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Masters of the Path

Fetid Strumpet

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Thanks Mako, your stuff always puts mine to shame so nice to hear comments from you.

@thedreadedsquid, what do you want to know about how I painted them? Basically patience, a good amount of thin layers, which then got washed to bring them into unity, then more layers, then a thin wash, then more layers.

I also follow a pattern I learned from an old Ral Partha How to paint miniatures sheet when I was first getting into the hobby of painting. I basically start a miniature as if I was dressing them. So I start with the skin, and get that finished, then I move on the the lowest layer of clothing, and move upward. That way the more difficult to paint areas of the miniature can be done with less regard to staying in the lines because the next layer up can paint over any area where my paint got sloppy at the edges.

I also usually try to finish the face, especially the eyes, before moving on to clothing, because if the face is messed up it is much easier and less time consuming to scrap what has been done to start over with just the flesh, then if I've painted the whole thing and then move to the face and mess up.

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