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Regarding Starting Out


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My advice would be to pick someone you just like to learn the game with. As you grow into the game figure if you want to stay with master/stuff or branch out. If you like to be competitive after you learn the system you would want to branch out into one of three type arcanist crews (mei, colette, or ramos(a) ) also ramos original has actually gained a bit now with the new gaining grounds up. He still has a couple things going against him but he is not bad at all with the new years tournament missions up. But that is ahead of the curve atm. Just pick something up first you enjoy thematically and learn the system, then worry about tournaments and stuff after you learn the game.

I really think he hit it on the head. Find one you LIKE. I'd also maybe recommend trying to find a faction you like, and then find an easier to run master in it, and then branch out.

I just started a few months ago. I really liked the new Ten Thunders, and really liked Rasputina. I picked up Misaki, Mei Feng and Rasputina. Then, was thikning Kaeris looked cool... and well, one thing leads to another... and I have all of the Archanists masters and all but one 10T. That is the cool, AND bad part about this game. They can play on/with each other... so you can add a few models here, a few there... and next thing you know... you own a faction. :-)

Ultimately, play what looks like fun. There are a ton of different ways to play, depending on the master.

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When I started three years ago I told my wife I only needed "one faction box" to play. For some reason she believed me.

Now I own several factions worth of models. It gets really addictive, espessially if the models you buy work for multiple masters. I picked up Markus because I already had sillurids and waldgeists. I picked Hoffman on an eventual path of wanting to pick up Leveticus and expand from there into the Ressurectionists. I still don't have Leveticus, but he is on my eventual "to own" list, with Kaeris, Collette, Mei Feng, two wardens, a corphyee duet, and a couple of others. The problem is that Wyrd keeps releasing new, awesome models and I keep getting behind on my list.

I agree with the "pick one you like" method, it works pretty well in my experience. I started with Lilith because I liked the nephilim and the growth mechanic. Ultimately just pick something you enjoy.

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Brass arachnid can be good, but isn't consistant. Its biggest problem is that it competes for exactly the same Cards as Ramos. If you can get a 11:tomes in your hand every turn to cast re-activate you will do amazing (assuming you can still get the 8:tomes and the 7:tomes for the spiders and the Electrical creation).

If I can get the cards to cast re-activate on turn 3/4 on one of my high cost minions then it more than pays for its self. But thtas not every game.

Using the mobile tool kit instead removes the need for :tomes for Ramos. Unfortunatly using the toolkit means you can't use the Brass arachnid.

The number of spiders depends on how you play. I don't create too many spiders. I have 2 swarm bases and about 6 individual, and I never get anywhere near using all of them. 6 would have been enough for me. I own more, but don't really need them. I don't often spend much time generating Scrap with Ramos, as I often need to move him in the early turns to try and make sure he gets involved, so I find it rare to end up with more than I started with. I understand there are people out there who play differently, and use him as a summoner to get more models on the table. If you intend to play that way, then you might need 9 spiders, to allow for 3 bases of Swarms

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Also, how many spiders, assuming I magnetize them to swarm? 6? 9?

Assuming you magnetize them to swarm, the 2 swarms that come with Ramos' crew box should be plenty. If not, the swarm of the alt spiders that comes with his Avatar is helpful. Even when I'm summoning happy, unless I've started with a swarm's worth of spiders on the field, I've rarely had more than 5 spiders on the field. If I start with a swarm, I don't think I've had more than 7 spiders on the field at any one time.

The way the crew is boxed, you get:

2 swarm stat cards,

2 40mm bases for swarms,

6 individual spider stat cards,


6 30mm bases for them.

For the avatar its:

1 alt swarm card,

1 40mm base,

3 alt spider cards,


3 30mm bases.

When it comes to magnetizing, there are quite a few approaches. Most involve gluing the spiders to washers or other magnetic pieces and magnetizing the bases. I went the lazy route. I used a dremel to drill into their bellies, dropped a magnet inside, and put metal screws into the bases. [So far, I still have them set up with the oversized screws I had on hand, but I do intend to switch them over to smaller ones once I get done with painting and go back to basing and touchups on my other models.]

Speaking of Ramos: is Brass Arachnid viable? I love the model.

I think he saw more play prior to book 2 bringing out the Mobile Toolkit, or book 3 bringing out the Arcane Effigy. That's not to say that he's not useful, though. Reactivate can be wonderful. If you want to go summoning crazy, the Mobile Toolkit makes it nearly impossible to fail. The second :tomes makes for such low flips / cheats, that it's very nearly an auto include. However, if you do plan on using the avatar, it may be better to go with the Arcane Effigy. Usually, even if I'm going avatar, I still take the Toolkit, 1) because I'm going to be getting the most out of it while I can in order to manifest, and 2) because I'm probably running Kaeris and can't take the Effigy anyways.

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My current plan is to buy the box set, Mobile Tool Kit, and an Electrical Creation. If I magnetize the spiders, do I have enough to start?

Plenty. You could start out at 35ss if you wanted:

Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Ramos -- 6 Pool

Mobile Toolkit [3ss]

Steamborg Executioner [10ss]

Steampunk Arachnid Swarm [9ss]

Steampunk Arachnid Swarm [9ss]

Brought to you by the magic that is the Crew Creator

Edited by i_was_like_you
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I bought Kaeris initially and then Ramos. I loved Kaeris, Ramos just sucked. I'm sure he has a place but the sit back and create spiders mode is lame for a master. He's slow and vulnerable and I've seen a few people use him to decent effect but I found him boring to play.

My experience was that I really didn't start enjoying Arcanist until I picked up Mei Feng. Warning, she is not beginner friendly, she has a whole mess of triggers and special effects. But once you start using her and get into the swing of things it works great!

If you really want to play a faction that is well balanced and strong, I hate to say it, but Guild is a great place to start. Especially if you're picking up Luscius.

Thats my 2 cents for what its worth.

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Guild, the great sideboard faction. I do like how, at least in the fluff, each of their masters has a charter to target threats from specific other factions, but with the versatility most factions have to offer, it's never quite that straightforward.

Ramos can sit back and make spiders, forcing the opponent to waste resources, or, he can go out there with his df 2, armor +2, and hope to not get his shiny metal @ss shot off before he has a chance to avatar.

Prior to avatars, however, I was able to take down Pandora with him once, when it was down to just the two of them, their minions having slain each other. Flipped a red joker on the wp duel to even hit her, then fried her to a crisp with electrical fire. Of course, that was just a free-for-all, no strats or schemes, no terrain either. Not a position you really want to be in with him.

---------- Post added at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

Regarding using Kaeris, I've run her with Ramos, and without. Now that she has more models to choose from, thanks to book 4, she's much more viable on her own.

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