'm getting a 4x8 cityscape and a 4x4 ruins from that KS. I'm gonna have more tables than I know what to do with. Well, not really, as I plan on helping out with the Nova Open's Malifaux for next year.

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Nice, I currently own the overpriced GW table. and with the tablescapes kickstarter i think i went with a 16 time set of ruined urban, 16 tile set for deadzone, 16 tile set for rolling hills, and a 16 tile set for ruined temple. plus a display board border. I have a lot of painting a hear of me.

I originally painted up my GW table tiles as a grey shaded moon scape. but its so blah. i want to do something to it to add some variation, but i'm kinda stumped where to start with it.

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I own the GW table, and on the whole I like it. They included a pretty decent storage system into the table (although you should make some felt dividers for the bag), and it is fairly modular. The 2x2 sections are a bit large for Malifaux though. The only thing I don't like about the GW table is how it clips together. That system is annoying.

Sadly I was cash-strapped at the time of the Secret Weapon kick-starter, although I watched it and cheered them on. It looks to me like the best set of modular premade tables you can get. The connection system looks fantastic, and the detail is excellent. I am planning to use it to build a large destroyed urban table once they go fully on the market.

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not tryin to threadjack, because it is in reference to a table, but got any suggestions on how to fix up my gw table tiles? i did black, followed with a heavy grey drybrush and then a grey+ white mix drybrush. i wanted ashen waste/moonscape. but the "paving slabs/road" textures and the rocky outcrops on the hills really blend in too much.

i did it all with giant paint brushes because it was before i owned an airbrush.

any tips, ideas or suggestions would be great. i'd like some terrain practice before my snazzy new secret weapon tiles come in in dec.

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I really like the look of those Zuzzy mats. I'm reluctant to get one because they contain latex, which my wife is allergic to. Anyone know if it would be safe for her to play on one that's been painted and varnished?

Theres a lot of "ifs" to the answer. Would all depend on how her immune system reacts to the allergenic. Personally I would not take the risk unless its just an "annoying" response.

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if you glued teh zuzzy mat to a piece of hardboard, then you would eliminate the issue of an unpainted backside leaving possible allergic residue on a table. the top you would want to get a real good primer coat overing all the mat. i'd do a black primer so you could see any grey unpainted spots. then drubrush to your hearts content for build up the effect you want(and add paint layers between wife and mat) and finally spray like 4 or 5 layers of matte varnish on the finished mat with several hours to a day between coats. or paint on a solid coating of gloss varnish to seal it, then spray with matte varnish after to dull it back down and remove shine.

you would of course have to be more careful with storage, as paint rubbed off/chipped would more than ugly, it could be bad for your wife.

like previously said, if its just a few red bumps allergy i would probably be fine. but if any touch leads to a swell up and die allergy, i'd say make your own, or wait for the 1x1 tiles from secret weapon miniatures to get to market.

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