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Who will end up being the highest SS model.


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So at the moment the highest costed ss model from the PDF's I don't have the book yet, is the Desolation Engine at 13 but he is with Levi who is getting pushed back so realistically the highest ss is Hank or Killjoy at 12. Listed below is also the largest for each faction.

My question to everyone is what do you think the largest ss model will be or will it stay with the Desolation Engine when he comes out. The big hitters left on the table that we have not seen is Ashes and Dust, Snow Storm, The final Desolation Engine, Nekima, Ryle, The riders, Izzamu, Rouge Necromancy, and then the unknown of what gremlins have hiding or new ten thunders stuff.

I think that everyone I have listed here will be at least 10ss but I think they are going to have Nekima stay the biggest of the big at least I hope so and have her top out at 14-15ss. Let the Discussion commence.

Mature and Teddy at 11

Fingers and Whisky Golem at 10

Peacekeeper 11

Hank at 12

Ten Thunders and bunch at 10ss

The Hanged and Mortimer at 9

The Desolation Engine at 13 Killjoy at 12

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Wow I forgot the Duet, I can't believe I did that but if it is the same combination as it was in M2E it will probably be the most expensive I guess I just don't think of it because its not a hire-able model. I think that we have good Ideas though and I really want the Nekima to rule them all. Slight bias for that model.

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We have broken the summoned model = the cost of sacrificed models a couple of times already. The arachnid Swarm and Desolation engine (currently) are both cheaper than the models that you sacrifice to make them.

I can see the individual Corephyee being 8 stones, but if the duest is hireable (and that is a big if) I wouldn't expect it to cost 16. I would also expect if it is hireable then you might not be able to switch forms.

I'm guessing Ashes and dust, although it depends on how much it changes. I can see it getting a huge change in the way it works as its current death/life cycle is text intensive

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