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Webmonkey's Garage Kits,...


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Up next,.. Inori Yuzuriha (Guilty Crown).

Here's the base, with nothing done to it yet. And with that,... now I have to decide what colors to paint her. Should I paint her like the anime character? Or some color combination of my own?? hrmm,.. decisions,.. decisions,..


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4 separate colors. I then broke the disk into 4 equal parts. dark grey (top 25% of base), a medium grey (from the 25% to 50% line), a light grey (from the 50% to 75% line), and finally pure white (from the 75% to 100% line). Then using the airbrush, I've been doing slow even layers,.. pulling the dark grey down a little,.. then the medium grey gets pulled up into the dark grey a little. Then back and forth between the two colors to get them to mingle into one another. (repeat for each next color)

It's a (painfully) slow process,.. but I like the results

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got the body mounted and a few of the frilly bits added. Practicing the gradient on the big base surface really helped prepare me for the smaller section of color on the clothing pieces. Still a ways to go,.. but it is coming along,.. and quite nicely, if I do say so myself,..


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