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crapy pics of terrain...< image heavy>


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Made these this week for a Malif event at my local gamestore. Nothing special about them (especially in when needed to finish them in a week.) But my ability is slightly improving. Anyway figured maybe someone might like to see. Have mercy on the horrid quality photos. Im way too cheap to buy a better cellphone for better pics...



Hotel, barbershop, general supply shop





side shot of stairs and follws is the back of the building row.



parttime Townhall/school/church and mayors office




didnt realize this one so blurry, but I did like how the wire work over the windows came out



Dont ask me how I got this wavy effect.. apparently I was born to be special effct photographer.. but as see bellow the building

is not that way


Edited by harbinger
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Damn dude your buildings look fantastic, wish I could do that.

"nothing special" my ass!! Those are awesome. And in one week? I've been working on three buildings for several weeks and they're not even painted yet.

I know, it drives me crazy when I see people say things like "oh I just threw these together, there not that great" or "I didn't have much time to work on these the paint job is nothing special". Then they show you there stuff and it's so well done it's insane. Half the time I don't know if the people making those types of comments are serious or just saying that so they don't sound self-centered. If your good at something then just take pride in it, don't devalue your own work.

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What did you use for your flat 'tar' roofs? I relaly like the look and it seems like it would be easy (is it just felt or other fabric?).

Looks great!

wet/dry sandpaper primed and then painted black again ;)

It really is easy as you thought and comes out looking exactly like tar, especially if you apply "spills" here and there for an authentic look.

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Yea, very cool. Very nicely done. I second (or is it third) the request for a tutorial... maybe you could just build one more and take pics at stages and talk about materials/techniques. It'd be simpler than a blog and people could still get a good idea how you pulled these off.

And I know what you mean on the feeling that your stuff isn't as good as everyone says. The people at my game store things my minis are painted amazingly well, whereas I'd call most of them just above average (although there are one or two I'm proud of). But after years of seeing Golden Daemon minis, perhaps my standards are skewed.

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