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2013 Hobby Resolutions


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I've seen similar threads in a few other places and thought it might be fun to post one here. The idea is to make an official new year resolution about the hobby - declaring number of miniatures/crews you're planning to paint, games/tournaments etc. After that the thread becomes forgotten for the whole year only to be brought back at the end of 2013. Some find it an incentive to deal with their painting backlogs, some are depressed by how unrealistic their resolutions were ;) It can work both ways.

Since I started this thread, here are my hobby resolutions for 2013:

1. Deal with my Malifaux backlog (right now it amount to 29 assembled and primed minis and that will be my priority). I also have two bigger models that are only assembled now and one that's not even taken out of the box so these may have to wait longer and I'm not declaring them here ;) Dealing with my backlog means that I will paint at least two new crews (I have the Ortegas and Dark Debts primed).

2. Play more games of Malifaux than this year. It shouldn't bw that hard as I haven't really played that much yet.

And that's it from me. I think that these goals are realistic enough for me. They may seem too conservative but I have to add in my defense that I paint commissions (mostly for collectors but that's somewhere between 200 to 300 minis a year) and nest year I'll be moving to a new flat with my wife so there won't be that much time for painting.

Let's see if the idea of hobby resolutions catches on here, I'm looking forward to seeing what other people come up with!


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I, too, have a backlog, and if I don't have much of one presently, I certainly will soon. Thus, we share that resolution, if only in a general sense.

The models I have to paint are:

the Dreamer




Stitched Together x2

Daydream x3

The models I have to prime (and everything above) are:

the contents of The Thunder

the contents of The Rail Crew

Rail Golem


The models I have to assemble (and everything above) are:

Guild Riflemen x3

and models which will be added to this list, in every way, will be:

Oiran x3*

Ten Thunders Archers x3*



the contents of The Relic Hunters**

Guild Pathfinder

Clockwork Trap x6

the contents of Masters of the Path



The Depleted x3


*These may already be at my house right now. I am presently elsewhere till New Years Eve.

**I will not have these until Jan. 20 the earliest.

these will come in in the order they are released. I was initially going to wait for my order of battlefoam to come in so I could store everything better in my bag (which presently lacks foam, so I improvise with other *safe* means), but I've been waiting for my store to get it since a week prior to Black Friday and still they have nothing. Thus, I'll have to get cracking, asap (which is conveniently January 1st, if I can help it).

Anyway, for me, with school and all being a driving force for me (and therefore taking up a lot of my time), I may need to leave my resolutions at that. Thankfully I have more primer to make use of, and some new paints if I run out of my other supply. I might be finished by next Christmas, who knows? :P

~Lil Kalki

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My resolution for 2013 is to paint something every week. For starters I have my two Malifaux crews (Rasputina and Lilith), and some additional Arcanists models that are on their way to my painting desk. Then there is this huge backlog of my warmachine to be painted (around 90 models in total), not to mention a horde of rats that's been sitting on the shelf for over a year.

Then there are some scale models, a few diorama's I had in mind, and all of the competition pieces I do (not that I ever win anything).

And since I do have a life, i will be more than happy if i manage to do 5% of all I listed in 2013 :)

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New year's still several hours away so keep these coming ;) Actually, I think it would make sense to keep adding your goals for a week or two more (a bit of a stretch but they could still count as new year's resolutions ;) ). It's usually fun to look at threads like this one from a year's perspective, says a lot about involvement in the hobby ;)

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In order of importance:

1) Paint up Malifaux figs until complete (it's maybe 50 figs at most???)

2) Organize Monthly Malifaux events besides Friday Night Open Play

3) Assemble Flames of War Brits, increase to 1500 points with Stuarts and Rifle Platoon

4) Paint remaining 30 points of Trolls to have over 100 points of painted Trolls

5) Assemble and paint Endless Figs when released

6) Get my Vampire Counts back from friend who assembled them for me.

Gaming Wise

1) Play more Everything

2) Play only what I enjoy

3) Sell anything that isn't bringing me happiness on the table (not just win records)

Buying Wise:

1) Don't buy anything new until that army/faction/system is fully painted and based.

2) Don't back a kickstarter until a previous kickstarter has been fulfilled by that company completely.

Selling Wise:

1) Every 6 months (February and August), evaluate what hasn't been touched in 6 months and put it on eBay or the swap shop.

2) If someone will play with it more than you will, cut them a deal or give it away.

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  • 1 year later...

Alright, time to dig up this old thread and see how unrealistic our resolutions were. Mine look as follows:

1. Deal with my Malifaux backlog (right now it amount to 29 assembled and primed minis and that will be my priority). I also have two bigger models that are only assembled now and one that's not even taken out of the box so these may have to wait longer and I'm not declaring them here ;) Dealing with my backlog means that I will paint at least two new crews (I have the Ortegas and Dark Debts primed).

This one was a big success. Dark Debts were done in February. The Ortegas are all painted up and ready for... sale :) I plan to use to plastic crew as I like it more so this one will probably end up on ebay when I finally receive my order from Wyrd Games.


I've also managed to deal with my all of my Malifaux painting backlog. Some of the higlights would have to include Mr Graves, New LJ crew, aJustice, aPerdita. I've been a big fan of Wyrd plastics since their release and I enjoy painting these minis more with each new purchase. I've increased the backlog but at the same time I've been consistent in working on it.

In total I painted 191 miniatures in 2013. It's a worse result than 238 from 2012 but it's still a pretty solid number.

2. Play more games of Malifaux than this year. It shouldn't bw that hard as I haven't really played that much yet.

:1_Exhausted_Puppet::ShortLeg_Puppet: no games of Malifaux at all in 2013 for me...

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