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Gremlin shopping list


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About a month ago i decided to venture into playing the green skinned bumpkins and got myself a good sized collection. However I'm not sure what else to get or what my priorities should be

Currently I have:

Somer Box

Ophelia box

2 mosquitos

3 young la croix

1 egg hauler

1 hog whisperer

4 piglets

So what should my next purchases be and what should i avoid. Also do i need any more slop haulers or is the 1 good enough?

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What you get next really depends on how you want to play them. Things like the Pigapult, taxidermist, or Mctavish will depend on if you're palying Som'er more towards pigs or gremlins. About the only general purpose suggestion I could make would be going up to 4 skeeters, and a blister of gremlins. Skeeters are rare 4, and 8 gremlins should give you all the bodies you'll need. Omenbringer and Dumb Luck put some useful info on starting gremlins in my Budget Outcast thread, so you may find some helpful info there.

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I too went with the Gremlins. I picked up Somers box, a blister of gremilins, 2 skeeters. Later I picked up all the Lacroix's This way I can either summon more skeeters or gremlins with the the Lacrioxs up field to gun down the enemy.

Also I grabbed the pigapult with some piglets and stuffed piglets just for fun. Being able to fling a gremlin or a pig 24" is awesome!

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Also I grabbed the pigapult with some piglets and stuffed piglets just for fun. Being able to fling a gremlin or a pig 24" is awesome!

One of the guys from my local shop pigapulted Ophelia who landed on her feet and blew Lilith's face off. That was about the funniest moment I've seen in our circle.

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Taxidermist and Pigapult would be useful.

I would add two blisters of Stuffed Piglets to that list (as required purchases with the Taxidermist).

One Slop Hauler is fine but I would recommend doubling up on both Piglet and Gremlin blisters.

I would agree with this recomendation as well as it isn't uncommon to have 5+ Bayou Gremlins or Piglets on the field at one time. I would also add 2 more skeeters to this recommendation (and unless they decide to fix it a blister of Malifaux Rats as well, though I detest the practice it is viable).

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One of the guys from my local shop pigapulted Ophelia who landed on her feet and blew Lilith's face off. That was about the funniest moment I've seen in our circle.

Heck yeah the pigapult is awesome for launching Ophelia for objectives or getting someone in to finish off a master. I once had the Deliver a Message strategy and went through 5 Bayous do it, after that though it was all stuffed piglets and Lacroix gun blasting.

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If you play mostly Ophelia I think McTavish and a second slop hauler is worth it. I went to gen con with only my Ophelia crew, and was happy with it. Its the lacroix crew, young, bayou, McTavish and a blister of slop haulers.

The pigapault and taxidermist list fun, but needs a bit of an investment to get everything needed.

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If you play mostly Ophelia I think McTavish and a second slop hauler is worth it. I went to gen con with only my Ophelia crew, and was happy with it. Its the lacroix crew, young, bayou, McTavish and a blister of slop haulers.

I would agree that with Slop Haulers you generally need to hire two as otherwise they strugle to keep up with and heal the crew round after round (with two you can bound them past each other and get the benefit every turn). It is a huge hiring cost though and really only makes sense in an Ophelia crew where healing is not a prevalent ability (With Som'er at the wheel and a Hog Whisperer backing him up (healing pigs) they lose a lot of value).

They also only really make sense with the Kin models due to their higher survivability, as Bayou Gremlins tend to die before they can be healed (and a smart opponent will focus on killing them in an Ophelia crew because she has no way to bring them back, against Som'er this is a bit less effective).

Just a Taxidermist list itself is pretty good. I find adding in extras like the Pult chews too far into your points.

This is definately the secret with Gremlins in general, you really have to limit your hiring of support or you wont have enough staple models to buff.

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