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Tara crew's Glimpse the Void trigger question



Might have been asked already so if so, I apologize. I'm looking for clarification on the Glimpse the Void trigger. It says that if no other models are buried, bury this model. Pretty sure I know the answer but my question is, if you or your opponent take models that start or can be buried on their own (Levi, Bete, etc), does this basically negate the entire trigger's usefulness? Can you not activate it if your opponent's Bete is currently buried on their own?

Obviously having an opponent bury their own models creates its own unique fun with a Tara crew but I want to make sure I understand the interaction of the trigger in those instances.

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Was gonna start a new topic about this but just gonna do like a Rezzer and reanimate. 

So, this just can't be right. Why on Malifaux would you ever use Death Marshalls with non-Avatar Tara if Pine Box negates Glimpse? Glimpse should imo say "if any models are buried with the Glimpse the Void-trigger" or something in that ways. 

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DMs might be better, ay. But the fact that I'm annoyed with is that if you want to use Glimpse to hide your own model in the beginning of the game, that means no Bete Noirê, no Killjoy, no DMs carrying stuff. 

I just think there should've been some differentiation between sources of burying.

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The reasoning was very clear: they didn't want the bury mechanic to create a serious NPE. With the exception of a few abilities that seem to assume you're burying things more than you are, I've found it takes very little to get used to it, and doesn't impact much. Tara's crew has much worse issues that deserve some priority over Glimpse often being a non-factor.

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I was wondering this the last time we were playing with our gaming group, about Tara and the Death Marshal's. If the Death Marshal pineboxes a model, that said model should go into the pinebox but when it does get boxed Tara gets to unbury that model at will? So it's actually not in the box :D But if Tara doesn't unbury it, then the whole Wp vs Wp is still valid right? What if an opponent Uses the Pinebox on a friendly, does Tara have access to that box and can unbury the opposing model at will? 

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Not "at will" she still has to succeed with the action, but yeah she can target the model boxed by the Marshal. As fluffy as it is to think of the model as being "in" the box when buried, it isn't really. Bury is a big pocket plane with escape clauses, not multiple pocket universes. The Death Marshals have the Wp duel escape clause just in case they are the only models to bring a Bury mechanism to the table, otherwise they could bury enemy models with no way out. So Tara could also unbury a model that opposing Death Marshals bury to turn into Echoes of the Void. Basically Buried is one whole vast empty wasteland where nothing happens until you find your way out...like New Jersey.

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