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The Dwarf's Gremerin Adventures


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cheers for the green stuff ideas. I shall give it a shot, along with the thread, to see what effects I get ... once I have defrosted some. Getting fed up of this now. Why can't it just go and stay gone. It is meant to be spring over here lol but I never seem to have much luck with GreenStuff annoyingly. But hey, I'll give it a shot and post results up here.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey people

I have not posted in her for a while ... wow just over a month. But that is mainly because of the title of this post. As I am in need of the drive to paint. I don't know about any of you, but I go through times of no drive to paint. Like I start painting, and after - well less that 30 minutes I can just feel Blah!! and out the paint brush down.

It is not like I don't want to paint, I do, as I have loads to paint. And when I am in the mood to paint, I enjoy painting it. I find it soothing, relaxing and once a model is finished (Or even partly finished) get a great feeling of personal-pride - and surprise. Not being big headed, but when I take the time to paint a model well and not rush it it can surprise me just how well it can turn out. And even more surprising when my mate Tom said down pub ... "Your a good painter, but lazy" ... that was one of the few times when I have been told I am a good painter from a fello hobby'ist. Bt he is right with the lazy'ness.

Anyway, that is not the reason of my post. The reason, to get it back on track, is the drive to paint. So I ask, if any one frequents this post still, what do you people do when you need/want to paint. Usually I know a deadline makes you paint (Tournament where models needs to be painted and based), but I do not have a deadline. So I am asking for ideas of what works for you, as it may work for me :-)

Any and all help welcome. And I thank you in advance :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry it has been a while since I have posted her. And the last post was a bit too wordy. You'll be pleased to know that I will have pictures below (Hopefully they will work fine first time around - it will make a change).

Firstly, I have been painting the WORLDS BIGGEST GREMLIN ... LENNY!!

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He is not yet complete. I obviously still need to do the base, the same way as I dod for McTavish - if I can remember exactly how I did it that is hehe But he has been fun to paint.

With him being bigger, and his muscles defined I tried to get some deapth to the muscle. As I really enjoy painting green skin ... as shown by this model of a WHFB Orc Big Boss ...


I did not make the skin on Lenny as bright as the Orc's, mainly becuase there is not much green on Lenny compared to the Orc. And I quite like the look of my dark skin tone for my lil green fella's ... well mostly lil!

I am not too keen on Lenny piglette though, I found it hard for the colour to go on smooth. It was a layer of two citadel colours, Bugmans Glow and another one. And found them to not be that good. So when I eventually come to doing Gracie and my Warpig I may have to make them a more browner breed of pig maybe. But we shall see.

And now onto the reason why the title of this post is "Adding to my Gremerins ...", as one Lenny is not much of an addition. The reason why I have called this post as it is ... i sbecuase I am purchasing some very cool looking and nicely converted Gremlins he was selling.

If you wanna take a look here is the link to greenstuff_gav's Gremlins. I am loving the coversions, mostly the Gremlin Death Marshall.


He does still have some unpainted/unassembled models still going if any one wanna take a look here ... For Sale: Gremlins. Sorry to say the stuff in red has all be bought my yours truely ...

But with my new Gremerins coming my way I will strive to add more and more to this thread, battle reports, pictures, and hoping it will kick start me into painting the rest of my Gremerins, Ortegas AND Vikki's box sets. Plus have a Batman and Robin in the works for my uncles Birthday and Christmas ... I know it long way away, but you lot must know by now I can be a slow painter.

But I promise you ... watch this space!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys ... if any one still reads this hehe

Anyway, I have been painting today as I have the week off work. I have finished Lenny (As the total of this post suggests) and have two pictures up. Sorry for the quality as these were done on the iPad, so not the best picture quality. But I will take more pictures of Lenny and of the others with a better camera to show you them in their full glory ...

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I am liking how he turned out, and the yellow spots on his tummy are 'spots'. I don't think they are meant to be there. But after cleaning up the model and spraying it the little bumps were clear to see. So painted them as two yellow spots. I think they came out okay, but not as good as my Ork Dakka-Dakka Jet Pilots spot on his chin ... would show you picture, but I cannot scroll down to that folder on my PhotoBucket account on the iPad ... grrrr!!

I don't think the base came out as well as McTavish's one did sadly, especially the logs. But on the upside, that is nature, and nothing is the same in nature.

All I need to work out now is how to use him to his fullest in game. But I am assuming that he is best with gremlins around him to help to their defence with the action 'Big Target'? But it his 'Dumb' ability that makes me think twice about taking him. As with only one action, before taking into account 'Reckless' and discarding a control card. But guess if you have a rubbish control card in hand you could discard that as you won't need it during the turn. But I shall try him out sometime again in the future.

Now my next painting project is not a Gremerin model. But thought I'd still put it here, get some opinions and such. This painting project came about after showing a friend of mine who lives down south. She enjoys seeing my stuff I paint, thinks it looks good and such. And I asked her, if she wanted a model painted by my self. Told her to take a look on Wyrds online store and to pick anything she liked the look of.

She picked Duel Sword Vikki, and annoyingly as you cannot buy those separately I bought the bowser ... not that I am all that fussed . But as the Vikkis come as a pair, I thought I would do them both for her. So I started with what I shall call Vikki #1, as that is the first one I am painting ...

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As you can see I am going for the same colours, near as, that are on the model on her stat card/box.

But as always, again if any one reads this still, comments and criticism is welcome ... I believe I will only get better at painting with knowing what people believe I have done right/well and where I can improve.

Oh, and I had a game on Tuesday, I shall write up the report briefly later on. Sorry, again I have no pictures :-( I shall soon ... just need to get a camera like.

Cheers for reading guys and girls

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Good afternoon all

It is a fine day over here in the UK. I really don't get our weather. Lovely Bank Holiday weekend last week. Then terrible rubbish weather from Tuesday till Thursday. And then wake up on Friday to a beautiful day, hoping it lasts into the weekend and beyond.

Anyway, in my last post I put up some low quality photos of a WIP Vikki (Sword and Clock-work gun), and yesterday I finished her. And I am pleased how she turned out from. And like the other models of human-form ignore the face. As I cannot do faces to save my life ...

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I have, for now not done eyes or lips. As eyes I hate doing. So they are just shaded with a wash. I may attempt to do the eyes and lips, well at least make them look more defined. What do you guys think?

I have also taken better pictures of Lenny and McTavish if you wanna take a look ...

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I am slowly getting through my Malifaux Models. But my next - well current - project is a Batman model. As I am planning on painting him, and Robin for my uncle for his Birthday and Christmas. I just hope I can get the blacks and dark dark blues out okay.

Then from tomorrow I have my beloved Eldar distracting me ... grrrrr!!

But I am hoping that after this week off I have had has kick started me back into painting. And keep on painting regulary after work during the week. And I will be sure to keep you lot updated.

"Lets'a go!!!"

Oh lastly - this is most likely going to be a long shot but ... does anyone know where or of there is a Mario figure somewhere that you can paint? I know this is a long shot, but if any one knows of a place if you could let me know??


Edited by THE_Dwarf
Fixing the broken links for Lenny
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Cheers for the link Gav. But ideally I am looking for an actual Mario. As me and friend do enjoy chilling playing Mario for bt on the Wii hehe

Glad you like his face, and would you be shocked if you were in his position hehe

I shall keep you up to date on the batman, then the model following it will most likely be Gracie, after looking up breeds of pigs. One that isn't pink ... but I fear Eldar will get in the way. As picking up the mew 'Titan' and new flyer along with the codex tomorrow. So I a, hoping you lot don't mind some pictures of Space Elves up here (Hope that is okay).

Bt I am aiming on doing more and more Gremerins for you lot to see :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always find the line above to be Batman's line from the Dark Knight series of movies. Seconded by "I'm Batman!" Bot need to be said in a husky voice ... in my opinion.

Anyway, one with my latest post people's ...

I bought my self a Arkham City Batman and Robin (Robin is still needed to be painted) as a Birthday and Christmas present for my uncle. I know it is only just the start of June and I have mentioned the 'C' word. But I thought I best buy them well in advance, just in case I lose my drive for my painting ... or if the dark colours on Batman came out rubbish when I actually painted him.

So here is the little fella ...

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I am well pleased on the cloak ... and I have had to stop my self from looking at the Wyrd Games store looking for models with cloaks also. I have forgotten how much I enjoyed doing cloaks. The last one I did properly - and one that had deep folds like Batman - was when I painted Eldars Asurmen (Pheonix Lord).

I am contemplating on whether or not to do his eyes more and his face, well the half you see. But I never seem to have the steady hand I need ... when I need it

But ... I have just reaslised that the title for this can be used for this next section of my post also. Just this time it from a Gremerin, so probably a more high pitched voice than Batman. And that Gremerin being Burt Jebsen ... looking for his faithful companion ... good ol' Gracie.

Yes I have eventually started painted the old pig'ette. I was going to start painting her a while back, but was then unsure on what colour to paint her. As for some reason the flesh colours I have got from GW/Citadel doesn't seem to cover that nicely. But what do you think??

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I went with Bugmans Glow over a grey base coat. I was going to go lighter and use Cadian Fleshtone, but when I came to put it on Gracies rump, it came out weird. Did not cover at all well. So I just washed it down with the flesh wash/shade they do. And then dry-brushed (It has been a LONG time since I have dry-brushed a model) it again with Bugman Glow. I think it came out fine. And mostly I have preferred a darker colour pallette to my models.

I am going to try and finish her some time this week. Or at least get her well on her way. But with work, and now gym ... WHY???? ... I am struggling to find time to paint when I have energy. But don't worry this thread won't end. And Gav, I shall paint Storm-trooper Gremerin soon, I am just bigging my self up for painting white ... I hate painting a proper white-white.

So bye for now, and I hope you had a good weekend, and have a good week ahead :)

Edited by THE_Dwarf
Correcting broken links ... take 2!
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Hey guys and girls ...

Hoping the links to YouTube work *Fingers crossed*

If not, then search on YouTube for ...

  • The Three Amigoes
  • Community, namely Abed's "Cool ... cool cool cool!!"
  • Little Britain - "I love the cake!!"

Gracie - WIP

I have done some painting, done some more work on Gracie. She is slow going. There is a lot of, well, rubbish one her ... saucepans, teapot, cutlery, bottles, basket, fence panel and so on ... to paint but she is getting there as you can see below ...

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Sorry for the not so good quality. Again on my dads iPad taking the pictures as I sit here about to paint in the lounge as me and parents watch The Voice. Not my cup of tea, but if I go upstairs to my room and paint I can see me just end up playing Batman: Arkham City or just watch Community (If any one of your not seen it, it is amazing. Chevy Chase for starters hehe he better in The Three Amigos in my opinions but hey ... '>"Cool, cool cool cool!!")


But anyway, onto my post. And I got the idea for this post a couple of hours ago. As I was looking at the base Gracie as I finished it off, as for one of the few models I have done prior to gluing her down onto the base. I noticed and realised how mich I enjoyed doing the base as well as the main model. I have enjoyed doing the base, especially the swamp and the stone on the path. So I thought I would share this with you, before putting Gracie upon it.


The base is from the Swamp selection from Fenris Games (eBay Store)

As the base goes towards making the model look good. I feel there is plenty of depth on the stone path. But I may do some, only some, more highlighting with a light grey on some of the flag stones. I think the actual swampy parts have turned out good, but not as good as the first one I did for McTavish. But it is always the way ain't it ...

I may have to spray a number of bases, and just paint them. Is that weird? Not boring bases. But ones with character like the one above. As I really enjoyed doing it, and also means I got a base ready when it is needed. Although that is if my painting doesn't go into a dip where I do not paint for a while.


I was going to start on Robin tonight, to go with my Batman. But it depends how it turns out once the spray has dried. As while I was spraying, touching up bits which the initial spray missed, the nozzle stuck spraying so instead of a light spray it clogged up the front of the model some. I have found, if I have done that, if I blow on the model hard it helps disburse the spray and not cover the detail. But annoyingly the front of the Robin model is like, well a bucket - if you get me? So it didn't really disburse. So left it to dry and will take a look and see how it is. Else I'll have to strip it and try not to have his stick bend/snap.


Now time for an off topic question to the masses ... about cake '>"Ooooo, I love the cake!!". Me and my friend feel like baking for her parents as they fly back from Spain (Lucky .....) tomorrow lunch time. We are doing burritos for dinner, and fancy doing some baking.

So any one out there got any ideas for what cake, muffins, brownies etc... we could do? She is thinking a carrot cake, and my self got a craving for cheese cake ... but what ideas/suggestions do you lot have? Any and all welcome ladies and gents :-)

Good evening for now ... I think I may have to put on The Three Amigos tonight hehe :-P

Edited by THE_Dwarf
Trying to sort video links, then listed the search entries ... technology is great, when it works lol
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all


I have finally completed Gracie. And so as always I have uploaded a picture or two of the little beauty prize winning hog'ette. Sorry about the lack of quality in the picture. It was on the iPad - as my parents camera memory card kind of got wiped by my self, so was off with mate being recovered (Luckily 194 Images were able to of been recovered).

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I believe I could of done the glass bottles better in the basket. But to be honest I just wanted her completed. But I thinking it came out okay'ish - the bottles that is.

It is not that clear but I tried to get some of the metal plates/saucepans/dishes that have been attached to Gracie to look more like cast-iron. I remember making the tea-pot 'helmet' and the metal sheeting (With slots in it) on her left hand side to be like cast-iron. So instead of just painting it black I mixed black with some silver to make it darker.

I will try and get a better photo up soon - if my mom lets me use camera again after deleting pictures of her granddaughter/my niece from the card - to try and show the difference.

Santiago Ortega

While I am here and while I was doing a tiny bit of painting on Francesco Ortega I came across my Santiago and so thought I would put him up ...

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I will get a photo up of Santiago along side, the true gun-slinger of the Malifaux-West, Raphael soon. And at some point (When my Ortega and Ophelia crew have been painted - could be a while) get a photo of them both up together.

But Francisco is my current project - it was Robin, but Robin is not coming out too well. Not as well as how Batman came out. But I may just get some Gremlins painted - hopefully.

Bye for now

The lovely'ness that is work is calling me :-P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all

Sorry I have not been here for a while, what with all the sun that England is actually getting (I know, I cannot believe it either) I have not had time to do painting. As I have been enjoying the sunshine ... Stratford River Festival the other weekend, Wolverhampton Show the one just gone - which had MONSTER TRUCKS people, and also a dog show/trial where this young Spaniel really did not like a bail of hay ... anyway ...

On to my post here, sorry no pictures this time. Well I could put pictures up of what my current project is, but sadly it is no Gremerins or anything Malifaux. I am doing a Christmas present (Sorry for mentioning it, but it is past June/July, so closer to Christmas then away, so it is allowed to say the 'C' word right?) for a friend of mine. A Dr Who diorama scene :)

And I am looking for a plinth, depending on price, for it to sit on. And also price dependent, a plaque to go on it with "Alonzie!" (If that is spelt wrong, please some one point it out to me, did rubbish as French GCSE) on it, as it is to me David Tennants Doctors 'catch phrase'.

So my question is ... does any one know, preferably English/UK based, where I can get a plinth for a 120mm circular base?

Any and all help would be great :) even better if there any amateur wood turners out there hehe

Thanks in advance people :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hey all ... it has been a while

*looks at previous post date*

Wow, more than a while since I posted here. But just a quick post that with Malifaux 2E out - which I purchased yesterday along with the cards - I personally vow that I shall paint more and more Gremerins ... and a sword Vikki (For a friend ... eventually lol) ... and post them up on here.

As I still need to do a shot of greenstuff_gav's Gremerins along side my own. Although his little blu'uns would outnumba my gree'uns by a fair few.

Now all I have to decide on is when ... and I mean when and not if ... next play Malifaux what sort of list to go down. As I hear Ophelia is now a Master (Or should it be Master'ess or even Master'ette??) and there is a new Gremerin Master namely the Brewmaster, and a duel faction one of The Hag Za...something. So I shall be reading around on here of what is fun, and also easy to get your head around, playing.

So if any one has any opinions ... please feel free to let me know.

And once again I vow and promise that pictures will be coming soon ... VERY SOON!!

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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys, and girls ...

It has been a while and i am not sure if any one actually still comes in this part of the forum anymore, as before now it is probably slowly sliding down from page 1, to 2, to 3 ... all the way to the basement of this forum ... but hey. So I thought I would revive with some new, well technically new'ish pictures of a diorama i did for a friend for her Christmas present, last year (Sorry for saying the 'C' word in what is practically summer time). It is of Doctor Who - the Doctor (Tennent) and Rose ...


Doctor Who Diorama Flickr Album


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My current project is another Diorama, but this time a basic Captain Scarlet (Models from Crooked Dice - Time Lift collection). It is basically going to be Captain Scarlet and Blue, chasing/looking for Captain black amongst oil barrels.


Captain Scarlet Diorama Flickr Album


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The barrels are done, and the base. Apart from oil leaking and on the base once I have finalised the positioning of the barrels. Speaking of which, any one know good ways of painting realistic looking oil? As I plan on having some leaking out of one of the split and laying down barrels.  And hopefully a foot print or two of Captain Black, if the grid effect is not too far, but then again I could put it on maint struts/beams.


I do have some photos of Captain Blue pretty much complete, and Captain Scarlet and Black - some where on my Google account. I shall get them up on here soon ... oh and along with some Chav Goblins I got ... thinking they could be the city dwelers of the Gremerins :P


All these, and more, are on my Flickr Account, why not a look.


Bye for now all ...

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Thanks Omen Bringer

I used the Typhus Corrosion and the BRIGHT ORANGE dry paint over top to get the rust effect on the grating

I never thought to use the corrosion paint with the Nuln Oil

But wouldn't it be all lumpy?


I shall update with more pictures soon ... I Promise

As this thread seemed to of been forgotten about by my self


Also ... side note

Does any one know how many pictures you can post in one post?

As if it is only a few I shall try and combine multiple pictures together into one


Thanks again

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  • 3 months later...

Hey all ... long time no post


I have completed the Captain Scarlet Diorama for my friends father. He really likes it, and does my friend. I am going to get some proper photos of it soon with my friends good camera ... as she knows how to take a good photo and clean up the back ground and brightness and such on Photoshop. But here are some photos that I have taken quickly the other month.








I have just realised, this is not the final piece. As I did put some more barrels on top of the ones in between Captain Black and Scarlet. I think this was done as a dry'fit test run :)


Now, if any one is unsure what the two white-rings are ... they are The Misteron Rings, which appear over an area they have caused an 'accident' or have taken over a human there ... to then cause an 'accident'. It was my first time trying this luminous way of painting. And sure it could of maybe come out better. But if any one has seen it the rings are quite bright and solid looking.


Anyway ....


My next 'Pait-for-Others' piece is going to be Sumerman (Jim Lee) - once it eventually arrives from Wayland Games ... thats the downside of ordering one item 'in stock' with three others which they need to order in :( be worth the wait though. But I do have a base for him sorted. As I was unsure about what base to put him on. As i was thinking he could be on;

  • Top of a building
  • On the street
  • In a field
  • The Moon (Superman III was it??)

And it wasn't untill visiting Birmingham (UK) Museum to see an exhibition on Rowland Emitt - and subsiquently visiting the rest of the museum - that i saw the perfect idea for the base. And i did not get my inspiration my any fine painting, or exquiset scultpure ... but I got it from the gift shop ... yes the gift shop. It is a rock, one of the semi'seethrough ones you can buy (£1.25) which looks similar to the ones at Supermans North pole (???) base in the films. So he is going to stand atop that, and if need by I will buy some similar stones to break up to fill out the base. I will get photos up on here ... when it arrives :(


Bye for now all!!!!!



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Is it only me who cannot see the above post? Although my email says there is one lol


Anyway, let's see if I a an post some photos of some bases I have done for my Chav Goblins ... I am on my dad's iPad so this could all fog haywire mind ....






I will get photos of the Chav Goblins up once they have more than just some green on ...

And more than just two in the process of being painted but here it a link to the miniatures ...


And came across this little interesting model (in my opinion)


Just need to finish painting my mountain of other stuff ... well start in most cases :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, while my parents were away I as able to get some painting done in the lounge while watching some TV ... would of got more done IF I didn't get distracted by classic Doctor Who on the Horror channel. But here are some rough pictures of the models I have done ... I am going to get better photos up, but I just took these quickly on my dad's iPad ...

Superman (Jim Lee) - Knight Models



J3FF & B3RT - Filbots



I do have a couple of projects in the pipeline, similar to the superman as they are for other people - superman being for my best friend to give to her friend. And I have a Thor model on order to paint for a friend of mine for her Christmas/birthday present (Depending on time scale).

As well a The Walking Dead diorama again for my best friend to give her brother for Christmas. I'll keep you lot updated with progress of this, as well as Thor.

I am also thinking of doing a Ghostbusters diorama too, as I have the models (Crooked Dice). Just have to think of the scene/setting, I was thinking in hotel as the set includes Slimer :)

Bye for now!!

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  • 2 months later...

Hey all ... if any one reads here still ...


I am going to try and keep this going strong and with regular posting as my New Year Resolution (Well one of them) is going to be;

"Do more painting" - short but to the point I know. But I do have loads of models to paint either singular or as a diorama ...



The Walking Dead Diorama - Urban Scene


Anyway, my current project is a Walking Dead Diorama I am doing for my Best Friends (Same one as the Captain Scarlet Diorama), but this time to give to her brother and his girlfriend who are really big fans.


The scene I was going for - as i only watched some of the first series before it got shown on a channel i dont get - was for a pretty much gernic one. That being survivors fighting zombie, simple :) So I looked on the only place I knew where they had some interesting looking zombie (One does stand out as you will see) and also found they had look-a-like's of the characters from the show on - Hassle Free Miniatures - Studio Zombies / Survivors


The Two survivor Characters I went for was Daryl & Ric ...




First thing I painted was the base ... as I have mentioned before in a post above ... I find I can do bases pretty easily and quickly. And it helps for me to get some colour down on teh base so that I can start to piece the whole scene together mentally.



It is an oval base, it is the only sculted urban base of any decent size I could find that could pass as an Amaerican Street. As the other round bases all were too sci-fi or to cobble'stoney (Like in Doctor Who Diorama)


 I then worked on the the survivors (After replacing the chainsword-hand with a more normal one on the rick model) -  this is mainly as at the time I was not sure how I'd painting the zombie flesh.




I only have one picture of a zombie on his own. This one, and all of them were going to be standing up moving towards Daryl & Ric. But upon closer inspection there was not much, or little, contact there would be from his tiptoes to the base. And i doubt i could of get a pin into the foot without breeching through the top. So he soon became victim to Ric's shot gun in the final cut shall we say.




I believe I could of done the final stages better and have the base some more depth with more rubbish and such but this was a time factor sadly. And as recently I have not been in the mood to paint regulary, time fell short. As it being a Christmas present - and how scarily fast this whole year has gone I wanted it finished and not risk it over running.


But here is the final product. I shall get some Better pictures soon, I promise, as these were taken on my dads iPad quickly to show my friend.



I have just thought that I may get some mud put on the base to grub it up some. Like dry nrush some browns over in places, and also add some of the Typhus Corrosion in places and drybrush browns to be like dirt as looking at the base the slabs at least look way too light to be abandond without a road sweep for a good number of years. Sadly I son't have any loose leaves and such I can use, althogh I do have some dried grass tufts I am now thinking of adding in the gutter by the drain. As it feels it needs something else to add some character.


I will also add blood splatter to and around teh zombie who has been gunned down. Most likely use an old stiff brish or toothbrush for that I think.


Once I have made these amendments I shall post some more and better pictures. And I shall also mention about my upcoming painting ideas and dioramas I have in the pipeline.


Bye for now all ...



Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors - it is pretty late here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all

Firstly I hope you all had a Merry christmas ... or for my American readers hope you had some Happy Holidays :) and I hope you have something good planned for New Yesr tonight!!


The Walking Dead Diorama - Urban Scene


Well, I finally finished The Walking Dead (Urban) Diorama for my best friends brother for Christmas. Finished it on the day before Christmas Eve - which was my deadline. I only had to add some details to the base to make it look more abandoned and so i added the following;

  • Oil slick/spill
  • Flooded drain
  • Mud on pavement
  • Added gore (Green) to the Zombies

Below are some better photos of the diorama I took with my camera, instead of the iPad. So hoping they came out better :)












If you wish to have some close ups of any, then look at the album (Links on teh images)


My next project is the Marvel Charactor Thor for my Girlsfriends Birthday in January 2015. Currently just completing the cape. But I shall post more in the New Year.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Afternoon all

I hope you are all having a great 2015 ... with lots planned


Well, I thought I would show you photos of my latest miniature which I mentioned in my previous post.Well he is finished - although he nearly come to a crashing end the other week while shoiwn gmy best friend, which he was in his plinth. Luckily she caught it in her hand ... but my heart was in my throat when it happened.








The snow, I am proud of, it is GW/Citadels Mourn Mountain Snow paint, and i know you can make snow using PVA glue and baking soda I believe. But I was being lazy to be honest. but I added some watered down blkue wash, followed by a dry brush of white to pick out the peaks of snow again.


I am going to get working on the rural Walking Dead Diorama for my friend Olivia in the coming weeks. As all I have for it now is the base base coated in brown. But I may add some texture and some little mounds and such so it is not totally flat. So I will break our my green stuff i think. But I shall post some pictures as it comes along.


Bye for now.




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Thanks, just please ignore teh face - or lack of

I hate doing tiny faces, only faces I can kinda do is more cartoony ones, scuh as my Orc Big Boss

Which is on an earlier page - but only a side shot

I may repost better pictures


But got good at capes, least red ones, after a GW emmployee and mate got me painting my Asuremen cape till it was as good as humanly possible - for me at least

I shall have to dig it out


But I am going to try and get back to some Gremerin painting soon

It just find the time - and being the right mood to paint them

If you get me

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  • 2 months later...

Afternoon all ...


I have been busy painting again ... and once again for other people. This time it is for my cousins 21st Birthday. Well bit belated, but as they say "Better late than never"


She is a big Alice in Wonderland fan and in the summer I looked for a miniature I could paint for her - with my love for painting for others I currently have. But I was only able to find a small mini of Alice and The White Rabbit - I forget where from - but it would of cost me double to get it sent over over from USA than it was to buy the miniatures. So that was out of teh question. So I gave up ... be grudgingly :(


That was untill 10 days prior to her actual Birthday, when my sister came over with my niece (That was a tiring day - as when my niece is over, she pretty much demands Uncle Rob to play non-stop) and asked about what we could get her. So then I decided to google Alice miniatures to paint - but this time on Google Images. Looking for hopefully a single miniature which did not look like a one off scult, or conversion etc... and after adding more and more to the search engine to try and refine my search ...


I came across a great diorama that some one had compiled ... let me see if i can find the picture/blog again



This can be found at the blog of eBob Miniatures - Wordpress Blog


This diorama looks stunning. But annoyingly I did not, and still don't, know if it all bought as one or collected from different miniautre companies. Either way, with about 10days to her Birthday I had no chance in hell to get it (If it was orderable as one) delivered ad painted. So my hunt kept on ...


Thats when I added more to my search thread and came across a steampunk scult of Alice and the White Rabbit



The blog article can be found at Dark Prophet Chronicles - Blogspot Blog

The minature can be bought from Guild of Harmony - Steampunk Alice


But it wasn't what I wanted, I want a more classic looking Alice to paint for my Cousin. And that is when I came across this single miniature of Alice holding The Cheshire Cat - complete with MASSIVE grin!!



The blog article where I first saw this model can be found at - Anatolisgameroom - Alice & Chesire Cat

The model can be bought from Hasslefree miniatures - Alys


I have browsed Hasslefree Miniatures website numerous time and bought a number of items from them in the past. Weird how i never saw this miniature in the past. But I knew this was model to get ... and i had a nice base done and ready for her to go onto once complete.


And here is the finished product - after she decided to jump off the base while showing her off to best friend ... Grrrrr!! ... but luckily no chips or anything ...


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Full album featuring Hasslefree Miniaturtes I have completed can be found here - RobMcPhillips Flickr - Hasslefree Miniaures Album


I 'copied' the base rim idea from the blog I spotted her on. And just added my signiature (RMc) to the rim, insteadof trying to fir in 'Alice' and it comines out rubbish. The base, from Fenris Games, was already done (Minus the rim) and ready to go. Shame my painting skills are not the previous Alice's previously seen in this post.


I hope she likes the model - when I next get to see her. And more importantly I hope Alice decide not to jump off her base again.


My next painting project I have on the horizen - when it gets delivered - is from MyWay Miniatures and is the Ninja Turtles'esque Squad with Display Base


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