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GreyHorde's Malifaux Minis


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Okay I really do like the paint job you got there on them. Seriously, good job.

Particularly I like your flesh tones and the fact at least from the pic you gave Cassandra a different tone then the performers. That said I am curious how you did your flesh tones as I really do like the effect. Heck I like the eyeliner too, mostly on the performer in blue.

I would not mind a bit of details on how you did some of your colors and that on these models. I like the red you got on Cassandra and the Maniquien, those are Reds that have been eluding me of late it seems. Also what color did you start with as an Undercoat?

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I love it how great you pulled of Cassandras face and the face Performer with blue dress. What people said, it makes them look very characterful. I would probably choose other color schemes for the dresses, but I would say that your crew looks better than those from the box.

Also, blonde looks good good on Colette. It complements her smile... (if she were a real person :Smug_Puppet1:)

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These are amazing. I am working on my Showgirls right now and these are very inspirational. Would you be able to post a picture of the backs? I am struggling with Cassandra's dress in the back and would like to see how you did it. Also, a close up of the faces would be awesome. Thanks and I can't wait to see the Corphyee!!

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Whoa! Thanks, everyone! I am very glad you like my first crew. I struggled with choosing color schemes different from the 'box art' and ended up taking the easy/lazy way out and mostly copying it. One performer's purple foiled me, though, so she ended up in green.

The bases are Malifaux Victorian street inserts, which I liked better (and had more of) than sewer. Yes, Coryphee singles and Duet are on my workbench alongside a female Gunsmith and 3 Mechanical Doves. "Waiting in the wings" is Colette's three-model avatar, but it may be some time before I paint that set.

I'll circle back around when I have a few minutes to ramble about bright red, varying skin tones & eyeshadow. I have some individual, closer shots, too, if anyone is interested in seeing them? In the meantime, here's the requested back shot:


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The variety of colors for the outfits works out really well. I would be inclined to have performer and her mannequin wear matching (or at least similar) colors. This came out too well.

:+fate :+fate

I thought of making them similar, and tried at first, but could not match the original performer's violet and went with green, instead. Could have gone red, I suppose, but then half the set would have been in red. Cassie would not have liked that. :)

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Your models are very well painted and you should be proud to place them on the table. I'm sure most of us wish we had a girlfriend as hot as one of thoses women. The bases are the one thing I'm not thrilled with. First off I hate store bought or premade bases. Second off I can't picture the dancers on anything but a beautiful wooden dance floor. All in all though I like your work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Whew...rough couple of weeks at work, so I just now have a few minutes at home to ramble, as promised.

Bright red: on white primer, base coat with Reaper Master Series Mahogany Brown, then Citadel Blood Red. Shade down with RMS Clotted Red, up with Citadel Blood Red and Blazing Orange. Highest highlights may get some yellow mixed in. Most of the time there's not really a recipe, per se...I work with either a wet palette and fiddle with mixes as I go, or a small-welled palette and get 5 or 6 shades mixed in advance. Then mix on the fly between shades to smooth transitions, glaze with the Blood Red/Blazing Orange mix to punch up the color saturation.

Varying skin tones: Performers were mainly RMS Fair Skin & Rosy Skin, plus a touch of Flesh Wash mixed in, especially in shadows. Cassie and Colette started with some of that, but got some Bronzed Skin included to give them a stronger 'tan' look.

Eyeshadow: a little of the base dress color mixed into a small bit of the skin color, highlighted with more of the skin color. It's fiddly to keep it strong enough to be noticeable, but light enough not to look trashy or garish.

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  • 2 years later...

Yes, it has been a long time since I posted, here.  What can I say?  2014 and 2015 were particularly unkind to my hobby painting and gaming.  So far this year, a few more Arcanists have been cleared off the workbench.  Please forgive the craptastic camera phone shots; snapped them atop the workbench, just to prove that I have returned to Earth (you know, after having fallen off the face of the Earth for a while...).







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