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Jack Daw and Tormented (M2E)


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Possibly baseless speculation here, but there are, at my count, 6 Outcast Masters presently: Von Schill, Leveticus, Viktoria, Misaki, Tara, and Hamelin. That leaves room for one more. There is also the Tormented key word, which, as of our present knowledge of models, has no meaning.

Then there's Jack Daw, one of the most interesting and flavorful models in Malifaux, with more rules on his 1.5 card than many Masters. So, my thought, could Jack Daw be the last Outcast Master, with Infiltration: Tormented? It seems to fit, fluff-wise. The event could have impacted Jack Daw, uplifted him to a Master.

Am I crazy? Has this been discussed before and I just missed it? Thoughts?

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Interesting... there are other missing Masters as well, however, so I am leaning another direction with my conspiracy theory... namely Burt Jebsen as a Dual Faction Master. He already has a henchmen and enforcer to bring with him where ever he goes.

Outcast/Gremlin master FTW!

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I would love to see Jebsen as a Master, or even Wong, which feels more "right" to me, though Jebsen is the center of the story, he's not necessarily the most powerful...though there's little need, from my perspective, for Jebsen to also be Outcast. That would give Outcasts three dual faction Masters, more than any other Faction save 10T, and that's their whole schtick.

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It'd be a long shot, but a corpse from a campaign fluff piece became a master so anything is possible. As it stands, Outcasts, Arcanist, Gremlins, and 10T are the only factions that don't have highly confirmed master choices.

-Arcanist is the interesting one since there isn't any great fluff to make speculation on. The best option is the random steam fitter from Book 3. Long shot is the guy from Dead Heat, but I can't see us getting two masters from that campaign (though I believe the factions tied).

-10T is similar in that there is no good fluff to base speculation on. Safe to assume they won't be dual faction to stay on theme.

-Gremlins is all kinds of craziness since they're new. Beyond some guy named Ulix we got nothing. McTavish and Bert/Wong are likely the only models that have a chance at going master.

-Outcasts is another one with nothing really strong to make speculation on. Daw is probably the best guess simple because he's the poster-boy of Malifaux. Would make sense for a guy who routinely shows up in the art to become a master.

Edited by Boshea
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Fair enough. Still think Daw has a good shot at being a Master, and Tormented makes quite a bit of sense with his fluff as a soul driven mad by betrayal. Also agree that Burt or Wong may end up being Gremlin masters, as they're still 2 short, I think (Som'er, Ophelia, Brewmaster, Zoraida, Ulix).

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-Arcanist is the interesting one since there isn't any great fluff to make speculation on. The best option is the random steam fitter from Book 3. Long shot is the guy from Dead Heat, but I can't see us getting two masters from that campaign (though I believe the factions tied).

I see the possibilities as being English Ivan, the guy from Dead heat, the girl Marcus finds in book 3 and Hoffman (though supposedly Arcanists only get Mei as a dual faction master).

-10T is similar in that there is no good fluff to base speculation on. Safe to assume they won't be dual faction to stay on theme.

With mixed faction to every faction out there already, I'd guess that the remainder of their masters will be pure 10T.

-Gremlins is all kinds of craziness since they're new. Beyond some guy named Ulix we got nothing. McTavish and Bert/Wong are likely the only models that have a chance at going master.

McTavish wouldn't really make sense IMO - I don't think he even would justify being a henchman let alone a master. Bert and Wong would work I think - or someone out of the blue.

-Outcasts is another one with nothing really strong to make speculation on. Daw is probably the best guess simple because he's the poster-boy of Malifaux. Would make sense for a guy who routinely shows up in the art to become a master.

The key thing with Daw is that there's that tormented keyword which just screams daw. I really hope Daw is upgraded to master (and would love to see an avatar of torment miniature).

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At the very least Jack Daw is a good candidate for Henchman if not master.

From his own back story he has some very specific goals and judging from his old "Betrayed" rule a very strong disliking of Neverborn or at the least their subtle masks suit associated magic. These elements could make him suited to gaining Master status.

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Except I think the devs said Arcanist wouldn't get a second dual faction master but something 'special' instead, although I think there were some later comments along the lines of not expecting too much from this 'specialness'. So I'm thinking no to Hoffman as an Arcanist.

I don't think it really fits with the fluff either.

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They said it would be something special. The latest idea I had for what it could be is someone like English Ivan, who infiltrates other factions. His upgrades could be something like Levi has letting him infiltrate various factions. Gives a single faction master with access to troops from various factions.

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They said it would be something special. The latest idea I had for what it could be is someone like English Ivan, who infiltrates other factions. His upgrades could be something like Levi has letting him infiltrate various factions. Gives a single faction master with access to troops from various factions.

I suppose a master with an M.O. which is the inverse of the 10T faction would be interesting... However, I feel like Levi has done enough of this already (what with Undead and Constructs), and even Kirai has had her share of this kind of action in 1.5 (Guild models notwithstanding). I also feel that a Master like that, unless seriously looked into, would overshadow all the other dual faction (possibly even single faction [Arcanists, at least]) Masters. I doubt this will be the final Arcanist Master we are to be seeing, mechanics-wise. Fluffwise I don't know much on English Ivan, but heck, he probably has as much a chance as any of the other fluff characters affiliated with the Arcanists.

~Lil Kalki

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