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What crews would you use to demo the game?


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I am thinking about signing up as a Henchmen. Part of the requirement is to have at least two crews/decks to demo the game. I own The Viktorias and Kirai. I don't think Kirai would be a good crew to introduce potential new players to Malifaux. So, what would you recommend and why? Also if you could sell the crew to me cheap, I will wub you long, long time hehe

Thank you!

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Most Demo's I favor are Seamus + Lady J. The demo tends to run very smooth with those to as stated they don't break a lot of rules and actually show off the rule set well. On top of that they highlight the characterful skirmish quite well, not every day your army consists of undead ladies of disrupte with Umbrella's as weapons. Or the law in town actually brings along coffins for those that misbehave.

Plus it feeds into two mythos that are popular cowboys and Zombies

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I enjoy running the Ten Thunders masters against each other for demos' sake. This way new players can not only make use of the newest stuff on the market, but also get a feel for different factions (while I get a feel for a single one - all at the same time!).

I know people claim that they are difficult to demo with, but I have found that the contrary is true. At worst, they are at a moderate level in terms of demo ability.

~Lil Kalki

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Any of the Guild crews other than Hoffman make for a decent demo, as do any of the Ressers other than Kirai. In general, I would avoid doing demo games with Book 2 Masters, as well as Leveticus, Pandora and Zoraida. Everyone else (including the Book 4 Masters) is pretty much fine - some are easier to get a handle on than others, but none of them have really wonky mechanics.

Lady Justice versus Seamus is definitely a perennial favourite, though. Lilith vs Perdita also works quite well.

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My painted demo crews are just Seamus and Molly, but quite a few times people have come to me with the box set they have just purchased, so I run them through a demo with their new toys vs Seamus.

Ive currently got the Lady J box set awaiting the next space to come up on my painting table though so I can have that crew for Demoing.

BTW I also considered buying Rasputina for demoing as I felt she was another good Demo choice.

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Von Schill's boxset is pretty straightforward, and you would gain two models (namely Von Schill and the Librarian) which are valuable additions to any Viks crew. Although I haven't seen VonSchill played with Kirai, many people regard him as the de facto Resser henchman!

No point buying models you are not likely to use yourself, if you can help it.

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I usually demo with Viks plus a minion vs Ophelia plus 2 minions or (as said above) Seamus and Sybelle vs Lady J and Judge. I usually throw in a couple SS per side to just touch on SS usage too. If they are experienced war gamers I will open up the cases and give them a rundown on each crew and let them pick if they take a real shine to one particular crew.

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