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Cheated Fates Radio- Me2 Review Softer landings


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And I still Function, Cheated Fates Radio gives some thoughts on Me2 spoiler no hate.

I'm Joined by Adam, PeregrineFalcon on the forums as we take a look at me2 and have a discussion on the concept of soft landings in the edition change for veterans or at times the lack there of. We talk about our likes within the new edition and some of our points we thought Wyrd could have done better. All and All its 2:45 of good discussion on the game itself and the standard bit of fun that we've always had. If your looking for hate this doesn't have it, if your looking for a positive review we give the game one but we do talk a lot about the decisions and the effects and perception that it gives to vets. We hope you enjoy this episode and make sure you listen to the end as Adam makes an announcement for those in the New England Area about a tournament coming up.

Hope you enjoy the episode and as always remember when you Don't have time to cheat fate in 2.0 listen to cheated fates radio.


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New setup is still in the tweaking phase. On further invesitgation my mike level on the record was set over low and adams input was far too high, the combination you get some uneven leveling that the software helps correct but not always enough. It does seem to smooth a bit later in the discussion but going forward the problem has been corrected.

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I listened to about 40 minutes of it and must admit it was very uncomfortable. One of the guy’s microphone was so loud it was unbearable. I turned the volume down, but then I could barely here the others. Will have to listen to the rest in small chunks. Guys you have to watch out for these things.

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It's the first time Joe and I recorded together, so yeah it appears there may be some volume issues. I listened to some of it to see how bad it was. Maybe its just my phone's volume settings, but I could hear both of us and while I was louder, it didn't seem unbearable.

With that said, I know settings aren't the same across the board. Hopefully we can sort it out for next time. Hoping people can get through the audio issues and find that the content we talked about was interesting enough.

Thanks for the feedback, nonetheless.

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In the middle of listening now.

Interesting that you suggest a Warroom app.

Considering the unholy s**tstorm that that app has become for Privateer - a company far in advance of where Wyrd are - this would be possibly the most insane idea of all time.

Have to say so far that I feel that this podcast, far from being balanced, is the flip side of the Gamers' lounge coin. They may have been overly negative, but this is very much rose tinted spectacles.

Maybe the four people involved need to do a round table so we can genuinely thrash out the successes and failures of M2E.

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Maybe the four people involved need to do a round table so we can genuinely thrash out the successes and failures of M2E.

But how would you do that? The only remotely objective criteria you could have is whatever its a commercial success for Wyrd. And at this stage, with it not even being releases, we don't have enough data on that. And Qyrd is unlikely to release that data to the community once they have it. So we are left with 4 people instead of 2 sitting around discussing there opinions and preferences. It might be entertaining but its not going to 'genuinely thrash out' or settle anything because its all subjective. You just can't make everyone agree on what's a success/failure or if its good or bad.

Give it a couple of years and it might be interesting to evaluate but I don't think there is anything to be gained by doing it now or that it would 'solve' anything.

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In the middle of listening now.

Interesting that you suggest a Warroom app.

Considering the unholy s**tstorm that that app has become for Privateer - a company far in advance of where Wyrd are - this would be possibly the most insane idea of all time.

Have to say so far that I feel that this podcast, far from being balanced, is the flip side of the Gamers' lounge coin. They may have been overly negative, but this is very much rose tinted spectacles.

Maybe the four people involved need to do a round table so we can genuinely thrash out the successes and failures of M2E.

Seeing how you already mention that two of those spokesmen have "rose tinted glasses" is already pretty telling because what you consider rose tinted I am in full agreement, maybe the rose tinted is in the past? or maybe not, we don't know, this is all about subjective likes. What you may consider worth "trashing" I may think is a bloody awesome an idea and there's no need to ever look back. I mean, my current real beefs with the rule set are vantage point though I haven't really given much thought to it and how priority of rules is decided. Does that make me a zealot, or does it just mean my tastes are more synchronized with M2 than with M1?

Would it be amusing to have them do a round table? Maybe, but frankly, both sides are pretty entrenched in their ways seems to me so it would pretty much be an "ok but..." contest where every listener would be screaming "YOU GO GIRL!" for their respective side most times. The people that are neutral about the whole thing either because they don't play the game yet or are still a bit divided on the why's and how's might get some more perspective, but this supposing that the whole discourse remains civil, a thing I'm starting to doubt seeing how heated interactions are getting about the subject.

Edited by Razhem
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In the middle of listening now.

Interesting that you suggest a Warroom app.

Considering the unholy s**tstorm that that app has become for Privateer - a company far in advance of where Wyrd are - this would be possibly the most insane idea of all time.

Have to say so far that I feel that this podcast, far from being balanced, is the flip side of the Gamers' lounge coin. They may have been overly negative, but this is very much rose tinted spectacles.

Maybe the four people involved need to do a round table so we can genuinely thrash out the successes and failures of M2E.

My glasses are tinted to help block UV. They are a distinct gray scale. So if I had been shouting at the parts I didn't like it would have been better check.

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In the middle of listening now.

Interesting that you suggest a Warroom app.

Considering the unholy s**tstorm that that app has become for Privateer - a company far in advance of where Wyrd are - this would be possibly the most insane idea of all time.

I am not a PP player, but do understand the issues with the app when first released. However, I have used Warroom (about 6 weeks ago) once. It was stellar, to the point that if I were to get more into Warmachine or Hordes I would with out a doubt buy the rest of the cards on my iPad. Purchased the entire Cryx set for a low $6.

Software releases have bugs and issues, all developers know/accept that. I think that where the Warroom app is now is that it provides such a spectacular experience for their players that I am jealous.

Now, I know Wyrd has already thought about an app like this. I know when the company is ready for such an undertaking, they will take it and it will be useful, thought out and provide a similar or better experience than the Warroom.

Look at VASSAL, as an example, no one heard a peep about that, and then, all of the sudden it was available. It was well tested, included exclusive content, and offers something to be compared to by other offers. I'm fine waiting for when Wyrd is ready, but as I said in the cast, I'm selfish (and a gamer), I want it now!

Have to say so far that I feel that this podcast, far from being balanced, is the flip side of the Gamers' lounge coin. They may have been overly negative, but this is very much rose tinted spectacles.

Maybe the four people involved need to do a round table so we can genuinely thrash out the successes and failures of M2E.

While a round table would be entertaining, I'm not sure its totally necessary. I recently sat down with Bill, and feel his pain, but he has different reasons to grieve, and is dealing with it in his own way (whether you agree with it or not).

My goals going forward are to focus on stat cards, discoveries we make during game play, tricks/combos we are enjoying, and how to take full advantage of the new point scoring system.

If I can figure out how to do it, I'd also like to get some Gencon content for Joe to put on the show while I'm out there. If I gave the impression that everything is perfect, I did not mean to with the new edition. It's easy to find negatives in both editions, I'm just focusing on the positives for now, as I only have enough energy to do just that.

Edited by PeregrineFalco
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Maybe the four people involved need to do a round table so we can genuinely thrash out the successes and failures of M2E.

Point: "I like thing A".

Counter-Point: "I dislike thing A".

For 3 hours...

Ick. :)

Another comparison cast will just lead to another thread of namecalling.

IMO, the sooner things are just accepted as separate, the better.

Now what HAPPENS to those separated things could be some interesting conversation. :)

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While round tables are neat. I dislike them personally as little is accomplished and that's not how you change hearts and minds nor are we trying to.

Cheated Fates Radio has always been opinion about the game with a greater focus on tactics and stats and learning the game. Going forward that will continue to be the focus of the show. We'll be starting our first impression in next episode where we go over 2.0 seamus from the beta as Adam and I are both really enjoying him in the new edition so far and for me he was the first master I bought when I started playing malifaux in the book 1 era so fitting in me2 I've been playing him again. Although nicodem is my favorite in 1.5 and also in 2.0

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Ask PP players about Warroom. It has taken nearly a yeat since its release to get to a usable state abd it is still not complete. I use it but it has a lot of flaws still.

To implement the vastly more complex systems of M2E will be harder still.

As regards the Gamer's lounge/CFR idea: we need couterpoints and disagreement for those of us who are on the fence to genuinely hear both the positives and negatives. Having the points of view seperate has given us a lot of material that says pretty much nothing.

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I enjoyed listening to the show, I'm glad to see that Cheated Fates still functions (and as Starscream is one of my favorite characters, kudos for your opening!) despite some audio mayhem.

I thought that you guys had a great discussion, and I stole from it when talking over some concepts with a veteran who finally got a game of the new edition in and our post game discussion. Calling the perks and pitfalls soft and harsh landings was a really good way to look it it, as was 'shaping fate' with soulstones, really helped my friend get into the new edition. I found the discussion of upgrades to be a useful perspective.

I don't know if an app would be the way to go for Malifaux upgrades, just because I think it would be easy for the opponent or myself to forget which upgrades are where. With warmachine Warroom has finally gotten to the point where it is useable. I've been with it since day one and . . . yea rough times.

Warrom is fine because all of the models can easily be seen on the table, and there's no customization aspect on a model per model basis. I think it would be harder to use with all kinds of upgrades and extras that won't be physically on the table. But I could see something that Wyrd mails out to subscribers to use where they can cut it out of a printer or some such, but even that seems like its pushing it.

I look forward to your next episode.

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I'm halfway through. I do agree about the audio and the viewpoints.

A round table discussion is maybe better later: after a half a year perhaps when the dust has really settled down. Everyone involved is a bit emotional at the moment.

I agree with the upgrade system. Some upgrades could have been standard on the M2e cards.

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Enjoyed the podcast, audio wasn't too bad on my phone so no blown ear drums.

Felt the discussion was fairly even-keeled and raised a lot of good points. You both seemed to have a really good grasp on what it was that you both liked and disliked about the new edition. It was well thought out and you had reasons behind a lot of your discussion points. All in all a fun listen.

And thanks for the plug. *happy*

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