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Riastrad's Finished Models


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I meant to post all of my/my wife's crews over the summer, but it didn't happen; between a new job and a new city to move to, I haven't had time to take decent pics. Stay tuned for my Leveticus and my Lilith crews later. For now, take a look at my most recent model. Apologies to the iPhone camera quality. 10 points to the first post-er to identify the literary inspiration for Jakob's suit:


Jakob Lynch by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Comments and helpful critique appreciated! It's my first attempt into OSL, loads of metallics, and plastics in general. Cheers!

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These look AWESOME!! And this is actually the first time I've seen a non-black base (that wasn't painted because of the basing object) that I actually love! Looks so good with the purple on the mini!

And sorry, just to clarify - are these painted by you or your wife?

Edited by Lussuria
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@Gujozec: You win the 10 points! I totally forgot about Goldmember... but like I said, literary inspiration is what made me deduce gold is the only color the Honey Pot owner could ever wear!

@Webmonkey: Agreed, but I'm anxious to wash so much metallics. I've only had trouble when either doing an ink wash or a purity seal with GW metallics. My original plan was to have a dark basecoat of Warplock Bronze to darkline the partition the clothes/shadows. But I'm still an amateur painter, and I over highlighted with the following golds. Might still wash later, but happy with what it is now before I overwork it.

@Lussuria: I paint, my wife just has the Lilith crew. And continuously tramples me with it every game >.<

@Csonti: I hope the below helps. I haven't made a decent light box yet, so I hope this is passable for now.


Jakob 2 by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Now on to business... until school starts (I'm a HS teacher), I hope to post part of my completed projects daily. First is my first Malifaux purchase back in 3rd book days... Leveticus. Not a good choice to learn the game, but I really wanted to try my hand at the necro-flesh/mech blend of the SPA's. This is not my best work; it's only my first crew painted... ever.


Leveticus by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Tomorrow, you choose! My wife's Lilith box set with alt. scuplt first, or Levi's Five Horsemen of the Mali-pocalypse?

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Well, by a landslide vote of, well, one, here are the five horsemen! I tried to be accurate to the biblical horsemen for the first four. Makes me wonder... do you think there will be a gremlin rider for M2E? Anyway, in order as they were painted.

Hooded Rider, or War, I tried to keep blood red and muscular.


Hooded Rider by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Mechanical Rider, or Famine, I was conflicted between a sleek, oil black stallion, or a dilapidated rust bucket. I got caught somewhere in-between, but if I was to do it again, I would do either/or. Green flame to tie into Levi's colors.


Mechanical Rider by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Dead Rider, or Death. Pretty straight forward, I like how the cloak came out (not in picture).


Dead Rider by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Pale Rider, or Conquest/Pestilence. The washes got away from me a little. I kinda gave up once I got to the Rider's flesh, i opted to keep stark black was more mysterious than highlighting any features. Will probably black-out hooves in the future... this grey didn't work. Head might be a little out-of-focus.


Pale Rider by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Finally, the illusive, fully painted, ALevi. Opted to paint the spirit horse the same green and gold/black armor.


Avatar of Entropy by Hikaki4, on Flickr

The gang all together:


Five Horsemen by Hikaki4, on Flickr

Now, the vote for tomorrow; Ashes and Dust with components, or Desolation Engine with second Waif and sacrificial Canine Remains?

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For a good example, see Webmonkey's Garage Kits.

Thanks for the shameless plug *wink*

Riastrad>> Seriously though, if you are going to use my work as an example, I recommend looking at the kakashi stuff on pages 16-22. Its a prime example of blacklining. It doesn't work for all paint styles, but in this case, I just think it'll help keep all the gold from "bleeding into itself",... if that makes sense?

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@Webmonkey: Cool, thanks for the tips! I'll definitely be looking at those pages. Do you have a particular paint/brush to recommend for such finite work?

Tonight, Ashes and Dust. I tried to keep not only the green flame theme, but also the purple flesh theme of the SPA's present too, especially since AnD and SPA's synergize so much. I didn't quite get the bruised flesh quite right unfortunately (that's why you always save your mix notes!), let alone a non-attempt at OSL. This has been the only time I've been tempted to strip a model. Haven't yet though, 'cause I know the moment I open that can of worms, I'll never finish a model. With a whole Dark Debts to paint and minimal hobby time, I'm more concerned about finishing models, learning from mistakes, then moving on.

So, here's the monster himself, aka "Grateful Dead" at tournaments:


Ashes and Dust by Hikaki4, on Flickr

His Dust Storm:


Dust Storm by Hikaki4, on Flickr

And (a poorly photoed... sorry!) Ashen Core:


Ashen Core by Hikaki4, on Flickr

As always, comments and critiques welcome up to this point. For tomorrow I'm going to be more cryptic; would you like a model from a Malifaux book cover (including M2E), or a pair I nickname Spring and Autumn?

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Anything with a nicely pointed tip will do. And don't worry if the line seems too thick, you can always trim it back down to a thinner line using the gold again. Alternatively, you could go to your local craft/hobby store, and buy a couple different sizes of "micron" pens, and just draw the line in.

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