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The Cojo, Barbaros issue.


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So with the new plastic boxes coming out what are we supposed to do to get these models if we already own the whole crew. I don't know about everyone else but I have 2 Liliths and 4 Terror Tots and don't feel like I need any more but I do want Barbaros, so what am I supposed to do other then proxy? I mean I have the card already. Same thing goes for Cojo when he comes out.

I also doubt he will be easy to find seperate because wyrd wont sell him seperate and spru cutters who sell peicemeal will charge almost the cost of the box because if u want the tots or Lilith u will want the whole box.

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So with the new plastic boxes coming out what are we supposed to do to get these models if we already own the whole crew. I don't know about everyone else but I have 2 Liliths and 4 Terror Tots and don't feel like I need any more but I do want Barbaros, so what am I supposed to do other then proxy? I mean I have the card already. Same thing goes for Cojo when he comes out.

I also doubt he will be easy to find seperate because wyrd wont sell him seperate and spru cutters who sell peicemeal will charge almost the cost of the box because if u want the tots or Lilith u will want the whole box.

I have not seen the Lilith box set, yet but in the Tara box there were like five different sprues. One for the NB, one for Tara and Karina, and separate sprues for the void wretches. Are the other plastic crews only one or two sprues? It would be nice if any new characters were on separate sprues, but that is probably not likely. I figure the minions must be, so they do not need separate tooling for the Death Marshall or Belles only boxes. Since Ice Golums are not rare 1, Raspy crews will be sad if they have to buy a second box too.

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Convert or purchase. Much as I think Wyrd would prefer the later arsenal decks make the first a plausible option.

Job of a game company is to try and sell you toys. That's what you want them to do. Not saying your complaining, but it would be poor form to complain that they're doing there job and putting out product you want.

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My Seamus box had the belles on one and all the other models individual. So the question is marketing. I know stores were complaining about the Sheer amount of skews, so from what I had gathered the minions will be sold seperately, but the others will not...

It is a good question, and one that I'm not expecting to have a good answer, no matter which way wyrd goes someone in their supply chain won't be happy.

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I don't think Cojo is going to be in the Marcus box set. Everyone thought that was the box set when the picture came out, but EricJ quickly corrected that the pictures may not match the box sets. I'm actually predicting a box set with molemen in it for Marcus.

I have not seen the Lilith box set, yet but in the Tara box there were like five different sprues. One for the NB, one for Tara and Karina, and separate sprues for the void wretches. Are the other plastic crews only one or two sprues? It would be nice if any new characters were on separate sprues, but that is probably not likely. I figure the minions must be, so they do not need separate tooling for the Death Marshall or Belles only boxes. Since Ice Golums are not rare 1, Raspy crews will be sad if they have to buy a second box too.

The Viks box set is a similar breakdown with Taelor on a separate sprue. I think the breakdown on the sprues were done so that individual models can be sold. Taelor is on a separate sprue, Ice Golem is on a separate sprue, I'm guessing Barbaros and the Judge are the same. They probably won't be too cheap, but I think they'll likely be available at some point.

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I have the Lillith box, so I can comment on the breakdown:

Lillith, Barbaros, and the Cherub are all on separate sprues.

Tots are on thier own sprue.

I am going to guess that this decision was made to allow for the option to sell them separately later, but that is my own personal guess. Whether they do that or not, I have no clue.

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Job of a game company is to try and sell you toys. That's what you want them to do. Not saying your complaining, but it would be poor form to complain that they're doing there job and putting out product you want.

Just because they can maximize their profit at the expense of the fanbase, and it might make sense in a business perspective, doesn't make it right.

I am considerably worried about this, as a past buyer of a considerable amount of their toys (already over the 9 complete crews mark - how did that happened?). Will I now just get stuck with unfinished sets?

I am a fairly bad converter and can't face having to depend on a secondary market (often limited and predicted to be highly speculative) to get them.

I hope Wyrd is thinking about the old fanbase and not thinking about making a move to being oriented towards mainly new players (the ones that will give them more profit at short term) - like the "market leader" has been doing for the past years.

I don't mind buying books and re-buying cards - but there's a point where you should draw a line in the sand.

Edited by mathuselah
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- but there's a point where you should draw a line in the sand.

I'd place a marker for that scheme.

Totally understand this concern and as an 'older' player I hope we can see some things that cater to those of us that have spent a lot already and not just cater to a 'new' market. I understand the need to make money, but if you can do something for the existing fanbase then you probably should.

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