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Lucius speculation for 2.0


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Just to kill time until the next beta wave starts I was wondering what people hope Lucius gets, or think would be cool for him to have, etc.

Just trying to start discussion.

I want different upgrades representing him with and without his mask. I don't really care what they do, though I would imagine having it on allows guild models and off allows Neverborn models.

I want to have terrifying (all) due to how people always react to him in the fluff.

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Since all other dual faction masters have some way of using their key minions no matter what (zoraida and swampfiend, misaki and last-blossom, lynch and darkened) I'd expect something similar for Lucius.

Maybe a "secret agent" style thing? As he's into all that dirty work for the guild in the background.

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I hope he keeps the mask on. I'd much rather have a mysterious sinister masked guy than some monster in a coat.

Personally I hope he gets to bring some Guild Guards etc. so you can run a 'human' list, with just a few monsters in it. A guard patrol, who just happens to have a Mature Nephilim around for backup, that kind of thing.

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The model should have alternative heads. Masked one for guild and unmasked for NB.

It's quite easy to see that he might continue with his "Elite Divisions" in the 2nd edition, but may be those elites are all drugged with some NB voodoo weeds that take effect under the appropriate upgrade from Lucius

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The model should have alternative heads. Masked one for guild and unmasked for NB.

It's quite easy to see that he might continue with his "Elite Divisions" in the 2nd edition, but may be those elites are all drugged with some NB voodoo weeds that take effect under the appropriate upgrade from Lucius

Or maybe he'll just be able to roll "MIMIC" models in with his Guild peeps, which would be pretty cool. Elite division, indeed.

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My guess is he's gonna be McMourning-like, in that he'll have (at least) one upgrade that's guild only, and (at least) one that's neverborn only.

I'm hoping he keeps the same level of ability to move around and order his crew, and that he can use it with Nephilim. As a major Lilith play and a huge fan of the Nephs, I'd love to be able to move some Young or Mature into striking position a little easier.

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Not particularly knowledgeable about this, but wasn't there a rumour going around that Lucius is in fact Coppellius? I seem to recall something to do with the coat being similar, the mask never coming off and the associations with Hoffman.

In any case, I love the idea of him being a Mimic leader, especially with a couple new models gaining the Mimic keyword (Candy and the Beckoner iirc).

I've always loved the Lucius model but never quite had the Guild collection to warrant a purchase, and the sculpts for Ryle and the Guild Guard Captain never appealed to me. Going to have to pick up a Lucius and Lawyer once the public beta hits, for the newly usable models if nothing else.

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We have been told he is dual faction Guild/neverborn. Currently we have no idea what connection he has to neverborn, but so far all dual faction masters have had some subset of minions they could bring across faction with them.

I would imagine its only his old elite division he'll be able to bring into Neverborn, as I can't see guardsmen and matures just workign in the same list. No dea what sort of neverborn he is so no idea what models he could bring across to guild. I'd guess largely new models, but mimic could work.

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