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A tape mesurer that mesure in inches.

The 1.5 rulebook(or the downloadable rules from malifaux.com)

A deck of cards (or a fate deck)

Some way to record damage(counters, dice or pen and paper)

Glue for the models

A table

Some terrain

I... think that's it :)

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There is a most excellent wiki on Malifaux:


There is a section to the left titled 'Gathering Supplies'. There is a book not listed there...which Jinx mentioned.....Malifaux 1.5, but you can do without it to start with if you have a computer or tablet by using the downloadable rules from this site - they don't include the fluff and some things are blacked out, but all of the rules are there.

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They are all different. I wouldnt go and say that one is better than the other. Kaeris and Lucius are Henchmen which means they have amore restrcited hiring selection than Ramos who is a master. All three play very differently.

I will also point you back to the Pullmyfinger wiki to have a read about them to see how they play.

Ultimately I think so long as you pick one that you like you cant go wrong

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Is anything important blacked out?

Not really. The game has multiple strategies (the main way you score victory points) and schemes (minor victory points) - not all of them are in the download but the core ones are. Some diagrams are missing. It's enough to get you started. You'll still want a book eventually........if for no other reason than Malifaux has some awesome fluff.

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Not really. Try to set a table that's balanced. Which side you play on is picked by the winner of a card flip, so keep that in mind.

As far as the kind of terrain you want to use, mixture of the type mentioned above is good. Malifaux tends to be pretty terrain heavy compared to some othe miniatures games. More terrain is generally better.

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That was not a mixture, that was a question >_<

In case it wasn't clear enough: How much terrain do I need for an average-sized, average-density table?

How many large LOS blockers and how big?

How many partial LOS blockers and how big?

How many terrain terrain restrictors and how big?

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There's nothing specific in the rules as far as terrain type breakdown (i.e. partial vs full, etc). The only thing with Malifaux is you do need a nice amount of terrain. I think the ball park most people go with is 8-12 pieces for a 3'x3' board. There are certain schemes/strategies that actually require terrain amounts so this can be crucial (i.e. Neverborn-specific Reclaim Malifaux which needs a minimum of 9 pieces).

Malifaux games love terrain more so than the big army ones like GW. How you divide it out amongst the terrain types is more a preference thing than anything else.

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The book recomends 18-36 pieces on the board. But these don't need to be very big, a single section of wall or a lone tree can count. If you have large buildings I would suggest couting them as several different pieces when possible. Just try to make sure ther is someting in each square foot

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Malifaux works best without the larger pieces. We muddled by for a while with the LGS warhammer/warmachine terrain (10"-12" or more) but when I had a chance I made some smaller pieces of area terrain. I have a bunch of woods pieces that are 3"-5", some small buildings (4"-8" base), and a ton of element terrain....rocks, trees, fences - all stuff that only covers about 2".

With the skirmish movement, smaller pieces are better for freer movement and being able to jump from cover-to-cover.

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Also depending on what masters are generally being used you may have to adjust your terrain selection as some masters interact with certain types of terrain. If Lilith is being played you want some forest and If Rasputina is being played you will want some swamp/lake/river/long grass areas, basically anything that a model can actually stand on. There may be other model-terrain interactions but I can not think of them now. You want enough of the terrain type to make the interactions possible but not so much that they are overpowered.

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