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Walpurgis 3 Swag and Terrain Blog (Custom fate deck, cool terrain, and more!)


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So, the swag looks amazing. I wish I could hop the states to get from NY to WA. :P

Also, since it isn't technically a Wyrd piece, are you allowed to tell us stats for Mordecai Wolfe, and are you willing to divulge? I kind of want to proxy a plague doctor custom and I'd either love to make use of your idea or, barring that I'd like a starting off point. :)

~Lil Kalki

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The rules for the Plague Doctor, and the tournament, that includes the scenarios and backstory from last year, The Incident at Mining Station 17, are available here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?32090-Walpurgis-2-Story-Encounters-Incident-at-Mining-Station-17

I'm pretty sure the story encounters from the first year, The Strange Case of Phineas Tillinghast, are also posted up somewhere. As will this years scenarios, once the tournament has finished. Enjoy!

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Some more progress.

Here are some of the gravestones. I had tried to do a gravestone design contest, but ended up getting zero responses. Alas, I went to town with Illustrator and made some homages to some fictional and real idols. See if you can catch the references! Designed by me, cut by Advanced Deployment out of MDF.


Here's what two of the graveyard sets look like assembled and painted. Each participant gets enough for three of the wall sections and three bases of tombstones.


Here's Nathan Lough's ground-bursting wyrm with a lick or two of paint on it:




The cards came in! These were generously donated by Mark Dieter and the others at Through the Breach Podcast. They turned out absolutely gorgeous!


Here's a group shot of the completed swag going to each participant so far. I didn't include the turn counter yet, as I'm in the process of painting it. The widget was designed and cut by Advanced Deployment - it has surfaces that are 1, 2, 3, and 4 inches wide. It makes it easy to measure melee distances without having to try and squeeze a tape measure into awkward spaces. Not done yet ...there's still more to add!


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I'm hoping to move up to the North Seattle area in a few years... I can't wait to go to this con. My cards arrived on Friday, and I got to try them out, on Saturday. They look good, feel good, the suites are OBVIOUS. I can't say enough good about them. Thank you.

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Yea! I'm glad folks like it (both the stuff being produced for the tournament, and the cards).

Re: Walpurgis vs. Adepticon - different beasts entirely! Adepticon is an enormous mini wargaming convention, that has a good variety of Malifaux events. Individual tournaments, team tournaments, etc. Certainly enough going on to play Malifaux for all 4 days. Walpurgis is definitely NOT a con - it's more of an "event". A specific narrative played out over the course of two days in a loose, tournament format. Nothing else going on but that one event, though we aim to make it pretty incredible. Apples and oranges, I think. Depends on what you're after. The only solution is to play in them both!

Glad the cards are working out! Working with Richelieu has been great.

No plans whatsoever to re-do the strategy and scheme decks. This year's reprinting was only done under duress due to needing to update for the new book. I hope Wyrd picks up the idea and runs with it!

Re: the fate deck, AFAIK, there will not be a reprint, but if you're interested in any more remaining copies, I'd check with Richelieu.

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Howdy, all - another update. I'm very, very excited to announce a new sponsor to Walpurgis: Troll Forged Miniatures. Ed Fortae and the good folks at Troll Forged produce all kinds of cool stuff, and have lately really expanded in to production casting with a newly-developed process of roto-casting plastic. Their work can be seen on a number of Kickstarters and boutique miniature companies, including Impact Miniatures, Mythos Foundry, Kingdom: Death, Raging Heroes, and Red Box Miniatures. Heck, even the Warhamster's own Nathan Lough has done some work for their Sculpting Collective, in the form of some Hoth-themed guardsmen. More recently, Troll Forged completed a successful Kickstarter campaign of their own, funding the sculpting of what promises to be the coolest alien miniature line the wargaming community has ever seen, Alien Assimilation Host.

Ed and the folks at Troll Forged have generously provided a number of limited edition, metal casts of the alien grubs from their Assimilation Host line. Each participant will get one, and a handful of extras will be put on the prize table for some lucky participant to walk away with. These will serve as the juvenile form of "The Dwellers Beneath", one of the creatures the participants will have to contend with. The miniatures were sculpted by Ed Fortae, and cast by Troll Forged.

Just one surprise left, and I think we're about done with the swag (the Stuff We All Get, that is). I'll be working on getting the turn counter and the grubs painted up so that, by the time the last piece arrives, I can take a photo of the entire loot pile in one fair swoop.

Now some pictures!

There are 5 different body sculpts and 5 different head sculpts - it should provide tons of variation.



Here's a shot with our friendly neighborhood gunslinger to show scale.


And here's the lifecycle of the Dwellers Beneath, from egg, to juvenile, to adolescent (both burrowed and emerging from the ground), and a full grown adult.


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Got mine last week and I LOVE it. Love the feel of the cards and the artwork is stupendous.

Misaki being the Red Joker after I just spent a long league playing Ten Thunders, and a lot of her specifically, made me very happy. I've wanted good scheme cards for so long. The artwork may not be my favourite (actually wish the style matched the fate deck more, but I understand an older version, etc.) but if you do another version next year, I may well buy it as well. At this point, I'm collecting fate decks and intend to just keep on going.

Thank you guys for the awesome work. I hope everyone enjoys the event itself when it comes! The rest of us will enjoy the cards elsewhere.

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Whew! Swag has been finalized. There’s still some stuff finishing up production, but we know what it will all be. Here’s a painted version of the Turn/Soulstone counter:


We had some scratch left over, and I’ve always gotten the feedback that folks would rather have more swag than more elaborate things on the prize table. As such, I figured wargaming and drinking go hand-in-hand. I mean, you have to stay … err … hydrated, right? As such, folks will be getting this stylish 22 oz stainless steel Warhamster waterbottle:


Here are some of the Grubs (with paint, this time!) provided by Ed and the folks at Troll Forged. There’s a variety of head and body types. These are limited-edition metal casts of some figures that will be released as Troll Forged’s incredible Assimilation Host Kickstarter:



Finally, here’s the swag back each participant will be getting (their’s will be unpainted, of course):


Holy, cow, that’s a lot of loot! The final tally (and credits) is:

1 Through the Breach Podcast Fate Deck

1 metal Wyrm Grub (by Troll Forged Miniatures)

1 plastic Emerson Goodfellow miniature (by Warlord Games)

1 MDF Turn/Soulstone Counter (designed by Jim Graham, cut by Advanced Deployment)

3 resin 30mm Wyrm Egg Markers (sculpted by Jim Graham)

2 resin 50mm Wyrm Maw Markers (sculpted by Jim Graham)

1 resin Wyrm (sculpted by Nathan Lough)

1 resin Grand Maw (sculpted by Jim Graham)

3 MDF Broken Stone Walls (designed by Jim Graham, cut by Advanced Deployment)

3 MDF Gravestone Bases (designed by Jim Graham, cut by Advanced Deployment)

1 acrylic Measuring Widget with 1, 2, 3, & 4” measures (designed and cut by Advanced Deployment)

1 Bellingham Warhamster Water Bottle

Next task is finishing up the scenarios and player's pack, and getting the MDF terrain pre-assembled for folks. Whew!

Edited by JMGraham
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I just got a pack of the scheme / strategy original deck at AdeptiCon from a fine gent who had a spare. I wish I had seen the ordering back when it was posted. I am very sad to have missed out on the expansion set. If anyone has an extra, I would be interested in buying it depending on price. Thanks and great work on the stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Apologies for the delay in this.

What a great weekend! Thanks again to everyone who came out and gave Walpurgis their all. I hope folks were having fun - given the amount of cheering and laughing, it certainly seemed like it. The results are listed below. Best Gunslinger was decided by total VP, then TP, then DIFF. Best Looking was voted on by all of the players (3 points for top appearance vote, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd). Best Storyteller was decided by an end-of-tourney vote for your top 3 favorite opponents of the weekend (3 points for top, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd - ties went to the player with the highest VP). Wooden Spoon went to the player with the lowest VP (Riley didn't play on day 2). Note also that I (Jim) recused myself from any awards based on VP because I found out after my last game that I had been playing my crew without taking into account the bury errata (that burying removes someone from a companion chain). I'm not sure that it made a huge difference, but I know I did it wrong at least two times in my last game. Completely my fault for not closely tracking errata. Mea Culpa!

Loren (of the Warhamsters) took TONS of photos, but it'll take me a long while to get them sorted and posted. Watch this space for more info!

[code] VP Paint Favorite Mark H Resser Nicodem 38 1 4 Best Gunslinger, Best of Faction: Ressers Ryan G Outcasts Leveticus 37 6 4 Best of Faction: Outcast Jim Neverborn Dreamer 32 51 8 Best Looking Darren Outcasts Viktorias 29 0 1 Tylre Resser Yan Lo 29 3 12 Best of Faction: Ten Thunders Sean Resser Nicodem 29 0 15 Best Storyteller Shayne Outcasts VonSchill 27 3 4 Blaine Arcanist Mei Feng 25 28 5 Best of Faction: Arcanist Ryan B Guild Lady J 25 0 5 Best of Faction: Guild Josh C Neverborn J Lynch 25 5 8 Best of Faction: Neverborn Corey Outcasts Viktorias 25 2 14 Ray Outcasts Somer T. 24 0 12 Andy W Guild Perdita 24 41 1 Andy B Arcanist Marcus 23 1 3 Dan Outcasts Viktorias 22 2 4 Josh V Arcanist Rasputina 22 15 3 Jon Outcasts Ophelia 21 4 3 Mark S Outcasts VonSchill 21 0 7 Chris H Arcanist Marcus 21 2 15 Andy M Guild Lady J 20 27 8 Chris P Guild L McCabe 20 9 5 Glen Outcasts Viktorias 20 0 1 Derk Outcasts Somer 19 1 14 Flynn Outcasts VonSchill 19 15 2 Ellie Neverborn Lilith 19 0 6 Christo Neverborn Zoraida 19 0 10 Josh N Arcanist Ramos 18 1 14 Bennett Outcasts Somer 18 4 10 Ricky Resser Seamus 16 0 3 Adam Neverborn Zoraida 15 6 11 Brenden Resser Nicodem 15 0 1 Terry Outcasts Viktorias 14 0 2 Jamie Neverborn J Lynch 13 4 14 Wooden Spoon Riley Arcanist Ramos 9 0 4 [/code]

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