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Archer's Charge and Smoke Bombs

Misery Rex

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Played my first ME2 game last night with Misaki v Viktorias and a question came up.

Thunder Archers (which I really liked) have a decent stat line with a pretty long charge range of 8". Why? They do not have a :meleeattack and I saw no 10T upgrade that could grant one. Given that when charging you must end the charge within engagement range and engagement range is defined as the :melee with the longest reach can the archers with no :melee at all even legally perform a charge?

Am I missing something?

(Oh, and why does Smoke & Shadows; Smoke Bombs have a rng:3 and states that the templates have to be placed within contact of the base of the model?)

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  • 3 months later...
If u make charge your model must end move with the target model within its engagement range ot this action may not be taken. Maybe Archers can make charge and then make range attack ??
Not unless otherwise specified: Charge Specifies :melee range, not engagement.

WindLordRyu is probably right, that it is for effects that target or specify Cg range.

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