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Excited for Wave 2 Cards


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Well, Gen Con has come and gone. The Wyrd machine is running full tilt to fulfill orders and people are mostly focussed on getting their orders and talking about the new book.

But I am already looking forward to the Wave 2 Beta! I am really interested to see what is done with Lucas, Lucius, and most of all, Hoffman. I am really hoping to see avatars in play as well. Nothing would make me happier than to get back to playing Hoffman with his avatar! I've never had Perdita's avatar on the table either, so I would like to see some fun stuff there.

Word on the street was they hoped to release the beta cards in September. I am hoping that time frame is still in place.

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If I remember right, it was indicated the end of september/early october was the current estimate for wave 2 starting.

So, a few more weeks of anticipation yet!

It will be nice to see how Kirai and Colette turn out, they're my two original crews and Kirai is my only painted crew!

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On one hand, I want to see what's being done with the Dreamer, Widow Weaver and Lucius right now.

On the other, I won't be getting my rulebook till late September at the very earliest, and don't want to waste playtesting time.

I guess waiting is the only thing to do.

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I'm excited, as my primary opponent chose the Dreamer as his crew back in the Spring, right before the 2.0 news broke. As such, we played like 3 games with the old rules before that, and then he was without new rules and decided to just wait for the wave 2 beta rules to come out rather than work on mastering an obsolete ruleset.

So wave 2 means I get to start playing more often again (since his schedule is way easier to match than my other opponent who plays Ramos)...

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I'm looking forward to the next wave , I loved Sonia and Perdita but was seriously disappointed with lady j.

I had a similar reaction. Spoilered Lady J rant here:

FIrst, I don't like her sculpt. it feels more appropriate for Misaki, or a ninja than for a lady who both her stats and her fluff describe as an implacable juggernaught, rather than as an agile. I don't think that more dynamic sculpts necessarily are better from that perspective, and honestly, I think they'd have been better with either a taylor like swinging of the sword down in front of her, or a more broad, walking view with the sword raised high overhead or mid swing. But that is just the model.

Her actual stats are not all that different from her M1E incarnation. she still kills things, and then dies. SHe might even have a bit more ability to do so, even without SS. But she isn't a crew with a lot of options at base, she isn't one that you will discover new tricks and combos of moves for often. and, too be fair, Once you have mastered when to send her in and how to use her hand and stones to her advantage, you probably won't need to learn a lot of new tricks, just adjust your strategies accordingly. Which is fine, but not all that interesting to me. However, it is obviously what the designers want her to be. She will probably end up a mid to low tier master in M2E, used often by new players and less so by Veterans and Tournament players, just because she doesn't have the options and synergies that some other crews have. Which is, again, fine. some master has to be there, and having a model that is easy to learn is a bonus.

But I digress.

On topic:

I am looking forward to the guild constructs. Gaurdian was a good model to make masters more survivable, but I'm not sure he has the same need in M2E as he did for certain crews in M1E. I think his protection is going to need to be better to be worth his inevitable 9-10 SS cost. Watcher was one of the best models in the game, providing both awesome deck control, and the ability to negate harmless, pitiful, and terrifying. I hope it retains the deck control, and the ability to remove Terrifying or Manipulative. However, I could actually see the Watcher becoming quite a bit more expensive in M2E, thanks to the long range and significant factors. Sure, it dies easy and does little damage, but the extreme range from which it could do scheme markers is going to make it much more valuable, unless they make it insignificant. at minimum, I expect to see it at 4 SS, but would not be surprised to see it as high as 6.

Witchling Handler is going to be all kinds of awesome. It was the one model I always regretted not picking up, but every time I saw it, there was another model I just wanted a little bit more. I can see the Handler being a major factor in the reincarnation engine, and I can also see it allowing better use of the witchlings in general, and since they are already fairly good, it almost feels like they would have to try to screw it up.

The exorcist, on the other hand, never really worked for me. He was just too slow. I could not get him to the battle when I needed him unless I spent a significant portion of my crew to do so, and with his 8 SS cost in M1E, it just wasn't worth it when I could bring 2 witchling stalkers, or somebody quite a bit beefier for the same price. I wanted to like him, especially since I was facing Kirai a lot at the time, but in the end, he just didn't have the movement for my needs, or style of play(there is a reason I like Collette, and it had nothing to do with Mannequin Replacement). I hope this is better in the new edition, but I don't really expect much.

II never really got into McCabe. TBH, he was the only one of the 10T that didn't interest me. He wasn't bad, or anything, and his mechanic looked nice, but it still just seems bland to me. In addition, he didn't really add anything I needed to my current guild crews. I guess he just doesn't inspire me with ideas. I'm glad others are liking him so much, however, and look forward to hearing all of your thoughts on the M2E version.

I do look forward to the Brutal effigy. he was awesome in M1E, and if he retains his healing and shooting abilities, He will still have a place in my crews.

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I guess my local meta was significantly different for 1.5. I played lady J almost exclusively and had little trouble keeping her alive, I think a bit of that had to do with being able to ramp her df scores up, and the ever present fear of riposte. Now if your opponent screens your target properly you will end up firing Lady Cruise missile into a chump and leaving her open to anything with a range more than 2 inches ( personal experience here Lady J ate a gremlin then got smashed to death by small arms fire from gremlins.)

As for her new sculpt, I'm not a big fan but it doesn't bother me because I always pictured her like a blind samurai in that she avoided blows by moving slightly and predicting her opponents strikes.

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As for her new sculpt, I'm not a big fan but it doesn't bother me because I always pictured her like a blind samurai in that she avoided blows by moving slightly and predicting her opponents strikes.

Thing is, that's not really what her new sculpt says to me. What you describe is a movement of a couple of inches, or just plain not being where the weapon is(like the golden hord from the Discworld books) what they are showing is someone moving like Neo, dodging bullets by virtue of gymnastics and dynamic movement--great for a fast agile character, not so thematic for a character that uses an intimidating presence and sheer skill with a touch of prescience to avaiod bullets and knives. In fact, I find the latter less believable for a blind fighter than the former--the more extreme the moves, the more likely there will be something there not expected, or that something unseen but not necessarily hostile will trip her up or reduce her ability to maneuver. It also tends to put anyone not trained in that style of fighting off balance and create openings, but that could probably be explained as obsessive practice.

Either way, I have a much harder time believing that the new model would survive having a wall dropped on her for 2 books, whereas I could believe it about both of the older models.

but, I have the older models, and so am unlikely to buy the newer one. Maybe if they eventually do an alt. Other people like it, so who am I to complain? Answer: Random internet person. the ultimate authority...:Smug_Puppet1:

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Thing is, that's not really what her new sculpt says to me. What you describe is a movement of a couple of inches, or just plain not being where the weapon is(like the golden hord from the Discworld books) what they are showing is someone moving like Neo, dodging bullets by virtue of gymnastics and dynamic movement--great for a fast agile character, not so thematic for a character that uses an intimidating presence and sheer skill with a touch of prescience to avaiod bullets and knives.

This is pretty much the issue I have. Not to mention that the pose just *doesn't make sense*.

Seriously, try it yourself. It's not a position to fight from. The only even vaguely similar thing I've seen done with swords is after cutting through someone at the waist while massively dodging their sword, and even then it's considered a bit of a silly maneuver since you can do the same thing while remaining on your feet.

Not claiming to be a martial arts expert, I'm only first dan in kendo, but seriously. The original sculpt had a presence and authority to it. The new one isn't someone I'd run from, it's someone I'd concentrate on not laughing at.

(Equilibrium wasn't fantastic overall, but the good moments were sublime. The second-to-last fight in particular was wonderful imo.)

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I am looking forward to wave 2 hoff is my favourite master. Curious if he will be able to run all arcanist constructs with the m s and u charcteristic. If so it means the guild will be able to run some great models

And combos.

I heard in an interviw that mac said that lucas was the easiest master model to translate. So i guesshe will run very similar.

I heard lucius will continue his roll as guard support. But better I thought he was a very weak leader as a henchmen.

. it will be interesting to see if the pale rider makes a return or if he has been replaced by the lone marshall

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