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Vapnartak 2014 M2E Tournament - York, UK, Feb 2nd 2014


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That's Vappafuax 2014 all done, thanks to everyone who came and made it an excellent event. We had a few odd hiccups, some within my control and some not but I think we got there in the end and it all went pretty well.

I should say a big thanks to And for helping with the setup yesterday and helping run things. Also a big thanks to And, Nathan, Sam and Shane for building a ton of terrain and boards over the past few months. It's set us up in good standing for future eventsl at Garrison and at Vappa again.

Also a big thanks to Jen for volunteering to stand down as a player when we had an odd number. It meant no one had to have a bye and I didn't have to play which I was grateful for.

Also, thanks for our event sponsors for helping out with the prizes. Please go and check them out and tell them you heard about them at Vappafaux. They are:





Urban Construct (wargamesterrain.co.uk)

I'll post the full results tomorrow and upload to the rankings. In summary:

1st - Paul Campbell

2nd - James Doxey

3rd - Greg Piskosz

Best sports - Shane McDowell

Spoon - Paul Butler

Best Painted:

1st Jen Truby

2nd Ben Halford

3rd James Doxey

Congratulations to all those guys :)

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The round timings were spot on - I got all 5 turns in, in all 5 games. Great idea with the long lunch break - although my bank manager won't be thanking you! :)

Had a great time thanks to all the York garrison lads and the cracking event you all pulled together.

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The timings were one of the things that I was concerned about going into the event, but each round there were only a couple of games still running at the end of 90 minutes so it looks like that might be a decent time length. I think we probably had a little longer than 10 minutes setup as we'd got started a bit earlier in each round so it looks like a 10-15 minutes setup with a 90 minute round is OK for 40ss.

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Thanks to Chris for running a great event, and thanks to Matt, Ben and Graham for playing three great games with me.  The round timing felt good and the long lunch break gave us the opportunity to browse the rest of the convention.  This was my first Malifaux road trip and I'd definitely do it again (wife points pending, of course).


York makes it a reasonable driving range from Central Belt Scotland so we might try to get more attendees from our groups making these events in the North of England.

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Thanks to Chris for running a great event, and thanks to Matt, Ben and Graham for playing three great games with me.  The round timing felt good and the long lunch break gave us the opportunity to browse the rest of the convention.  This was my first Malifaux road trip and I'd definitely do it again (wife points pending, of course).


York makes it a reasonable driving range from Central Belt Scotland so we might try to get more attendees from our groups making these events in the North of England.


Thats a great point.  The beauty of York is that is can pull in players from both ends of the country with a reasonable drive (4 hours for us from the backwards lands of Norfolk).  Would make a great GT location if there was a suitable venue.

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I've been through and double checked all the score sheets again, and verified that the below are the final standings (I did find one error but nothing that affected either end of the table):





These are the results that will be uploaded to RHQ shortly.


The final faction breakdown was:


8 Arcanists

5 Guild

5 Outcasts

4 Neverborn

4 Ten Thunders

1 Rezzer

1 Gremlin


I'm going to crunch through the sheets and look at scheme selections in a bit.

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Players weren't required to record their masters only their factions.  I've been asked for that info a couple of times so I will get it noted for future events.


Paul definitely used Mei Feng in his course to victory certainly in the last game, but I'm sure he'll chip in and confirm.

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I thought some of you might find the scheme selections interesting.  Strategies were pre-announced, schemes were provided for all games at the start of the day.  28 players gives us 56 scheme selections per round:


Round 1:  Reconnoiter


Breakthrough:  16

Spring the Trap: 7

Bodyguard: 14

Make Them Suffer:  15


Round 2:  Turf War


Assassinate:  16

Vendetta:  7

Frame for Murder:  24

Breakthrough:  6


Round 3:  Stake a Claim


Plant Evidence:  14

Assassinate:  5

Entourage:  15

Protect Territory:  19


A Line in the Sand was very rare, most of the selections above are from 2 players taking it in two games, and one player selecting it in all three games.

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Any word on what masters the winner was using? Is this two 10T Lynch wins for major UK tourneys? 



Many thanks for a fantastic day. Had a great time (as usual), will try to travel again soon.

Paul used Mei, Lynch and Mei. He usually blogs a write up of all event he attends so expect that for more details.


Indeed, Joe has stolen my thunder.  I used Mei Feng in the first game (vs Ten Thunders; Misaki), Jakob Lynch in the second game (vs Outcasts; Viktorias) and Mei Feng again in the third game (vs Neverborn; Lilith).  I might well have used Lynch in the final round but I'd actually been talking to my opponent before, not knowing that we'd get paired up, about the many uses of the master so we made a gentleman's agreement not to have a 'Lynch-off'.  I only own two wave 1 Ten Thunders masters so one of them was always going to get a second run out.


It is all written up in tedious fantastic detail here if you want to know more.

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