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Mortimer and Seamus (M2E)


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How useful is Mortimer's ability to make corpses?

I had the idea to use Mortimer in a Seamus crew to help spam belles. It's a problem for me as in my meta everyone else plays things that don't drop corpses counters. That alone is appealing to me. However is it really worth as much as I think it is?

Ok, so in a Seamus crew Mortimer adds summoning capability a bit of range cover...and the awesome mental image of the creepy gravedigger lusting after ladies of the night. The more I think about the combo the more I like it.

On top of that, if you gave Mortimer corpse bloat, that seems like it could be amusing too.

So hypothetically:

Seamus + Sinister Rep + Red Chapel Killer

Mortimer + Corpse Bloat

Madame Sybelle


as a core of a crew for 23 stones. Has decent range, and you can get decent speed.

With corpse bloat, you could leave landmines around, and you can lurk Seamus nearby to help lower that WP and leech some healing.... perhaps?

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Mortimer is awesome in m2e you got a fair grasp on some combos he allows additionally him pulling up a body for a clean get away for Seamus to back alley from or using fresh meat to accelerate the undead in the crew. Plus he's no slouch in melee and chatty is amazing for shutting down enemy schemes.

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It's not a bad combo. Personally I tend to find I only have room for one expensive model of 8+ ss in my crews, and I have very rarely ever regretted bringing sybelle to fill that role. I sometimes bring bête, and I like her, but I really can't stand always having to hold a 10+ in reserve, just so she can maybe not die. I hope bête gets an upgrade in the future to give something like arcane reservoir as I very much dislike playing a card down because of her.

I am just enjoying I can play a belle centric crew for the first time and it actually works.

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I have always used the mortimer+seamus combo even in version 1. Its really handy as you say against non corpse dropping masters.

It's a better combo now though. Just be aware that you will probably only get 1 free belle this way as you will probably find better uses for you high crows.

Alternatively you could use dogs to dig up corpses in ME2 depending on match up and strategy this can be better.

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I've tried Mortimer and Seamus together and the results were very positive. Mortimer is a beast in 2e, though if you're only going to use one high cost model and you're bringing belles, there's no real reason to bring him over Sybelle. If you're willing to try a Seamus list that doesn't bring any (or many) belles, and plan to rely on summoning mid game, Mortimer becomes a much more attractive option. Some of the most fun I've had with Seamus was in a game where I brought no belles to start, instead bringing two hanged and a gaggle of Flesh Constructs.

Furthermore, anyone bringing Corpse Bloat synergizes extremely well with Seamus' Sinister Reputation upgrade. I like taking it on the man himself, as popping out with Back Alley, dropping a counter with the upgrade and then detonating it (and likely healing up in the process).

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I recently put Mort + "favorite shovel" upgrade to good use with Seamus + "not to banged up" upgrade along with some belles and punk zombies.

The plan was to use the belles to pull models towards me while mort would push my punk zombies up to engage. Mort spamed 'fresh meat' for the much of the game with the occasional 'fling rot' on targets of opportunity, hard-to-kill/armored/mostly dead targets.

It was an effective strategy in this game as my schemes involved interacting with my opponents crew rather than traversing the board.

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I keep forgetting Mort has Chatty, which is a terrific denial skill.

Corpse Bloat is grrrrreat on Seamus, but Mort gets some mileage out of it too, as it doubles his corpse count + his Regeneration can mitigate the wound cost to spawn a counter.

I think I might actually hang onto my old Belle models....

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