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Big Ned's hobby thread

Big Ned

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice work on that flower! Could I tempt you to do more like it on that piece of fabric? Perhaps joined up with thin branches? It looks a bit lonely by itself, a couple more would make the fabric look more luxurious, she is a high class lady after all! :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my next Oiran done.

Like I said I was going to push myself a bit more with the freehand.

This time I focused on the fans. The kanji on the fans is supposed to say "Oiran" (according to Wikipedia)

The other thing I've done deliberately on these models is paint them with silk stockings.

These models will see the most table time with my Colette crew so I wanted to show how their dress has been 'westernised' to make them more familiarity with the regular patrons of the Star.

Anyway, enough waffle:-


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've got my Dawn Serpent finished.

I was inspired to do this guy next as I'd seen two major complaints on Twitter.

1. Painting the dawn serpent

2. Painting yellow

So I thought, as the hoarcats were an easy paint, I'd challenge myself and paint the Dawn Serpent yellow.

It wasn't easy but the biggest challenge was finding other colours which complimented the yellow scales.

I think I pulled it off if I do say so myself.

But you can be the judges

Anyway enough rabbling


Okay, a little bit more rambling. I had kind of painted myself into a corner with my basing themes for my typical Raspy and Marcus crew models and done winter bases.

The problem is that I'd imagine a dragon would kick out a lot of heat, so what I endws up doing is combining several different snow techniques I know to give the impression that the snow was being melted by his body heat. I then added some water effects to look like meltwater.

It's tricky to photograph but I hope this gives an idea.


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