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Bothered by Ebay?


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Like others have mentioned, I'm not bothered by it. I'm more shocked and amused as most of the ones I saw as an auction seem to be going for less than the 80 bucks people would have spent. And I haven't seen movement on the ones priced over 100. People need to wait on an investment, this isn't the stock market. *wink*

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I guess it is possible that someone missed the GenCon online store timeframe to get Tara and has now read how awesome Tara is and/or saw the painted crews people have posted and now they must have Tara, however; I think that supply is exceeding demand currently. Wait 6 months or so and she should be worth $100+ (hopefully much more).

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If anything I am just surprised at how not very smart people are. You could buy it two weeks ago for $80 so there is no reason to mark it up to $120 on ebay.

If anything wait a few months for the set to become more rare and more sought after then put it on ebay(IE around the Holidays when people tend to spend more)

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Why would I be bothered? Hell, unlike most exclusives, these were even available for sale during Gencon. A few going up onto the secondary market provide a method of people who are willing to gamble/speculate on getting more than they pay for them to put them out in the wild, and those who missed the sale (for whatever reason) a second chance to pick them up.

Given that we've been told Tara probably won't be available until late 2014, making Gencon and any left on ebay the only way to get her until the regular box releases, one would think people would be happy some are taking that gamble.

Hell, I'm doing a little speculating on another game system as we speak, and it may or may not pay off when everything gets delivered. Maybe I'll end up breaking even, maybe I'll turn a tidy profit, maybe I'll get stuck holding a sizable pile of plastic I don't really want or need. vOv

Only time will tell.

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One already closed on 8/22 for $102.

In some cases it can be cheaper for folks in some parts of the world to take the eBay mark up but get cheaper shipping options in the mix.

Nightmare Tara will probably be a good seller as it will be a long time before regular tara comes out. When is she slated for release?

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