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New totems

Pagan Wolfe

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So I have heard a rumour that some of the henchmen that are getting bumped up to master status are getting new totems. So far I have heard that new totems will be included in the box with said master.

Are there plans to release these separately?

specifically I have heard that VonSchill is getting a steam tank luggage (pinch of salt?). I already have a freikorps crew I love, but will I have to buy the whole new set just to get the totem?

thanks in advance to anyone who knows.

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If the practice of plastic models that we have seen continues I very much doubt that any of the models on the Sprues will be sold separately by Wyrd. You'll have to go to an internet bits supplier that carries Malifaux to get anything on the New Sprues seperately. This assumes of course they maintain the present marketing model.

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I really hope this is not the case. Missing out of a few models 'just because they are in the new boxes' will be a downer. I imagine a VonSchill totem would have quite a bit of demand and will be hard to source as a clipped off Bit.

I don't have the cash or the drive to repurchase entire boxes for individual models.

I am keen for M2E but there are some points causing anxiety. Minor anxiety (like, maybe just enough to give one very small ant a twitch), but anxiety all the same. :)*grin*

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Again it would be predicated on whether they continue the new plastics model. If they split the individual models onto different Sprues it will increase the cost of the line in its entirety, as it will require more molds, more labor to package etc.

I would personally expect this to remain to be the case, but I have no inside knowledge about the upcomming marketing decisions. I would personally suggest you look for proxys until the bits market picks it up.

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I think having models ONLY available in boxsets can be dangerous... in particular ones that are troops/minions that you may want to load up on...

years ago, when Helldorado first appeared from the now defunct company Asmodee, they released many of their new models in 2 packs. I almost always only wanted one of the 2 models included, so I didn't buy any of them. Seeing as they went under and Helldorado is now under Cipher Studios, I can only speculate that the lack of availability of singles may have contributed.

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I think having models ONLY available in boxsets can be dangerous... in particular ones that are troops/minions that you may want to load up on...

years ago, when Helldorado first appeared from the now defunct company Asmodee, they released many of their new models in 2 packs. I almost always only wanted one of the 2 models included, so I didn't buy any of them. Seeing as they went under and Helldorado is now under Cipher Studios, I can only speculate that the lack of availability of singles may have contributed.

I think it had more to do with how no one actually played Helldorado.

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I'd like to point out that the model I mentioned is exactly what they have for their plastics right now. If you want Kang the only way to get him is to buy the Mei Feng Box, or look to after initial market bits providers. It's just the economics of the plastic sprues.

It's the economics of how they have chosen to make the sprues. They also have single-model sprues like Tannen, Graves, Wong, Burt, etc. They could just as easily make every unique model a single sprue, and every 3-of minion a sprue of 3, or whatever else.

Of course, that might not be cost-effective at all and I have no idea about the numbers, but it's not impossible.

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It would make for very expensive boxes if they did that. Rather than one mould for the crew, you'd be looking at three (if they did master and totem together, unique model, and minions). That's a huge increase in the mould costs as those things are multiple thousands each. So box sets would likely go up substantially in price if that happened. Plus there's the issue of warehouse space and staffing, but that's a bit more vague.

I'd say it's unlikely to be a whole host of separate plastics, even though that will annoy me as well. On the other hand, the death marshals preview did lead to me getting rid of my metal marshals, meaning I'm no longer buying the crew just for the totem. So I'm getting away lightly at the moment.

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Could be done certainly, but the extra cost in molds and packaging, as well as labor to sort, check, and package would most likely increase the cost of the models to point where it wouldn't be feasible.

Doable, yes.

Economically viable for the company, probably not.

Likely to happen, no.

But we will have to wait and see.

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